Reviews from

in the past

The best way to experience one of the greatest survival horrors ever.

Uma surpresa boa, me diverti em cada momento.
Um jogo que respeita o antecessor e adiciona momentos incriveis, mesmo com meu receio de ser ruim, pois veio após o fiasco do RE3 remake.

Resident Evil 4 (2023) é facilmente um dos melhores jogos que tive a oportunidade de jogar. Uma experiência fantástica e um prato cheio para quem ama a franquia. Apreciar essa obra-prima é como comer o seu prato favorito da infância novamente depois de muito tempo. Os sentimentos de nostalgia misturados com a sensação de algo novo e inexplorado trazem uma carga emocional tão grande que é de se emocionar.

Um Remake feito com um apreço muito grande, respeitando e até mesmo superando o material original. Entro em detalhes quando editar essa análise, pois preciso Re-Jogar o clássico, mas o jogo é perfeito. 10/10.

my first RE game! it took me too long to finish it but i enjoyed it a lot. i haven't played a lot of survival horror so i don't have a lot to compare it to. took me about 18 hours to finish.

combat is insanely amazing. it felt slow at first but once i got better it was so satisfying. and the mechanics surrounding it (like the shop, treasures, resource management) work really well together. i loved that combat was chaotic and fast-paced sometimes, but also slow and strategic sometimes. in general, the pacing of the game is really on point. another amazing thing: the boss encounters! i've never seen bosses so interesting before, i was so impressed.

to some negative things: i wasn't into the characters tbh (even though i loved the story and setting!). maybe it's my fault for not playing the other games. i liked Leon and i'm okay with the mainly silent protagonist, but i felt like Ashley and Louis could've been a bit more interesting (or talked a bit more?). also, i actually didn't like the final boss :( it felt a bit too easy and not even that interesting compared to all the others.

i'm still digesting this game so i might edit the review later. overall, i stayed for the mechanics, not so much the story and characters, which actually says a lot about how good the gameplay is. while not my GOTY by any means, it felt like a polished, complete game and that feels so refreshing nowadays.

Um exemplo de como um reamake deve ser feito! Me senti exatamente da mesma forma de quando eu joguei o original, basicamente todos os sentimentos de medo, como derrotar o próximo inimigo, uma sensação incrível, de verdade. O remake também conseguiu dar mais profundidade com personagens, como a Ashley (que como grande parte dos jogadires, eu odiava no original) e o Luis Serra, eu simplesmente amei ele. A parte do castelo e da vila são simplesmente muito boas de serem exploradas, é incrível como a ambientação te faz se sentir dentro do jogo. E as batalhas dos chefes então? Apenas uma palavra: memoráveis. Um ótimo jogo, amei do início ao fim!

An example of how a remake should be done! I felt exactly the same way as when I played the original, basically all the feelings of fear, like defeating the next enemy, an incredible feeling, really. The remake also managed to give more depth to characters, like Ashley (who, like most players, I hated in the original) and Luis Serra, I simply loved him. The castle and village parts are simply very good to explore, it's incredible how the environment makes you feel in the game. What about the bosses? Just one word: memorable. A great game, I loved it from start to finish!

A great remake of a great game. I miss a bit of the personality taken out from the original though.

A maioria das mudanças na história e na gameplay foram muito bem vindas, é um dos melhores remakes já feitos e transmite mto bem a experiência do original talvez até o superando.
(Salazar parecia uma criança e agr virou uma velha...)

Close enough to the original to scratch that itch but new enough to feel fresh. This makes me wanna bark

id rather grind my nuts with sandpaper than deal with ashley

"Where'd everyone go? Bingo?"

El mejor remake de Capcom hasta la fecha. Fue como volver a jugar por primera vez al original.

increible como acabo este remake, me senti igual al juego de ps2

Setember 30th 1998, it's a day I'll never forget

Perfect remake and adds so much more.

One of my favourite resi games

Gameplay extremamente satisfatoria, com excelente narrativa digna de um filme de acao e graficos/direcao de arte magnifico

The Remake for one of the most influential and generational games of all time... is a masterpiece

What a surprise. I usually write a long review detailing my experience but I gotta play it again ASAP and aim for S rank. Hasta luego!

22 hours and 200 "¡Un forastero!" later, I give Resident Evil 4 Remake a 5/5

Basically, just as good as the original (which was awesome!),
with upgraded game mechanics and.
Amazing gaming experience!

They made Ashley actually a good character.

Mind you I was playing 5 on 1 when she appears on screen

For me, it managed to be better than the original, some cut things appeared in Separate Ways making the whole plot a pure nostalgia.

As a huge RE fan this game is pure joy. Bought it on pc and 100% it, bought it again on ps5 and 100% it, as well. Just perfection

Gaming's most satisfying parry mechanic. Truly feels like I'm bringing complete devastation to a tiny Spanish village and its inhabitants, and sparing no one-liners.