every time I come back to this game I either find myself liking it more or finding something new that really pisses me off

despite that I think I like it? it's a game I think about a lot and find truly unique despite it's myriad of issues and I give it props for trying something new

okay but highly flawed and buggy remasters of two of my favourite games

the fast load and save times combined with no disc swapping and being able to swap between dub and sub is nice, but you're honestly better off just playing the original two games on the Dreamcast, or emulating them on Flycast, grab the definitive undub of 1 and the PAL version of 2 and you're set


lovely visuals and audiodesign paired up with the most laughably easy survival horror game i've played with infinite healing and overabundance of saves

holds up exceptionally well still if you're willing to adjust to the controls, and I genuinely quite like the simple but interesting story as it unravels, on a replay some of the missions take on a completely different light

fascinating seeing early AC retain some of the dungeon crawler elements of KF with some of the more labyrinthian levels, I genuinely like the more exploration centric levels and the art direction is minimalistic but still kinda nice

music kicks ass, some of the later levels are sadistic but funny as fuck, and the game is Unbelievably easy to snap in half once you find the right build and hidden parts

more of the same for better or worse

the new arena mode is decent fun, but I find the plot significantly weaker and lacking the darker tone AC1 had going on, felt a lot safer and more generic

a Lot less missions, entirely linear and lacks the more open ended mission structure AC1 had, and the missions are generally dull and forgettable, a few were decent

overall an Okay prequel that's kinda forgettable and one-upped in every single way by MoA and the original game minus some small additions

once again more of the same but even better, story is a Huge step up from Phantasma and feels much more like the first game's story, with possibly more involvement even

new arena is a huge jump in difficulty but satisfying as fuck to finish, and new soundtrack is godly, near perfect ending to the 1st gen's trilogy

very solid starting point for the next gen, 60 fps and more responsive controls feel great and the music is still fantastic as ever, but the mission structure left more to be desired imo, and the plot isn't quite as interesting as AC1 or Arena until the last quarter for me

more of AC2 minus the story

better missions structure for the most part ignoring a few outliars that suck, but overall kind of a forgettable sequel and a weak ending to the original universe's saga

a Huge improvement over AC2, not much to say other than a solid continuation mechanically and an interesting reboot of AC1's storyline, even if it lacks a bit of the mood the original had

an even better continuation from AC3 that perfects on nearly everything, hard as shit but build variety is insanely varied

what the fuck From, why did you make an entire game out of a bunch of pvp tutorials and a mediocre arena mode, there's not even any story, what was the plan here

actually kind of an interesting take on the formula but not much of an AC game otherwise, Football Manager for mecha freaks

hard for me to pick between this one or Silent Line being best of the AC3 series games but both are equally fantastic, as with SL game is brutally hard and Will test your ability to play AC but the game is fire