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October 15, 2023

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wonderfully unique game that in many regards feels like it was far ahead of its time.

it’s whole “anti-rpg” shtick is definitely something that’s been done to death in today’s climate, but I think there’s much to take away and appreciate from moon’s approach to the deconstruction of the genre, particularly with its theme of love.

Love is all around us. Love is this and that. We find love in those who bring us comfort, and love in mementos of time long past. I wouldn’t say this exploration of love is particularly groundbreaking, but moon’s continued emphasis on the different sizes and shapes love can take drives home just how full of love the world is.

Please be patient with this game. Under a layer of obtuse puzzles, initially confusing mechanics, and long periods of waiting lies a world with something to say.

Did you find Love?