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TheSnuffles commented on KatietheSqurge's list Resident Evil ranking
@KatietheSqurge Yeah that seems to be the consensus of the game, idk I really enjoyed it, I'd probably put it over Nemesis tbh

2 mins ago

Kago finished Star Wars: Hunters
FAT disappointment after this game was in development for so long.

I've played this game on a Samsung phone, a Nintendo Switch, and an Android PC emulator. Unfortunately I absolutely hate playing games on phone, I especially hate controlling a 3D camera on a phone, just a personal preference. Unfortunately for me, this game is only best played on the phone, on switch it runs and looks significantly worse and you're at a disadvantage from phone players that have superior aim assist. The Android Emulators currently don't run this game very well at all, so alas I'm left with no platform to comfortably play this. That's my personal platform rant lol.

Now onto the actual game, it's just not good! Everything outside of the actual gameplay is, as expect, total mobile game malarkey. 50 million unlocks, battle passes, credits, etc. It's just an absolute slog of incoherent menus. This absolutely harms the experience.

The actual game isn't much better. It is a neat novelty I'll give them that, a 4v4 hero shooter set in the Star Wars universe! I was actually looking forward to this cause of the interesting premise. The most interesting character to me was the robot jedi, he looks awesome. Tragically, I was never able to play him, because you don't get to choose who you unlock, the game decides the order of unlocking characters, so if the guy you want is at the end or middle of the line, tough shit I guess.

From the characters I have played and seen in game, there are some major balancing issues. The wookie character is flat out broken, you'd be a fool to not have him on your team, and many healer characters just straight up can't die because their healing abilities recharge so fast.

Balancing aside, I think this is just not a good game to make mobile. This game has a ranked mode, it has some heavy teamwork elements where the team with the better composition, spacing, and ability management will win. This of course is a HORRIBLE pairing with random phone users. You will queue up into a ranked game with 3 other randoms, just to get completely stomped by a group of friends working together. The thing is, I can't even be upset, it's absurd to expect overwatch-comp levels of cooperation out of random phone users, but that's kinda what this game is asking for?

This game is a pretty cool spectacle on the phone and a cool idea for a Star Wars game, but there's nothing here worth my time.

The game seemingly is asking for a lot of the players time without offering anything worth that time, I don't get it I guess.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

8 hrs ago

9 hrs ago

Kago finished Overcooked!
Finally played through this one from start to finish. Pretty tasty :3

This is a pretty genius idea executed MOSTLY well, though I think some levels miss the mark a bit and the game overall feels like it could have been more (luckily this is what the second game aims to improve on).

I am a big fan of the different silly cooks and the level of variety both within the actual levels and foods you're cooking. My main complaint is some levels just feel more arbitrarily annoying rather than a fun challenge, but this is a rare case. There is also sometimes a clutter of Ui on items or stuff is simply out of camera, these camera issues combined with the somewhat frequent imprecision in what you're currently going to grab/set an item on AND the speed required to get 3 stars, can add some of the wrong type of difficulty, the unsatisfying difficulty. But I must clarify, this is rarely a problem, the game is mostly a very fun cooking romp. I don't know how it fares solo, but with 2 players it's a very good time.

I am excited to revisit Overcooked 2 and try out all the DLC's, there's a lot to expand on from the base that Overcooked 1 has created.

9 hrs ago

TheSnuffles commented on KatietheSqurge's list Resident Evil ranking
You're wrong for putting Revelations so low, but good ranking!

9 hrs ago

9 hrs ago

LarsJinn followed hotpoppah

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