this and HGSS are the best Pokémon remakes! this added significantly more than any other remake i can remember

i've dabbled, but my emulator wasn't great!

the best Pokémon game, along with black 2. AND, MY FIRST!!!

i'm sure on a first playthrough, it's awesome, but i played Pokémon Moon not a year before this, and that was not a long enough wait. played most of it, but did not reach the elite four despite beating necrozma

i'm gonna be fully honest, this game was awesome. super story heavy, and hard to replay because of it, but a first playthrough is one of the more magical ones.

one of the more boring Pokémon games, and began the rushing of Pokémon development and the downhill quality of the series at large.

this is the best game boy color game and one of the only ones that still holds up

Pokémon gen 1 is boring with the retrospect of the later games

i've dabbled in it. it's really good!

with the context of every smash bros yet to come, it's lacking. but it laid the groundwork for one of the greatest series in gaming

makes the at the time best Pokémon game even better. the prettiest the Pokémon series has ever looked.

probably the most forgettable and least distinct of all the smash games, but the one that allowed me to fall in love with the series

fantastic! first game i played on switch, and kept me extremely occupied that summer.

one of the first games i ever owned! it's fantastic