offensively fun. i enjoyed this much more than I initially thought i would. i absolutely LOVED the postal dude's character. this game's humor is genuinely unmatched. apart from some parts where the game inevitably shows its age, i loved this from start to end. time to play paradise lost!

i feel like this is the type of game that you would melt hundred of hours into, and i just don't have that type of time right now, which is why im only giving it 3 stars for the time being. the bit that i played with my friends was pretty fun, tho! i felt like i was actually at war lmao. might play this later in the future if it doesn't die down. might not. time will tell, ig.

beautiful. this is so much more than just mercilessly shooting innocents like i first thought. this is its own experience and it's extremely different from other Postal games. i originally played this just to be done with it and move on to Postal 2, but this is genuinely its own thing. it's pretty good. there's some thing i don't like about it like the 'Super POSTAL' expansion and how sometimes it doesn't have the best controls (e.g. my mouse sometimes just disappears behind an object for SOME reason and i have to pause a bit and look for it. ruins the pacing). the gameplay is extremely enjoyable at times. the people who wrote this game's story are brilliant and definitely know how to write, that's for sure. i love The Postal Dude. he gets very funny at times, and makes me remember that this game was made by actual people who poured their time, love and effort into it. anyways, enough about me yapping. go play this one. it's free on Steam!

my childhood.

this game is what made me start learning Photoshop, lmao.

lots of memories, lots of fun, lots of friends made.

this was painful. wasn't too bad tho, it definitely has its charm. for its time, it was amazingly revolutionary, but does it still hold up now? ...nah, just play Liberty City Stories instead. it's a better version of GTA III. i rate this III stars out of 5.

it's pretty good. makes me feel very COOL!

this is genuinely one of the best games i've ever played. everything about it is so beautiful. the gameplay, the soundtrack, the story, the artstyle, it's just amazing. i cannot believe i've been sleeping on this until now, will definitely be playing more of it. 5/5.

this was not a bad experience at all. they truly did make do with all they had considering how limited the DS's hardware was. LOVED Rockstar's typical humour, truly never ages. now, would i play it again? probably not. but should you play it? yes. definitely. it's a unique and fresh GTA experience made exclusively for portable devices.



god damn man i can never catch a break