5 reviews liked by zoomarooo

It is hard to explain just how deep this game really is. I had it as a young ween and played it a LOT. Problem is as a young sprout I barely made any progress. Realised it was on PS3 as well, picked it up in 2019 and had the time of my LIFE.

STUPIDLY deep, open world, silly but exciting world design, wonderful zany characters. A real fucking gem. Exception to play in a group

im jus gon copy and paste my steam review

also ive played thru dis game like 10 times im pretty sure so take my fuckin word for it

a misunderstood masterpiece
kane and lynch 2 was released in a time where games like uncharted, army of two, and gears of war were the standard for third person shooters at the time. games where you played as a quippy asshole who kills a million guys but youre still good and likeable

kane and lynch 2 did not follow dis

in kane and lynch 2 you play as da most disgustin, repulsive men who hate each other, doin ugly horrible things, ruinin eachothers lives, and as a result dats what da game is. its disgustin and repulsive, da camera shakes when you run, it looks like an MPEG video, when you get shot da screen depixelizes, you SHOULDNT aim down your sights, da guns are deliberately inaccurate, Lynch is yellin constantly from PTSD and his schizophrenia, Kane is pissed off at Lynch and at his life, and ultimately doesnt care about anyone but himself. dis is usually where people (people who even like this game) say dis game is "deliberately bad" but dat doesnt apply here and anyone who says it does is a moron

theres a scene about midway thru da game, after Kane and Lynch escape torture and are runnin around China naked with cuts all over them bleedin everywhere where they stop in an underground mall, and Lynch starts havin a breakdown. you cant feel bad for him, you cant, and Kane starts talkin to him about how he "needs" Lynch to go thru with dis deal from Glazer with him, "one last deal," so he can "get out the game," and as fucked Lynch is even he realizes how selfish Kane truly is. but who else does Lynch have to rely on? get some clothes on

when i first played kane and lynch 2 it was on PS3 with my homie veronica, it was on sale for $3 and i played it on my old 90s HP monitor, we got to da helicopter setpiece, where you hijack a helicopter and start unloadin machine guns indiscriminately on offices in a huge tower
due to my monitor bein so old, it has speakers, and when things get too loud, it clips like HELL, and starts makin dat sound like when your earbuds are screwin up but way louder and basically perpetually. i wish everyone could experience dat part dis way

another thing people either completely ignore or misunderstand how huge of a design choice it is, is da fact the game is based off graphic liveleak videos
dats WHY da camera is like that, dats WHY da game is so short, dats WHY da gameplay is chaotic, dats WHY da story is so sparse and told in inbetween shootouts and loadin screens with shots of shanghai, dats WHY da entire game is how it is. its a design choice dat runs so deep into the game yet no one realizes it, for whatever reason

i wanna credit my homie veronica for showin me dis game, and for part of how i initially describe da game in dis review
id recommend everyone should go back to dis game, after almost a whole decade of retrospect, and how ambitious it is, i think it deserves it

da first time i heard young jeezy

if oyu dont like dis game you are either an idiot or dont have friends dat love you or both, prolly both