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Hi-Fi Rush does the unthinkable. The protagonist drops a "Well, that just happened." And I smiled.

Maybe I'm biased because "Devil May Cry except a rhythm game" was actually my dream video game, but this game just feels so right. Even the platforming bits where you have the DMC jump that feels horrible to control in the air, I enjoyed. It feels like the developers finished the game, then went back and tried to find ways to make the worst parts not feel like a problem. Platforming doesn't affect your score. QTEs can be failed and don't hurt your score too much. All that matters is staying on beat and getting big ass combos.

The story and characters are actually funny. Red alert. Yes, it's a bit Whedon, but that shit can actually be funny in a blue moon if:

The protagonist is a likeable idiot instead of attempting to be "badass". See No More Heroes.

The game actually has well animated, physical comedy. Do developers think characters falling on their face or getting sucker punched and flying away like Team Rocket ISN'T funny?

If I had one issue, it's the pacing between boss fights. There's one in chapter 2 that's great, and then you don't get another until the end of chapter 7, and those chapters are the longest ones in the game. So a lot of the best gameplay moments are back-loaded. But since early game has a lot of the funniest bits, it works out.

Hi-Fi Rush is a gem, likely my GOTY, and kudos to Microsoft for closing the Bethesda deal fast enough to pretend they had anything to do with it.

Rule 1 of Backloggd: Never expect quality from a game Sonic fans are calling "surprisingly good".

Superstars is a mediocre 3DS game walking like a 60 dollar release. Just because they copied Sonic Mania's physics doesnt excuse the massive downgrade in level design, horrible boss fights and tone deaf soundtrack. I do like some ideas here, like Emeralds giving you powers you can use during levels, but they're half broken and half useless, so I see why it hasn't been done before.

This game would be fine if it came out in 2014 for the 3DS or Vita, but it's kind of pathetic to play now after Mario Wonder. Arzest and Sonic Team continue to be the most incompetent game developers still in business. To give it some credit, I enjoyed it far more than last year's "Sonic First Unreal Engine Project."

When Sephiroth said "Do you know the way" and I burst out laughing, I realized I have the internet equivalent of Mako poisoning.

Beyond Good and Evil has been a bit of a mythical game for me. Ever since I was a kid reading Nintendo Power, I've known about how good it allegedly is, and now that I've played it?

It's about as good as a 2003 semi-open world game can get. That's not exactly glowing praise, but the game is really solid in a lot of places. The world design is incredibly creative, leaning into sci-fi and cyberpunk just enough without feeling like a lazy pastiche of established media tropes. The music is great too, going from reggae, metal, latin, or whatever the mood calls for without feeling pigeonholed into "generic orchestrral score". It's Christophe Héral at his best.

So on the whole, it's artistically fantastic, especially for 2003. It feels at least 4 years ahead of its time graphically and has aged really well. The gameplay, however, is really just about fine. Combat is simple, mash A and rarely dodge an attack with B. Stealth is either too easy or obnoxious depending on if you get insta killed for getting seen. It's not very well done stealth gameplay, frankly.

The main two issues with the game for me are the by the numbers story and (less importantly), the forced widescreen on a Gamecube game that doesn't fill the screen on a CRT or an HDTV. So enjoy 3/4 of your screen as much as possible. The story, though, is about the most basic conspiracy plot you'll see. Government colluding with evil aliens, you spend the game gathering photo evidence and instantly get your rebel army for the end boss. The title of "Beyond Good and Evil" is a bit misleading given how binary the concept is in-game. But I liked the characters and world enough to look past it.

Since Beyond Good and Evil 2 is officially vaporware, I'm a little miffed about the rushed sequel hook ending as well. All they needed to do was put some more satisfying closure shots on Hillys and remove that post credits scene and it would be fine.

Beyond Good and Evil is worth playing out of respect for Michel Ancel's direction, even if the actual game is just a short Zelda with less interesting gameplay and a rushed final act.

i simp for cyan but this was just alright. gorgeous worlds and fun puzzles, but missing a lot of the "cyan magic" imo. barely any books/notes to read. audio-log exposition from a single narrator felt weak. general story and climax felt cool but should've been executed better. i like the world they built, but i think it had poor world-building. also worth noting it was WILDLY buggy, including an issue where a third of the game was experienced without the narrator, the only source of story lmao. but my score doesn't reflect performance/bug issues.

would still recommend as it's priced reasonably anyway. just wished it was better.

Those posts on Twitter and Facebook where British people post pictures of boiled unseasoned chicken and complain that putting ketchup on it makes it "too spicy," but in video game form

I cannot explain to you the Hype I felt for this game as a Brony in 2012. This was gonna be THE My Little Pony Fangame. Every time Equestria Daily posted Updates on it I was flying high on cloud 9 in my endless excitement for the release of this game. You could see the incedlible amount of care and effort that went into the development.

The day that the news surfaced that Hasbro had killed this project I cried five gallons of tears and played river flows in you (bass boosted) for 10 hours straight until my mom came in to check on me. But she was washed away by my endless tears and sorrow, never to be seen again.

Later the Tribute version came out