Reviews from

in the past

My nostalgia for this game knows no bounds! I'll always love this game so much.

Really good Animal Crossing game. The City theme still stays with me even today. Such a fantastic entry in the series

Just another Animal Crossing game. The city is cool, but a majority of your time will be spent in your town. The patches of dirt that appear around your town are kind of gross and they only get bigger the more consistantly you play the game.

Like Wild World but with a city (woah) and worse controls

In my opinion, not a bad animal crossing game but definitely the worst. I think my main issue with this game is that there's too much to do at one time. What I mean is, in other animal crossing games there were characters that would appear on your island, and they'd only appear on a certain day of the week, and the game works with irl days. This game, instead having a new salesman or something everyday, has the salesmen from other games in the city, which is a separate area from your town. These vendors never change. Which is why this game is probably the easiest one to drop out of all animal crossing games, because there's no incentive to log on after a week or two, because you know everything will just be the same as yesterday.

I'm not usually into these types of games but I had a good time because I played it alongside some friends. Rodeo is the best villager hes awesome

mmmmmmnmmm q ricos los globos q te podias comprar en la ciudad me los como. la parada de autobus tb luce q me la podria comer con un poco de tomate frito y estaria rica

En vrai il était cool, la ville était une bonne idée, mais je trouve qu'il se basait trop sur le online, que je n'avais pas. je n'ai pas d'autre souvenirs, a part le coiffeur, et c'est tout. Je l'ai trouvé trop oubliable malheureusment.

I bought this for £15 from a bargain bin just for the bundled Wii Speak because I wanted to play Monster Hunter Tri online, I had no real idea what Animal Crossing even was.

OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS, TOM NOOK IS NOT EVIL! If you acknowledge Bell currency, about 100 Bells is equal to $1, so a million Bells is like $10,000 which is not much for an entire HOUSE!

It's the worst Animal Crossing game (we don't talk about Amiibo Festival) but that doesn't mean it's bad! It's just not, y'know, good.

According to my cousin I somehow got a rare bridge layout when I created a town. Unfortunately this game never hooked me like New Leaf did so my town with a rare layout never saw the light of day.

Maybe it's just my memories, but this AC has a very special place in my heart.

It may not be the best Animal Crossing game of all time (that's probably New Leaf), but I remember how much fun I had playing it back in the days.

I don't know how many hours I've spent, but surely all of them were worth it. Also, I could play it together with my mum which makes it even more special to me.

And the soundtrack of the city is the best soundtrack of all Animal Crossing games, period.

If I replayed it nowadays I would almost definitley reduce the rating, but I want to keep the memories alive - so I simply won't pick it up again.

I remember when I first played this game for a looooong time I hated Rover and I do not remember why , I had an entire town dedicated to hating him in every way , the town was called f-rover and i constantly made hate posts on the board about him. I don't really remember much else about this game except my arm always hurting having to hold it up just to walk around , I never really played it much and every time I tried , I quit early and I never really enjoyed myself . I think Animal Crossing games just aren't for me , I enjoyed New Leaf and played a little bit of Wild World and New Horizons , I tried to like them but in the end these kinds of games just aren't my taste , and this one of the four I've tried out , I enjoyed the least . Perhaps I'll give it another shot some day , but I don't think that's anytime soon for me .

I want to pick Wii U as a platform but again it doesn't allow me to. Besides that this game is fantastic! It's literally just animal crossing, animal crossing is good!

Mi primer Animal y lo disfruté mucho de pequeño en WII, seguramente será insuperable para mí por nostalgia, le eché muchas horas y me gustó ir a la ciudad y el topo molestandome a diario

I'm not the biggest fan of the motion controls but I love the overall vibes, etc of it. it's mostly just wild world with a city and holidays dlc but like the graphics are great

As a child, I remember thinking this and Wild World were a bit limited and slow paced. Post New Horizons, those two aspects are what I miss the most.

Like with Wild World, I remember playing this game, but my memories of the details are fuzzy. With that in mind, it was still a good time from what I can recollect. I enjoy the city mechanic & being able to go from a more rural village to urban environment & back again. It helped prevent the AC formula from getting too stale.

I remember when I was 9, I rented this game from my local Civic Video (which was kinda like Blockbuster in Australia). My parents wouldn't let me rent a James Bond game, so I chose this randomly not expecting much. I ended up renting it for almost a year lol - such a goated franchise. K.K. Cruisin' is still a banger after all these years.

The lack of portability really hurt the staying power of this entry in the series for me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed what few novelties it brought to the table and it's still an Animal Crossing game at heart, it just wasn't meaningfully distinguishable from its much more convenient prequel and sequel.

better then new horizons imo. never played new leaf. absolute banger of a game

Remember the fucking Wii mix that only worked for this game? Lmaooo

Apart from the awful erosion mechanic, this game is great. lots of nostalgia for it and even now i return to it sometimes. Has just this comfy feeling to it that the newer ones are missing and im not sure why

Probably a terribly unpopular opinion, but this one was actually my favorite as a kid? I think it’s because I played it SO, SO much with my best friends compared to any of the other games (save WW) that I will forever be deeply fond of it. Like sure it’s not at all that impressive compared to what we have now but the addition of the city had me LOSING MY MINDDD when I was a kid, I would go to the city with my best friends every single day to fuck around. It’s admittedly not terribly different or much of an improvement from WW in most other respects, but I loved WW with a fevered passion, so that wasn’t at all a bad thing to me. Somehow I used to always get into situations where I didn’t save my game in this one, so this was the game that REALLY made me terrified of Resetti to the point of having nightmares as a kid LMFAO. The pretending to delete your save and cutting to the black screen prank with him made me cry as a kid it was objectively hilarious looking back. Again, I guess it’s not that impressive of a game in the series now, but to me it was everything as a kid and with how I played it religiously every single day for YEARS it’s easily the most hours I’ve sunk into any game ever (again, save maybe WW).

Este juego se llevó AÑOS de mi vida en la Wii y siempre tendrá un lugar en mi corazón.

No creo que haya envejecido bien, sobretodo al ver el Animal Crossing the Switch.

a mash up of the previous two games. It is still a good game, however this game made the formula a little stale. I had a lot of fun with this as a kid. but the motion controls keep me from going back.