Reviews from

in the past

if it werent for how satisfying it is to shoot to the beat this game would probably suck balls but holy shit its so satisfying to shoot to the beat

With osu! and Guitar Hero, this is one of my fav rhythm games out there. Altough I'm not quite fond of FPS games, decided to give it a try and can say it was worth the try. Precious METAL musics that authenticly linked with gameplay itself. I MEAN THE WHOLE GAMEPLAY, DASHING, RELOADING, SHOOTING AND EVEN BOSS SKILLS!! But anyway, there's one or two things to talk.
The actual graphics of the game dazzles my eyes too much!!! For that reason I played 15-min sessions each time. And can acurrately say that BPM is not diffucultly-wise, like some items were too powerful and some are very underpowered.

shooting and reloading to the beat feels good, but theres no real staying power to this game, and as soon as you get the ability to fly its already won for you, even on hard. dumb fun for a few hours at least. have killed most bosses in the game too quickly to even know what their attacks are. the roguelike elements are obviously taken mostly from isaac.
worth like 5 bucks id say

This game is so fucking butt ugly holy shit


this game looks like ass and the balance is all fucked up but goddamn it does shooting to the beat feel like the coolest shit ever

after playing for another 4 hours non-stop Ive found that this game is crack cocaine in only the best ways possible. If you throw rhythm into any genre of game i will consume it and be on a high so great I'll never be the same again.

If there is no BPM fans, I am BPM's #1 Fan

Cool game, music is great

Una buena idea llevada a cabo de forma mala.

Los jefes tienen patrones interesantes y divertidos pero el camino hasta ellos suele ser unos pares de salas aburridas con enemigos desinspirados, las armas estan totalmente desbalanceadas y algunas rompen la progresion del juego, los niveles tienen una paleta de colores horriblemente saturada y una iluminacion pesima, además, para ser un juego ritmico la mayoria de las canciones suenan como sountrack de publicidad para un programa sobre autos de bajo presupuesto.

I'm not a huge fan of roguelike games (I'm pretty sure the only one I really loved was The Binding of Isaac) so I came out of this pleasantly surprised. I guess my only problem would be there only being 1 bunch of dungeons, and the bosses can range from piss easy to yell at the screen hard.

I like it, but feel like there's a heavy skill jump between the first area. If you're not lucky with items in the first area, you'll get screwed with the insanely fast enemies of the next

Idk beat it due to luck, and haven't felt that inspired to go back

Por favor, por favorzinho, por obsequio. Mais jogos com essa mecânica, extremamente divertido.

The good:
- The base rhytmic mechanics can really get you into a good feeling groove of shooting a reloading.

- A good variety of guns and items that can really change up how you play each run.

- The giant bird shopkeepers. I honestly just had a great time every time I found a shop, because I knew that even if I didn't always find good items, I'd at least always find good vibes.

The bad:
- Keeping rhythm while dodging the projectiles of the small enemies that shoot from everywhere (including behind you) felt often frustrating.

- The game felt like it missed polish. For example, the default character on the character selection screen strikes a cool pose that really pumps me up to play the game; but after unlocking a few other ones, I noticed that they were all just standing around idly...

- The color scheme of the game makes it difficult to see what is going on. I found that enemy projectiles are often hard to parse. And on the later levels, I often spent a bit of time on each room just to find the statues that are needed to upgrade your stats, as they really blended into the environment.

- The game also had a balancing issue that I find in a lot of roguelikes. I have a really hard time advancing in most runs, but then I come across some op item that get me to breeze through the whole game, and I don't feel like I mastered anything.

Shooty shooty bang bang. Art style gives me a headache. Sick beats.

BPM é para mim um dos jogos mais criativos e únicos já feitos. O jogo mistura elementos de ritmo, com FPS e Rogue-Like, e apesar de ser um dos jogos mais difíceis e frustrantes que já joguei em toda minha vida, é com certeza uma das melhores experiências que já encontrei em um jogo.

É importante ressaltar que BPM não é um jogo para todo mundo, ele apresenta mecânicas complexas que demoram até serem entendidas perfeitamente, e isso com certeza pode afastar uma grande leva de jogadores. Entretanto, mesmo com essas aspas, esse jogo é simplesmente foda pra caralho.

A gameplay do jogo é rápida e bastante punitiva, mas quando você começar a pegar o jeito das coisas, entender como funciona as armas, estudar os padrões de inimigos e chefes... É quase impossível não se viciar. O sentimento de conquista que você sente ao terminar uma run é um dos melhores que já vi em um jogo desse gênero.

É impossível falar sobre BPM sem citar sua músicas, que além de serem essenciais para o jogo, compõem uma das trilhas sonoras que já ouvi em um jogo. Todas as músicas do jogo são excelentes e combinam perfeitamente com ele, e os destaques de músicas com certeza são: The Rhythm KIng e Depths of Hellheim.

A curva de aprendizagem em BPM é sim muito árdua e demora para ser dominada, mas se você se dedicar para aprender esse jogo eu tenho certeza que te renderá muitas horas de diversão, além de ser uma experiência bastante marcante.

The game is not bad, in every sense of the word. From the soundtrack to the graphics.
However, as in many roguelikes, randomness decides here - it can lead to an imba gun in a store or to an art with endless ammo.
Although skill is also important here - after all, in the end, even if you are a local Armstrong, there is always a chance that you will be killed by a wasp...

played around 3 hours. Borrows very heavily from Isaac but without the synnergy. Shooting to the beat is fun, but can be a little too chaotic to actually follow along

its, visually, one of the ugliest games I have ever played. I legitimately don't understand the art direction here. Why is the lighting like this

Extra star given because there's a giant chubby cockatiel merchant.

I so badly want to be able to recommend this game, every fiber of my being wants this game to be good. Unfortunately, BPM has other plans.

The Rhythm/Rougelike is a genre I would champion if there were more than 3 games fitting the description (The same goes for Rhythm/FPS but that genre's only got this and the upcoming Metal: Hellsinger), so I take no joy in saying the BPM is an early beta build of a game disguised as its 1.0 release.

While the core gameplay is fun, everything else around it feels so half-baked it's surprising to learn the game is no longer is early access.

this game does play well at all, like has got to be held together by the worst coding possible.

I fucking suck at this game

Fantastic, too bad my brain melts when trying to follow a beat.
Wings are OP.

Fairly repetitive shooter with a fun learning curve. I think the game stops being fun as the soundscape gets more repetitve the longer you play the game. I think if the game abandoned the rougelike structure and instead focused on a single developed campaign, the final product would've been much more agreeable to me. The game not changing the BPM of later levels was a missed oppurtunity for me but for this young team, I think that properly balancing the game around a variable BPM was probably something they weren't prepared to do. All hypothesizing on my part but despite this, I look forward to whatever the team behind this are producing next.

A phenomenal roguelike with a kickin' soundtrack and a superb gamefeel/gameplay loop. If only there was more of it.

That's my main gripe with BPM, it has such a strong foundation with its game design but it just doesn't have enough content to support it for very long, which is made even worse by the fact that it's a roguelike. The sparse amounts of guns and rooms make this feel like an Early Access game at times with how repetitive it can be.

It's still a great game well worth the buy, it just could've been so much better.

C'est un rogue like fps de rythme dans un setting un peu enfer, c'est l'encetre de Metal Hellsinger, je conseille.

the insane shit you can do to break this game isnt a bug, its a feature

I's a banger and it's fun to play but I can't really enthuse about any particular part of it. The gameplay is unbalanced-the first half is entirely more engaging than the last half, while also being way too difficult for a game without a tutorial or save options. By the time you get to the fourth level, you're speeding through the bosses and beating back an excessive amount of enemies.

That said, if you can get it on sale, I recommend playing through it. It is pretty fun, and replayable, and has enough level variations to keep some novelty to it. If you can get past the learning curve, it'll keep you entertained for a good couple of days.

A fantastic feeling game with great music and a cool concept. Executes what it wants to accomplish very well! Would love more variety and less bloom, but I can live with it.

insanely fucked the rhytm based game music sucks