This game just rules. Story, characters, missions and activities are all good times. The gameplay itself can be a bit weird at times but it doesn't take too much away from it

Lacking in terms of story, though I didn't mind Lysandre as a villain. The gameplay is typical Pokemon battles with a few changes that makes the grind a bit easier. EXP share was handled great in my opinion, as it's something you can turn off if you don't want to use it. Not a difficult game, but then again, most Pokemon games aren't difficult anyway. The diversity of Pokemon in this game is one of the high points, as you could complete the game with such a different set of mons each playthrough.

Definitely had a lot more fun with this as a teen. Heists were a high point in GTA Online and I just got more and more bored with it over time. I just get on from time to time to play at the casino

The first romhack I played as a kid, and I can't tell you the story off the top of my head but as a kid who didn't have access to any Pokemon games this was great. I'd visit a friend and we'd play it together and those were great times

Just some good mindless fun when you have nothing to do. I played this in single player and some of the levels were definitely challenging. Overall a good time but not something I'd look back on too much

Only real interesting things to me was looking back on the roster 4 years later and the dlc showcases. Everything else just did not do it for me. Wasn't a big fan of the controls and the graphics left a lot to be desired. I had a lot more fun playing 2k19, and dropped this game not too long after I bought it

Everything was fun for me as a kid, but even playing it again after all these years it hold up remarkably well. The beginning of Universe mode for the series, which is always my favorite mode to play in WWE games. Road to Wrestlemania was possibly the best of the series. Matches were simply just fun to play, especially with others

Playing this during lockdown gave me a lot of really good memories with friends. but without that, it seems a bit more dull without VC in the game, ESPECIALLY on console.

I'm sorry, in my heart of hearts I know it's a good game and a lot of people enjoy this a lot. But it just gets really dull for me after awhile. Play it with friends, I'm done with it after a few days. Just not for me at all

My first foray into the fire emblem series and while the beginning was a bit slow the story that I went through on my first playthrough was amazing. The battles ingame was great fun and while I've already finished one story, I'll be coming back to this to play the other paths as well

It's been a bit since I played this, but it was good fun last i remembered

The game and aesthetics look beautiful on the DS. While I love Johto for the Pokemon, the way the region is set up is just not the best and the variety of what you can get feels a bit lacking. Pokemon following you never gets old though

Rhythm Heaven as a series is one of the most consistently good series I've played. While this one is one of the weaker of the series, it's still really fun to play every now and then. The challenge modes were actually challenging and felt earned after you finished them

I just don't remember too much about this game. Gameplay is fine and I think it was the last serviceable Madden before the dark times