
i like my share of transgressive art, fucked up movies/music/games/comics/etc
this is trash for dipshits, creeps, fascists, and assholes with the worst sense of humor possible


Left Behind: Eternal Forces
Left Behind: Eternal Forces
Planet Alcatraz
Planet Alcatraz
or any of the sequels, i'm not listing all of that shit here
Sex With Hitler
Sex With Hitler
Bum Simulator
Bum Simulator
Battle Raper
Battle Raper
Always Sometimes Monsters
Always Sometimes Monsters
Morimiya Middle School Shooting
Morimiya Middle School Shooting
Super Columbine Massacre RPG!
Super Columbine Massacre RPG!
Anonymous Agony
Anonymous Agony
Hong Kong 97
Hong Kong 97
Furry Hitler
Furry Hitler
Duke Nukem Forever
Duke Nukem Forever
Feminazi: The Triggering
Feminazi: The Triggering
Yandere Simulator
Yandere Simulator
The Guy Game
The Guy Game
Retard Fighter
Retard Fighter


1 year ago

Does room no.9 count on the list idk anything about these games. The guy with the green stripe behind him looks like Saul Goodman though

1 year ago

@moschidae Just so you know, that guy over there is Bolsonaro, one of the presidents of Brazil and one of the worst in the history of the country, simply because of how despicable and reactionary he is.

1 year ago

i don't think scmrpg belongs on this list. its intention in addressing the theme of columbine is not merely pornographic, and although it can be debated whether the desired effect was achieved or not, it definitely doesn't fit within the indifferent pathos of the other games on the list

1 year ago

planet alcatraz is fronted by one of the leaders of the russian right wing movement and is casually, absurdly racist to the point where it's comical

the guy game is weird enough as is without it also unintentionally housing softcore child porn

there's a game called r_ fighter. i don't know anything about it beyond its existence

hong kong 97 uses actual photos of dead bodies for some of its graphics

1 year ago

Not that the two can't exist together but I have a list in the same vein for those who are interested https://backloggd.com/u/Detchibe/list/grotesquerie-1/

1 year ago

@detchibe: similar, but not the same, because i won't play any of these...

1 year ago

@chandler: thanks for the suggestions — added em.

1 year ago

Any time I see Duke Nukem Forever I just think of the bit from the Giant Bombcast where they talked about how Duke's character was only bad and the only way to do anything with it is to play him up as a gigantic embarassment.

1 year ago

always bad*

please backloggd, get an edit button. You're not twitter (it's dumb on there, too), I beg you

1 year ago

@weatherby: yeah, it's wild. they have him stealing lines from they live while showing absolutely no understanding of that film or that character — he's pretty much the exact opposite of what nada was in that movie. just total scum! duke's sunglasses ain't showing him any truth.

and yeah, god, all they need to do is copy letterboxd's edit functionality where you have a 10-minute timer from the moment you post your comment to make edits before it becomes set in stone.

1 year ago

@curse: definitely. god, there is so much actual trash being released on steam it's impossible to keep up with it all. like, these hitler hentai games or whatever. gotta wonder what the fuck is actually wrong with the sort of people who make those games, let alone play them. wish valve gave a shit.

1 year ago

@Weatherby. Fun fact, the guy who does Zero Punctuation was originally approached to write the script for Duke Nukem forever. His script was rejected however, as it went for an ironic tone with Duke being a washed up has-been dinosaur and Randy Pitchford "wanted Duke to be played straight and the rest of the world to be wacky around him". The game would have probably been awful still, but man that sounds at least better than what we got

1 year ago

@curse: greenlight may not have been ideal, but it was maybe a bit better than letting their store become the total fucking minefield that it is now. i've read a handful of articles pushing back against the sort of thing we're complaining about here, but it seems like valve just doesn't give a shit anymore. it sucks.

1 year ago

@LordDarias I like the concept but not a fan of the Zero Punctuation guy, so it would've been a wash for me.

I'm going to get to this game at some point because I still have some weird fascination for what it is, though I know it's not good.

1 year ago

Oh, actual suggestion for this list: Anonymous Agony.
very much an out of left field choice but 'always sometimes monsters' comes to mind

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