Reviews from

in the past

I sincerely apologize to all the doe's and cows I accidentally shot, I promise I was only trying to be a Big Buck/Bull Hunter, not a Big Doe/Cow Hunter

Played on: Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X
Time Played: 4 Hours (Across all platforms)

This is just a slightly better-looking version of the game for the Nintendo Wii back in 2006, which on its own was a step down from the classic arcade game we all know and love.
This version manages to be worse, however, due to the significantly worse controls. While it may work alright with a lightgun in an arcade or the more accurate motion controls of the Wii, it is not a game that lends itself well to the use of thumbsticks for aiming or the Nintendo Switch's comparatively worse motion control tracking system.
While I've seen it run serviceably enough on PC, on the whole, this version of the game was a complete misfire.

A fine little pc port of some of big buck hd (2012) from arcades that works great with a lightgun after some easy to lookup mods from the sinden wiki and was dirt cheap. I paid 80 cents. Includes moose and deer, elk costs $5 extra.

It seemed a little half baked in comparison to the actual arcade, sometimes the video would just stop and not play during a recap and there isn't an actual arcade mode built in so if you want to play the minigames you have to choose them from the menu.

Definitely install the mod to remove the arm on screen.
