Eurojank but fun. Worth a play if you can get it under 10$.

Story was a bit all over the place, voice acting was odd, and the gameplay was frustating at best.

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I think the story is like beyond top notch. Really, really well done characters, amazing world, left me wanting to see and know more!
Without a true party the NPCs in the hideaway have to play that role, and they all did so well. With the sidequests giving more and more lore and back story for each, they felt very well rounded and fully realized. This was a major win. Gav is MVP, but others like Charon and Grumpy-Mr-Blacksmith are not far behind.
Some major highs and lows throughout, though never feel like it hits the same high it does during that fight of Ifrit vs Infernal Eikon under Phoenix Gate. That was final boss worthy in every aspect.


Pretty divided here because on one hand I really had a lot of fun, but on the other I think there was chances to bring in more FF flair and style. For example, the eikons could have leveled up as you used them, or the abilities could have been tied to a different meter besides the shared AP pool. Felt odd that you'd get a new eikon and could instantly max it out if you so desired.
The magic should have grown with the character, following the normal style of fire -> fira -> firaga, etc.
Just those little things would have added more RPG elements that felt to be lacking. Couldn't really tell a difference in power from level 20 to level 50, for example.

Gameplay Loop

This is where the game falters in hindsight. The dungeons were... not good. I did enjoy the first fallen dungeon, but that was more riding the hype of the story and not the actual dungeon itself. Clear room, open door, clear room, loot chest with nothing exiciting in it... rinse, repeat.
I think they could have added more rewards to the side quests and the collectables. The items you get from NPCs, showing you are now a trusted person were great, and they could have expanded on this to allow you to level them up and turn them into tangabile rewards like stat or eikon upgrades. Same thing with the stored memories in the hideaway. Hell, could have even made social link-esque mechanics that tie your relationship with the Dominant to the power of the Eikon. Just more RPG elements to further reward the player.
The side quest stories were fantastic and not ones I'd want to skip, but the gameplay of them... chores at best most of the time.
We've all pretty much already beat the hunts and the lack of enemy variety to death, so won't touch on it too much beyond to say this really hurt the overall presentation. By the time I landed in Ash I was sick of the same small handful of monsters, and the normal enemy AI is reaaaaally poor. Standing still trying to charge Bahamaut I noticed how seldom they even attack....

Great collection here. Soken absolutely nailed it. You can tell he understood the assignement and gave us somber, bleak pieces with some amazing boss themes mixed in. Truly each area had music that fit it so well. The Lost Titan BGM is right on par with Sepirot from XIV imo, just a killer tune I want to listen on repeat. The Typhoon fight had such an interesting theme too, super unique. Really looking forward to the soundtrack.


I do LOVE the fact they took risks with this game, and I hope SE contuines to do so with the franchise. It's what has made it last this long and pretty much what it's founded on. I just want to see more true RPG elements, and not the ones we get in games like Horizon and Assassin's Creed.

Fun and short indie. Combat was really enjoyable.

Run don't walk to get this title. 10/10 amazing.

Good grief what a bland DLC.

A really fun game with a straight forward platinum, just don't go looking for a top tier JRPG story - you won't find it here.

I do wonder how this game gets produced outside of a COVID time. Seems like a lot of areas were reused way too often, and the serious lack of animated cutscenes will be a problem for some - though I didn't really mind.

Gameplay - 10/10
Absolutely solid battles that only get better as you unlock more and more. Feels so satisfyingly. My first run was with Yuito on hard, and a few bosses were really a challenge! Never felt I needed to grind, so that was perfect. Kasane wasn't near as fun, but that also could be because I played her route on NG+

Story - 6/10
Big letdown here for me. Such a neat world and lore they created, but the story just takes a dive and never seems to recover. I would rate it lower but the characters? The bond episodes between your MC and the party members? Absolutely stellar - well, MOST of them - and its those interactions that really helped.
Only complaint regarding the bond episodes is pacing. Towards the later chapters the 'stand-by' phases start feeling like a visual novel.

Graphics - 9/10
Pretty game with pretty visuals. Nothing earth shattering, but some of the brain crush animations are beautiful.

Sound - ?/10
Having a hard time rating this one. There's a couple absolute bop of songs, but then the rest of the game has music that I couldn't pick out of a blind lineup. The great tracks have a Persona vibe to them, in that I can listen to them in any mood outside of the game.

Good DLC, but leaves you wanting more more more.