wheatie's Worst Of The Worst

games that i would like to re-review but i'd feel compelled to replay it in order to do so, and i really don't want to do that.

wheatie says: 1/5

If at any point we have ever discussed the Legend of Zelda series, there's a good chance you'll know my opinions on Breath of the Wild.

The open world sandbox style of game already isn't something I find myself too keen on, and I think this is probably the worst offender. I never like exploring giant worlds because more often than not, a lot of my time will be spent mindlessly walking towards whatever objective I have to head to, and with the wide assortment of options given to me, it can be pretty overwhelming.

Breath of the Wild is, as far as I can recall, the only instance where such an open world has, and will, give me a headache every time I try. I am being dead serious when I say it just actually hurts to play this game. The only reason I have it at a 1/5 instead of a 0.5/5 is because I realize that this isn't my kind of genre, and I know I'm probably missing out on a lot because of that. I can recognize what people see in this game, but lord knows I do not want to interact with it again.

I just hope this fad can die out soon...


wheatie says: 0.5/5

I miss my glory days. I used to consider myself, at the very least, somewhat decent at osu!mania. As of the last couple years, though, I just don't have it in me anymore. I'm not where I used to be, watching as my failures lead to frustration lead to more failures. I'm still not sure what happened to me, and no matter how hard I try, I can't bring myself back up.

That's all I can view osu! as anymore. A reminder of the sudden fall that I'll never be able to answer for. Left to rot in the pits of Hard difficulty PDMM+ and Rhythm Heaven. An unbearable, clawing, casual Hell.
wheatie says: 0.5/5

Do you know the story behind Devil May Cry 2? Does anybody, really?

Capcom loved their first DMC so much that they felt it would be absolutely perfect for a sequel. In fact, so perfect that, why wait? Do it now! We can't fail!

Except they did. Surprisingly, developing a sequel to a game with little to no downtime, and zero possible idea on what made the first one great to begin with, is a terrible idea. In comes the new team anyway, not exactly experienced in this sort of style, led by a man who was adamantly against the character of Dante that had been presented at the start.

I'm just shocked, is all. There is no basis for which this game should exist the way it does now. A horrid compilation of all of the worst decisions possible. There is no fixing Devil May Cry 2.
wheatie says: 0.5/5

It's like Pokemon GO! On a console!

It's like Pokemon GO. On a console.

How do we worsen an already horrendously oversaturated region? By going backwards! In this exciting new adventure, relive the glory days by forgetting about every new feature ever added! Breeding is gone, abilities are gone, held items have vanished entirely! We've also done you the pleasure of reducing the Dex to exclusively Kanto Pokemon. And their Alolan forms. And... uh... Meltan.

I genuinely see zero reason to play these games over the original Kanto remakes. You are actively missing out on tons upon tons of content and mechanics. For what? To swing your controller around for capturing instead of a couple button presses?
wheatie says: 0.5/5


This is my least favorite game. This is the lowest experience I think I have ever been through with any video game, and I did it twice.

I was looking forward to Sonic Forces. Just as I was looking forward to the previous 3D entry, Sonic Boom. Despite it all, despite my undesired reaction to the latter, I was still willing to hold out hope. The game releases, to absolutely awful acclaim. "That doesn't mean anything! Game journalists hate Sonic! Surely it can't be that bad!"

Disappointment. I can feel angry or sad over a game not turning out the way I had hoped, but the worst of it would be disappointment. After this point, I gave up. I couldn't look forward to whatever came next. No matter what people wanted to say about Frontiers, I could not get excited for it. Odds were high that I'd be setting myself up for more failure, and that's not what I'm looking for in a series I had held so close to me for so long.

Over time, I learned to appreciate this series some more, trying what I remembered enjoying again, and I can still confidently say that I do like the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Thankfully, Frontiers proved to be pretty damn good as well. But I can't forget how this one in particular had completely fucked over my mindset when it came to the snarky little hedgehog.

1 Comment

2 months ago

I enjoyed Breath of the Wild for what it was at the time, but after TOTK and many other games repeating the formula I really want a return to form for next Zelda game for sure. Its had its time and I'm more than ready for it to die out at this point.I did read somewhere Aonuma wanted this to be the new default formula for new Zelda games and I certainly hope that is not true.

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