I made my girlfriend play this. She was very sad and very upset that she was made to take some paths (couldn't keep repeating the same outcome) but ultimately found her chosen ending to be really sweet.

I think the attention of minor detail that this game has, despite it's rather short length, make the experience extremely unique and sweet.

I received Beacon Pines through my purchase with the Humble Bundle, and though I had seen it on my Playstation+ subscription + Gamepass quite a bit, I had never given it a try. Something about the art style always threw me off.

Yesterday I finally tried it, and was instantly hooked. Beacon Pines is a story about a mysterious town with a well-kept secret and a 12 year old boy named Luca who gets himself involved in it. It sports a variety of timelines for the player to jump and back forth from, making different choices along the way to avoid tragedy. Beacon Pines is not only unique in it's presentation and gameplay, it's also intriguing and has a fun cast of characters.

The only complaint I have is that near the end it drags on for quite a while only to end rather abruptly, as such the 3.5 instead of 4 stars. I definitely recommend giving Beacon Pines a try if you're into mystery games or just into games that try to do something unique.


There's a lot to like here, and there's a lot to dislike. The problem with Lake is not in it's set-up. It's a cozy game, so if the thought of driving around in a van, getting out and delivering packages is not for you then you'll be sorely disappointed. That's what it says on the tin - and that's what it is.

However, Lake incites you with characters that seem to have charming designs and personalities, but takes no time or has no time to go in depth with these. Frequently when I thought Meredith would experience a problem with a character or a struggle, she didn't. Her boss Steve, who bothers her multiple times while she's on holiday is seen in a sympathetic light. Most of the other characters like Lori or Angie have minor stories that show no real struggle or development besides Angie being your 'moving away' ending and Lori having a single scene where you form a relationship with her.

Aesthetically and on paper I think lake has a lot of things going for it. But in practice it's just not polished enough. There's nothing here to entice me and I was glad when the credits rolled for the third time after I obtained my platinum trophy.

Don't waste your time.

A short game about a woman with early onset dementia who forgets the events that have led up to here. A very short game, worth experiencing if you've got an hour to spare and a humble choice experience. Not anything I haven't seen before or haven't seen better before, but still worth it I believe.

There's something to be said about rereleasing a game three different times.

This is the ultimate Persona 3 experience, and though the faults of Persona 3 (Tartarus, Slow story start and forgettable social links) are still present, I can with all honesty say that the style, gameplay and story all make-up for it tenfold. The new cast does a phenomenal job at bringing their characters to life and I haven't had this much fun with a turn-based RPG since Baldur's Gate 3 in mid-2023.

Play this game.

Insomniac does it again - delivering a superhero experience I've only ever seen done to this extend in Spider-man ps4 and Infamous: Second son.

I think this game has been praised to hell and back, so I'll mark my few minor nitpicks here
- The relationship between MJ and Harry seems unpolished, and MJ feels like a story device for Peter's development for a large part of this game
- Peter's suits are honestly a little disappointing, and a lot of them felt like things we'd seen before.
- Peter feels significantly weaker than Miles without Symbiote/Venom powers. The Spider-arms could have been tweaked better.
- There was definitely some interesting filler (collectible) content, but I still felt there was too much useless stuff in it.
- I wish there were more interactions between both Miles and Peter in the free roaming. Frequently as Peter would Miles come help me with crimes, but I never saw this the other way around.

The rest of the game is absolutely phenomenal, and I'd say better than both Spider-Man Ps4 and Miles Morales. I will be playing Spider-Man 3 when it comes out in 20 years on the Playstation 8

In a world where modern video games have become so empty and drained of substance, Baldur's gate 3 genuinely made me excited to play a video game every single day I had a chance to do so again.

Now, after finishing it after a ridiculous 200+ hours I can genuinely say it is one of the best games I've played in a long long time. It genuinely is that good.

It had performance issues, especially in Act 3 (Even worse so in the actual ending) but that didn't take away from my experience playing it and the genuine joy I felt on the journey through it. 4.5, but only because of the genuinely awful performance/memory leak issues in the final sequence.

Please. If you can play this game, play this game.