Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 27, 2023

Platforms Played


As of launch day, CS2 is an insanely faithful Source 2 remake of the original CS:GO, with some missing content (Like Team Deathmatch and Danger Zone) and a better in-game UI better suited for PCs.

I'd actually rate this higher but the missing content makes it seem like this game's launch was a tiny bit rushed to meet that vague "Summer 2023" release Valve promised back in March. But from a technical perspective, it was flawless. The game has never looked more vibrant, and never felt more snappier and precise, aside from the odd lagspike here and there that i barely saw in the original CS:GO.

Hopefully this game can blossom and truly differentiate itself from CS:GO in the future down the road, because as of right now, this is just the Source 2 port people have been speculating about since the dawn of time.

And if you don't like CS2? Great! You can always go down to the game's betas and click "csgo_demo_viewer". Community servers for that game should still be active so it's not like you can't play it anymore.

Unless you're on Mac. Then there's no way to play CS:GO or CS2 which is... odd.