3 reviews liked by xKoGx_Butterz

I have two saves where I've destroyed all of the man-made objects and another one where every single destroyable pixel is deleted. 10/10

yeah this is just a stupid flop from nintendo, I dont think this would even result in a single successful sequel, let alone a franchise

At first I imagined a game about 5x5 grids would be quite boring for picross veterans, but I was wildly surprised by how much they can make such tiny puzzles feel interesting.

Picross X trades the laid back puzzle solving for a fast paced action marathon of solving little squares and it works. I played with touch controls and I feel like it is necessary for the optimal experience, playing with buttons feels clunky and slow. The game adapts itself to each control scheme, but touch controls are definitely the most fun way of playing.

Over time the luster does fade a bit, even with all the variety in gimmicks it feels like you have seen too much of everything. This doesn't erase the achievement of creating a fun action version of Picross, and I really enjoyed my time with it.