8 reviews liked by willie_html

I was going to give this another shot, but I actually got so pissed off at this that I just gave up and quit. It is genuinely way worse than I remember it being.

Fallout 4 is slow, sluggish, and boring. Every action feels weird and delayed. The UI is among the worst I've ever experienced in a video game. Menus within menus, inconsistent buttons to get out of said menus, and I swear sometimes the game straight up drops button inputs.

For aiming to feel anything close to decent with a keyboard & mouse, you have to edit the ini files to disable mouse acceleration and make it so that vertical sensitivity isn't always half of horizontal sensitivity. The fact that this is even a thing in a 2015 game, well after PC gaming became more prominent, is fucking baffling to me. Options in general in this are impressively limited. You can't even change brightness settings or FOV in-game.

Exploring the world sucks because it's ugly and uninteresting. Everything is an ugly shade of brown, gray, or green and it all looks smeared together like someone took a shit in their hand and wiped it on a canvas. Enemies blend in with the environment too easily and love to hide behind corners, making most encounters a game of hide and fucking seek.

Skills and general RPG mechanics are gone. All you really have are perks, which leave much to be desired. You're pretty much required to get stuff related to guns and combat because so much of the game is a generic shootbang. Quests all just involve killing things. Most locations are just dungeons with things to kill and a treasure chest at the end. The honest truth is that this is basically a looter shooter in disguise as a Fallout game. What's bizarre about this is that the combat isn't even good. Like sure, the gunplay is technically better than the previous Fallout games, but I can't stand how this game feels. Something about the flow and feel of combat in this compared to 3/New Vegas really rubs me the wrong way.

I'll admit I do kind of like the crafting mechanics and the base building stuff. It's clunky, but you do get a good amount of freedom with it. Ultimately, it comes off as kind of pointless though.

I recall my first playthrough of this, I did almost drop it due to similar feelings. I don't know what happened, but I think I somehow managed to push myself to finish it and eventually got used to things. I don't think I have the ability to do that anymore. Used to think this game was merely mediocre, but now I think it just sucks.

umbrella corps? more like umbrella corpse

The most important treasure gained in any retrospective is one of perspective. You get the grasp of how many different ways an IP can be twisted to fit certain molds. Resident Evil has seen spin-offs that are light gun games, Gameboy Color Zelda-style adventures, early experiments in online cooperative play, and now this: an attempt to fit the brand in to an e-sports shooter shaped hole.
Another important aspect of perspective is it allows you to truly see where just how low a franchise’s quality can get. Resident Evil Survivor is bad, but at least the voice acting and plot are hilarious. Operation Raccoon City is bad, but at least I see people that defend it and make fan art of its characters. Resident Evil 5 is bad, but at least Chris Redfield punches a boulder.
Umbrella Corps is bad without qualification. There is no reason to play this unless you’re me. The online component is dead which means you’re left with a bevy of single-player missions. There is no curiosity to be sated by seeking out this forgotten title.
The premise of this game is that, in the wake of RE5, other pharmaceutical companies are sending their own mercenaries into hotzones to collect data on T-virus, las plaga, and ourobouros. The multiplayer matches have the zombies as more of an environmental hazard, as they won’t harass you unless provoked or the enemy team sabotages your zombie stealth gadget. It is blatantly wanting to be a tactical shooter like Rainbow 6, with the level of movement and maps that encourage finding hidey-holes. If it had more than a year’s development time maybe it could have had a niche market like Valve’s Evolve.
The single-player mode drops you into these multiplayer maps and just has you fight the zombies while doing the same objectives from the multiplayer mode. There is a thin thread of narrative of you playing a character who is a clone/son/successor to Hunk being put through combat trials to test new zombie killing weapons. It is vaguely implied that the company you work for is being run by a returned Wesker. Or maybe it's a clone of Wesker. It may also be Krauser, or Saddler, or Spencer. It doesn’t matter, I learned too late that this game is no longer canon.
I won’t mince words. This game sucks. This game really sucks. This game sucks big, floppy, venereal diseased dicks bathed in the river of excrement from the eighth Circle of Hell. I rarely wish true ill on anyone, but I hope that each member of this game’s development team watches at least a single loved one melt before their eyes. Who the fuck decided that you can only take 3 hits before dying in maps that spawn five dogs that can swarm you in seconds? Who THE FUCK decided that wasn’t enough and each map also needed a super zombie that can one shot you with ridiculous hitboxes and requires multiple clips to kill? Why do enemies keep spawning behind me with no tells? Why do I have to keep doing missions with just one clip of ammo?
Countless times I was so near to victory, when suddenly I was ganked by a zombie that went 0 to 60 after spotting me across the map. Countless times I was in a good spot when a crow swooped from the heavens and pecked out half my health bar. I got so mad that I bit into my thumb and drew blood. No game has drawn the iron price from me. I one-hundred percented this game, even the optional objectives, so that it would hold no future power over me.
Much like how Resident Evil 1 Remake was one of the best games I’ve played, Umbrella Corps is one of the worst. It would not improve on an experience of me holding a controller and staring at a blank screen for six hours.

Whenever i have to check if everything on my pc works i boot this

Good idea, pretentious as fuck. Most of the credit I give to this game is based on the concept alone

The BEST PlayStation VR game, hands down. A must play. I would say even worthy buying a used PSVR1 if you have PSVR2 only for this game. The campaign mode is very nice, though going for platinum requires a bit more effort than I am willing to spend.

Amazing game, graphics still look great 10 years later. One of the best game atmospheres ever, THIS IS A GOOD HORROR GAME.

My first time playing an Ace Combat game and this is such a well-built game top to bottom, gameplay, mission design, music and the god-damn variety. Sheeesh.