1007 Reviews liked by xLilaHeroinex

89 hours across the month of March and we are clear.

Builds on Remake in almost every single way. 2027 for part 3?

Absolutely phenomenal, gonna be hard to top this one for GOTY 2024.

rebirth is absolutely dazzling and its so close to being perfect
amazing story, funny dialogue, fun combat, and incredible moment after incredible moment, i had such a fun time exploring the open world and seeing the different locations on the planet esp the gold saucer omg
however that ending though… wtf they couldve just made it a normal ending

Some of the best character writing, animation, voice acting & gameplay in any game I've ever experienced with some very awful pacing, especially in the late game. Still trying to decide how I feel about the story but I am willing to wait for the finale before fully giving my judgement.

This game exceeded even my highest expectations in almost every way.

I could talk about it for hours but as with Remake I don't think it's possible for me to do it justice, it's peak. I've spent over 200 hours with FF7 Rebirth now and I could easily jump back in for a 3rd playthrough today.

This game is such an achievement, and home to some of the most beautiful scenes, characters and music in memory. If the final part is able to do even half as many things as well as this does, then we're in for a phenomenal trilogy of games.

As an aside, getting the platinum for this was insanely fun and surprisingly easy ... until the last few combat simulations. It took me around 40 hours over 5 days to get them done. I am begging that part 3 is easier 🥹
Thanks for reading folks, hope you're all doing well!🙏

The charging bugs can eat my ass, no diddy

The Lamplighters League is an interesting game that falls short due to clunky stealth sequences and repeating level design. Have you played the board game Arkham Horror or Eldritch Horror? The Lampligheters League cribs a lot from the classic board games, throwing in some XCOM-lite tactics combat with the stealth sections of Mutant Year Zero.

The game has a lot of good writing and lore, and it really takes a while for the Lovecraftian horror to actuall manifest which is nice, I dig that. The characters are fun and charming, which goes a long way to creating that scoundrel pulpy adventure that you want. The game has a DOOM meter just like the board games, as you try to keep the various factions at bay while progressing your story.

But the clunky stealth before encounters really doesn't feel good. It's hard to make it work well, and to be honest you really do need to be able to pick enemies off in the shadows if you hope to survive, especially before you start unlocking new abilities and upgrades. That makes those first few hours a slog.

I made it about half-way through a run and decided to bow out. The game uses procedural levels which means I was hitting the same style areas a lot by the 20 hour mark. If the gameplay was top notch that wouldn't bother me, but there were just enough rough edges that I decided to put this down.

If you like tactics games, and want something that feels like Eldritch Horror or Arkham Horror, I would recommend playing it on Gamepass, or getting it in a sale. The Steam reviews are pretty unfair. There is a pretty good and fun B game here, but I have too many other A hits in my backlog to warrant spending more time on this. I actually need to go play XCOM 2!

Crusader Kings III is an amazing strategic rpg that has so much content. There is a crazy amount of stuff to do, you could start a religion, you could conquer the globe, or you could just grow your family until you have 425 generations.

Although there are some issues, whilst this was is an awesome game and one I would usually really enjoy (and I mean REALLY enjoy) Crusader kings just falls short, I can really only play it for an hour or two before I start to get bored. I think this has to do with a lack of an end goal. Other than this this though I would still recommend this to someone who wants to play a good strategic rpg.

The first Remnant was a super fun surprise for me when I played all the way through on PlayStation Plus a few years back. The sequel expands upon what made that first game great in just about every way, and while it still has some shortcomings, it's an absolute blast to explore with friends.

Remnant II doesn't rewrite the style of the first game. You'll still be exploring several different worlds, unlocking new weapons and fighting bosses as you go and filling in your randomized/procedurally generated map as you go. Like the first game, the story is nothing to write home about and it quickly becomes tempting to skip through dialogue and ignore what's going on. The real fun lies in defeating the various bosses and finding all the secrets scattered throughout the world.

As with the first game, things start out pretty tough but the game gets much easier as you go and start to level up and upgrade your gear faster than the game keeps up with you. There are still some hard bosses here and there to keep you on your toes, and then the final boss is a real doozy that took my friends and I a couple of hours to finally take down. At times Remnant II feels like the easiest game ever and at others you might be banging your head against a wall at the challenge. It really depends.

I don't think Remnant II would be nearly as fun to play by yourself and is definitely best experienced with two friends. We each had our own character archetypes that complimented each other nicely, and I liked how we could split up in the less intimidating wide open areas and explore of our own volition, and then come back together when one of us discovered a portal door to another section.

Remnant II looks and runs great, and the environments offer a lot of variety. I could've gone for one or two more worlds, and it was disappointing that the first DLC that came out in December recycles one of the already used worlds.

Remnant II is a real blast and the sleeper hit of the summer that I'd recommend to anyone who might enjoy a dodge roll shooter type of game. Give it a spin.

cant believe this game about fucking gators was one of the funniest experiences ive had this year its so wittingly written with the right kind of humor for me i feel like it was purposely made for me because i always brag about having a haute couture but for humor (sex jokes and piss and poop jokes) so pillow fight was like we are gonna show you a piece of our minds

leaving that for later this is a point and click disclaimer i fucking despise point and clicks i tried to play syberia because a friend recommended it to me and it single handedly made me pause gaming for like a month because i touched the fucking bottom of the well with that one umh wait there could be fans of syberia here umh … i meant it was a great experience but not for me <3 so i was saying point and clicks arent for me which is funny because i reviewed that furry brothel game which is a point and click but with the added flair of porn CGs to fap to therefore it actually had a very good reason for me to try it

as for the game in it of itself i cant say much because first this is about a an alligator trying to find out who in his family is trying to kill him so talking about the whole plot would make the mystery aspect go away and second this is a game whose charm you cant really understand until you boot it up theres so much love put into this game that its honestly a shame it isnt as popular as i want it to be the animations are GORGEOUS absolutely the best ive seen in these cartoonish type of style and add so much to the experience that i honestly cannot think about this game without thinking about the dumb as shit character designs that are gonna make you laugh so hard and the smooth idle animations to give life to the portraits UGHHHHHH its so good and i swear theres so much thought being put in everything here the single characters the streets and locales the landscape and minigames nothing is left to chance i can feel the hard work they put into this game THROUGH the fucking screen i kid you not

so i was saying the main character of the game pat the alligator is being threatened to life by some kind of mysterious family event + hes definitely schizo so he hires the protagonist to investigate the circumstances and to do that you will have to get to know every single relative of this stupid guy and rest assured his family is MASSIVE parents cousins siblings grandparents friends boyfriends and girlfriends of friends everyones in for the party and to actually get to know the true intentions of these people you have to do some minigames

now im not a fan of minigames but the ones in this game were quirky enough to actually make me enjoy most of them and i have to applaud the sheer about of creativity in these ones because professor layton can only learn from this ong theres so many of them i cannot spoil them to you yes but rest assured that they will play with the concept of minigame a damn lot i had my wig snatched more than ones theres something for everybody puzzles card games and even VNs like

so you get the pins of each relative put them in the family tree and if you get all of them you get the true ending which made me gag a little bit i gotta be honest plot twist of the century

now as i was saying theres not a lot of meat to the game because this is not a game to play its a game to live and breathe and i swear to god this is the funniest game ive played all year the character all have at least some one liners that made me crack tf up and genuinely bingoed most of the stuff i like in humor apart from obviously… sex but whatever and im gonna put this imgur link to give you an idea to what the kind of humor this is because i have no idea how to explain it but that being said it was TOO GOOD definitely the best part of the game and if you hear me say something like this it means its really damn funny because 2 things i rarely get me from videogames and those are horror and humor because i only fear far right wing ideologies and only laugh at butt jokes and i guess if you want to go completely blind dont look at the screenshots DUMBASS

so umhhhhhhhhh im at a loss of words rn because again its such a weird game to recommend to people but if you play this im gonna send you some nudes there you go how to get players 101

This isn't quite a 4/5 but I'm going higher to help the avg smh.

[Disclaimer: This 'review' is basically just a ramble I had in DMs with some edits to be real sentences and legible, if it feels like there's even less flow or format than usual, that's why! Also it's kinda long sorry oops ]

The hate for this game is so much more extreme than it deserves. Sure, I miss being able to throw cash registers as much as the next guy, I think they seriously fumbled by not letting you throw melee weapons, but I also think that the separated inventories is a benefit overall. Having only 10 slots or whatever and having to use them for food items, melee weapons and guns was arguably where the first games got their difficulty, but was mostly just kinda annoying. Getting stuck in a fight against humans with 8 melee weapons and 2 sandwiches was an easy way to lose hours of progress, and that's no longer an issue.

They've also removed the super restrictive timer in this game, which again could be called the 'difficulty' of DR1, but if we're being real that game's timers went so hard that if you weren't sprinting everywhere in the optimal order you couldn't do it anyway. There's definitely a charm to that, but the amount of times I failed something, even the entire story mode, just because I went the wrong way or got lost was frustrating. Especially when particularly useful items were often only found in corners of the map, so you'd head to the weapon shop before going to a psycho only to run out of time to fight them on your way back :p

Also, Frank is an ass and the plot is dumb, but there's no pretending that the first 2 games weren't just as silly. This one is just straight up zombie-killing fun, without the timer and with the map being more open with items scattered around more, it feels more like Dead Rising 3 did: You can mess around as much as you want, get sidetracked as often as you like, just play at your own pace. To me personally, that is what Dead Rising should've been like from the start.
Sure, I still wouldn't say that it's great or anything, but in a franchise that's built on killing zombies in dumb ways the only thing this does particularly 'wrong' is redacting our right to throw everday items, and honestly, I kinda got over this within the first 2 hours.

This game may have a random ass COD UI for some reason, but I don't understand why people are so mad or saying it 'killed the series'. When you encounter survivors in this game you can't accidentally kill them in 2 hits and when you save them they run off on their own. They actually run past zombies! Insane right, the first 2 games taught me that all survivors are obsessed with slowly walking to safety or sprinting headstrong into the horde 😭
I honestly believe at this point that it's just nostalgia. "Why can he be megaman" because it's fun killing dozens of the dead with a blaster why is that a negative 😩

I had never played this game before now because I was lead to believe that it was too over the top and had been stripped down to a sandbox. Just "here's a billion zombies and a bunch of dumb weapons, have fun" with no characters, story, nothing. Knowing it had a story and maniacs is all it took for me to wanna play it and now here I am having had a perfectly enjoyable time: It's Dead Rising, I experienced exactly what I expected to while playing a Dead Rising game 😅

To comment on the game proper: The UI is weird but it's dumb fun and that's really all it has to be, I don't care lol. Also the Christmas/Black Friday theme is perfect for this franchise, don't see enough praise for that. Hearing holiday music on the radio and pause menu is much loved by me, might make an annual habit of spending some time on this each December idk. Besides that the trophy list is atrocious as always. I want this series back, in the RE Engine please 😌

Happy Holidays everyone, appreciate you all greatly❤️

I know a lot of people were kinda soft on it but I really loved the story mode for the base game so I found this DLC to be a bit frustrating. Its good, expected comic book-y stuff like the rest of Mortal Kombat but I don't know. My favorite part of the base game was the mom-daughter stuff with Cassie and Sonya. So of course this DLC focused a lot on the worst mother character of all time, Sindel. It does make for an interesting contrast and the focus on villains is cool but I just am not sure the ending is satisfying enough to make up for how it felt like all my favorite characters got done dirty. The most frustrating aspect of this DLC is that my opinion on it entirely depends on what happens in the next two Mortal Kombat games lol.

Other than that I like the three new characters (Fujin the most) and having Robocop is sweet but I already had my mains so wasn't too interested in trying them out.

Overall Mortal Kombat 11 Aftermath is a pretty solid expansion with a good if somewhat frustrating conclusion to the story and good new character additions. I do think the original 40 dollar price tag for it is positively ridiculous but thankfully you can get it for much cheaper on sale. Its a solid add-on to my favorite fighting game and I can't ask for too much more than that.

Just wanted to leave this little mini review. I also recently got the platinum for both the PS4 and PS5 version of the basegame if that doesn't tell you how much I enjoyed it. I currently have MK1 installed and I def need a bit of a fighting game break but I am very eager to play it nonetheless, will definitely be reviewing that as well 😌

+ Good new additions to the roster
+ Interesting set up for the future of MK
- Too many of my characters got disrespected in story mode lol

Nancymeter - 70/100
Trophy Completion - N/A
Time Played: 2-4 hours
DLC Completion #2 of November
DLC Completion #35 of 2023

Mr Scratch is a great villain and there's a kernel of an idea with the timeloop concept and level repetition, but it's just too lightweight and underdeveloped.

Also despite some additional weapons, focusing on the combat elements (already the weakest part of the original, even if it kind of made sense) was maybe the least interesting idea Remedy could have had for a spin-off/semi-sequel. Even the arcade mode can't save it.