Reviews from

in the past

how did i not hear about this game?? the character roster is insane lol. legitimately do not understand all the negativity surrounding it. it's not exactly MAINSTAGE EVO TOURNAMENT tier or anything, but it's super easy to get into and the majority of characters feel stupid busted, so it's a blast! plus quote from cave story is the best in the game and has an absolutely insane combo game.

Omg es shovel knight de los juegos de videos shovel knight

I enjoy playing this game.
it's the best fighting game I played with a keyboard until now.
yes, I don't have control, plus I don't care to have one,
and I love most character cast from indie Japanese games,
I will say all of them if shovel Knight, most of them I didn't know about beside cave story and aaaaaa shovel Knight,
I search for some of them and man they are hidden jewels games, this one specifically Umihara Kawase Shun it's the weirdest puzzle platform game I played, I highly recommend it but it's little hard,
the only problem I have with Blade Strangers it's don't let me play with all characters story from the beginning, it's open little bit little bit after you complete one character story after another,
because of this I complete the game 100%,
I don't lie I kinda enjoy it but some character was trash to play with, I think most people played the game know what character I mean

I bought this game for GV. Just a rlly bad fighter tbh, overpriced too. At least Shovel Knight looks cool in it?

Honestly, it's a good game, it's one of the easiest fighting games to learn to play (this game catches my attention the most because of Isaac and Cave Story).

Pretty bland fighting game. The character designs are cool, as well as some references for the games they come from, but the game is overpriced for what it offers gameplay-wise. I recommend this only if you find it for cheap, mainly if you are a fan of the indie games represented in this crossover.

So me and some friends made a massive list of “B-List Fighting Games” and I think it’s about time to start chipping away at it.

Blade Strangers after playing it for way too long…Is super mid to be honest. Graphically it looks like store brand Guilty Gear Xrd and that is not a compliment. Music is extremely hit or miss. It doesn’t feel as sluggish as it used to pre patch but still feels a little slower then it should and The combo system feels just as arbitrary as Strive. Like there’s stuff that feels like it should work but doesn’t for no reason like why can’t I use a special move after a sweep and why don't the different heavy attacks combo together. The light attack auto combo also feels unneeded as it just feels like it’s there to pad out the combo time.

I’m not a fan of simplified Inputs as they tend to limit the movepool a character can have (looking at you DNF Duel) but as far as simple input games go they do a pretty good job with giving the characters a bunch of tools to work with. Well at least they did with Gunvolt. The cast here is whatever. Basically carried by Cave Story and the guest characters with an overall weak crossover appeal. Basically you’re here for Swole Shovel Knight, Isaac, and Gunvolt.

The game’s tutorial is pretty bad as it explains how the game works in the blandest most surface level way possible and even leaves stuff out like I only learned that Lina has an air dash by complete accident. The combo trial mode would be okayish if it weren’t for the fact that they made the same mistake UMVC3 did of not including a sample video for each combo which can lead to quite a bit of frustration when it comes to figuring out some of the timings and the story seems like it could be somewhat interesting for about 10 seconds before it devolves into a tournament arc like always and the character interactions being pretty bland most likely due to flanderization and short interactions. There’s a couple decent moments but nothing worth writing home about.

Overall the game is the definition of a mid fighting game and to be honest I’m not sure how much better it could have been. Because it’s not terrible it’s more than functional and was occasionally fun at times during the 7 story runs I did but nothing compared to what I consider the best in the genre.

Least this makes a pretty decent baseline to go into the rest of the list with.

Umihara Kawase vs. Umihara Kawase with less clothing on. Two seperate characters btw

I will never get over how Isaac, in all of his chibi glory, is placed next to titty monsters like Solange and Kawase.
Nicalis is the publisher of all time.

The idea of an "indie all stars" fighting game is great and the roster draws from a lot of games/series I really like, but the actual game here was just kind of bad. But hey at least I got a cute Umihara Kawase keychain with my copy.

Not bad for a small developer, but it lacks spice. I had fun with it playing the story mode.

The first impression was weak, i didn't care about the roster, the UI is boring, the gameplay is basic, and it looks kinda ugly. After a while i started finding it fun to play though.

The roster also grew on me, Ali and Liongate sold me on Code of Princess. Master T was also a nice char. I knew most of the other characters, i've played their games or have them on my backlog. Wasn't really hyped for any of them.

The OG character Lina i did like, she's cute and fun to play.

The story mode was ok, i didn't get any possible fanservice but like i said i enjoyed those chars i mentioned.

Something weird about it is that Shovel Knight, Isaac, Gunvolt and Quote only appear in their own story modes, they never appear in cutscenes for other characters (Aiden, Summer Kawase and Piaa don't appear either but they were added later with an update). This turns the story mode into "Code of Princess vs Umihara Kawase feat. Curly"

It's probably related to licensing bullshit or something but it does suck.

An awful fighting game with an ugly 2.5D artstyle and a complete mess of a roster. There might have been some charm to be found in the ridiculous crossovers if I didn't know it was just the publisher making another attempt to catch a quick dollar by throwing together all the properties they happen to own.

I mean some of the characters are cool but the turtle speed of the game along with the inane "baby's first fighter" mentality when it comes to mechanics kills it for me.

Bro this game absolutely sucked. Only positive is shovel knight.

Is this game supposed to run like ass? 😭😭😭

The character design is cool, and is fun to play as Shovel Knight and both Cave Story protagonists, but aside from that, is a very simple, not that memorable fighting game. Just to have fun for some hours before switching back to your favorite FG again.

i hate the gun girl i cant beat her (arcade version)

Got the game on sale since I was intrigued by the Isaac and Cave Story cameos, but it's just another shovelware anime fighter with over-simplified controls in a well-intentioned but poorly thought-out attempt to appeal to casuals (failing to understand that one of the main appeals of the genre is the process of learning the controls) and a dead online scene, a la DNF Duel. And that's without even mentioning how the game is ugly as sin and has one of the lamest character rosters I've ever seen in a fighting game, save for those aforementioned cameos.

Thank God for Steam's liberal refund policy.

Is it good is it bad IDFK