what if there was more terraria

Visually a treat. That's where my compliments end. This game is disappointment personified for me. I came into this game from Lies of P, a game which I adored. I thought it had such promise. I've now come to find that it's just not good. There are two main offences. first, Enemy placement and level layout is straight up asshole design. No it's not "git gud," it's "yes we're doing a ranged enemy behind 2-5 melee enemies again" for literally the whole time you're not fighting bosses. Second, the combat for this game is TERRIBLE. I can't exactly identify what makes it so poor but it feels AWFUL. Attacks feel floaty and without any weight. Parrying somehow feels meh. The most annoying thing is that almost all attacks make you travel forward a decent distance, this leads to a feeling of lack of control over your character. Then the game has the audacity to spend the first 5 hours on cliff edges.

Lightning in a bottle (and in my friend :( )

A fun-first shooter. Movement is better than every COD ever released and the level destruction is fun. graphics can be very smeary which feels bad in a movement shooter.

Combat is exhilarating and wonderful, visuals are amazing. With those being said, the game seems to trip itself with strange design decisions. They're not egregious enough to ruin the game, but they make you scratch your head in wonder at why they'd make that decision.

what if COD felt the same but had horrible sound design?

Atmospherically engrossing, Visually stunning, narratively solid, but there is no game I hold forward

Proud defender of democracy

I really hate hearing "this is the best souls-like." This game, though it rests heavily on the laurels of it's inspiration, stands on its own as truly awesome. I don't think it's "one of the best souls-likes," I think it's better than some of the "actual" games.

Insane, loud, overwhelming fun with friends.


Spent longer than I expected, but in the end the lack of try variation ended my interest.

Beautiful, heartfelt, and brief.