Widely considered splatoon’s magnum opus for very valid reasons. it was a complete change up from what they did before and while it’s story leaves much to be desired especially considering the changes to the script… it still stands as the best in most fans and even my own eyes.

I think it’s both better AND worse than 1’s story mode. The levels are honestly too long? 5 minutes each for every level sounds nice at first but then it stacks and you just feel burned out by the end of it and want to move onto the other ones. BUT the greater variety of things to do makes you keep playing and try different levels! until you 1,000% it and waste all of your time.

Moreso a review of it’s story mode: I think it’s HEAVILY underrated and doesn’t get the respect it deserves. Having shorter levels makes them stand out more and are a joy to speedrun especially with the amiibo challenges that spice things up enough to make the experience totally unique.

A DLC that while I was looking forward to, did worry me with how i’m usually not the biggest rougelike fan. But with its cool aesthetic and charming characters really did warm up to me over time. It does get compared to it’s older expansive sister but I think it stands on it own perfectly fine.

This game still has such insane charm that no game has ever replicated in my eyes. Not to mention the best soundtrack in video games period. Truly a banger of all ages

This game is like they saw that one part in chemical plant in sonic 2 where sonic goes so fast he outruns the camera and went “… we can do that.”