played this every summer and defined elementary/middle school summers for me. the best animal crossing game

people shit on this but it's a great Pokémon game; extremely clean art design, at times a phenomenal story, with some of the best music in recent memory.

yk what, even if the gameplay sucks, this was innovative and made me feel like a child building something at Lowe's. i liked it. fuck you

probably the most forgettable and least distinct of all the smash games, but the one that allowed me to fall in love with the series

it’s fine! it’s not as addictive for me as it is for my friends, but I DID discover it before all of them 😤

visually beautiful. plot is ass, from what i played

bought this release day; it's nice to play a JRPG where you're not committed for 80 hours; this is like a nice 10 hour slice of Dragon Quest

emulated for the first half before switching over to the remaster. would have finished on this if i didn't like it enough to officially support it!

I’ve played more of this than most people. it saved the video game crash!

pirated on the R4. this game is the best proof of concept of dual screen gaming. any other release or port is inferior.

fantastic. tough as nails and better for it

played a SIGNIFICANT amount of this but for some reason never finished it. maybe got 75% of the way through? it's fantastic. FE gameplay is great and mixed some pretty all right life sim mechanics in too

Oscar pressured me into playing this and I can conclude that this is probably my favorite piece of media about revenge and forgiveness

i've played an embarrassing amount of the NES version which is NOT the definitive version of tetris. jank RNG and lack of features aside, the core concept is so good and endures

makes the at the time best Pokémon game even better. the prettiest the Pokémon series has ever looked.