Words alone cannot describe this fever dream, so instead here's a clip of my favourite moment:
(Very minor spoiler warning for a puzzle but trust me it's not worth it)

Game where you get to destroy shit as a Dalek. Could've been metal af, shame it's a flash game. Still probably the most interesting Dr Who game just on premise alone.

The hell level was a formative childhood experience.

Yes, the gameplay is atrocious. Yes, I gave it a higher score than it deserves because it's a Japanese furry rhythm game with pre-rendered 90s FMV cutscenes and is somewhat reminiscent of the musical "Cats".

I love the detailed whimsical world which contrasts nicely with the dark authoritarian regime. In the modern age of AAA megascans asset flips it feels refreshing to come back to a game where every texture was hand painted - with thought as to the art direction and function of the world being built.

Admittedly my drive to play this was off the back of loving Rayman 2's art and it did not disappoint. I even tried to go through all the artists in the credits of both, to see if any had worked on other projects with a similar feel after this, but didn't have any luck. I guess Ancel's team in the late 90's just had a magic spark.

All that praise said, the story was fun but predictable. As everyone has mentioned: despite the name of the game, morality is completely black and white. Boring, but comfortable - like an action movie.

The gameplay was hit and miss, I liked the photography and the puzzles where you had to interact with the environment, some of those made me think for a minute but I never found them obtuse. The stealth and combat were very one note, but that's ok.

Overall a great game, most of my enjoyment came from existing in the world itself and absorbing the vibe.

The central space station is so visually stunning, I just wish we saw more of it!! The combat system is also fantastic, though a little overwhelming at first. Story was good - I was hoping the insane robots would be a little more unhinged than they were, but it kept my interest throughout.
- 1 star because both the night sections and hacking minigame feel pretty drawn out and repetitive on a typical playthrough.

A better game than the base game. I spent more hours making levels for this than I did in any other game with a level creator, including LittleBigPlanet, Roblox etc.

It doesn't have infinite freedom like a game such as Dreams does, but you can get pretty expressive with the building prefabs if you know how. I think that pushing the limits of what you can do with the tool is half the appeal - it's like trying to draw well in MS Paint.