Reviews from

in the past

I played through this on veteran and made an effort to get as many of the challenge trophies as I could (completing areas using certain guns..etc) and honestly it was a great time. There's enough variety in the levels that it didn't drag at any point, characters were pretty neat, and of course the graphics are just absurd. Such a shame it's so fucking hard to actually play huh :')
(see my other review and the one for Warzone for context lol)

--Beyond this point is more personal rambles--
Typically not much of a COD guy but this came recommended by a number of people, most importantly of course being the Mrs. Wasn't sure what to expect going in but was given a heads up that the platinum was pretty easy, with the biggest challenge being to beat the game on Veteran or Realism. At first I thought this would be too hard for me, but a pro gamer such as myself got through it with ease. Even getting most of the miscellaneous trophies on said veteran playthrough despite being advised otherwise.

All that said, the worst thing in this game by far is it's ties to Warzone. When you complete it the title card literally says "Call of Duty: WARZONE Modern Warfare" - which isn't even the name of the game... God damnit it I hate games as a service so much. Anyway yeah look forward to the sequel okay bye ily

(Forgot to relog after I’ve rebeat it prior to controller issues) but wow a stellar campaign and fantastic ost to back it up highly recommend the campaign.

Every time I actually wanna play there's a new 30 gig update

“War has changed."

A icônica frase de Metal Gear Solid 4 é trucidada pela existência de Modern Warfare. Guerras em jogos eletrônicos são quase imutáveis. Os estímulos, principalmente no cenário mainstream, são sempre os mesmos. Andar, atirar, e matar. Alguns jogos conseguem uma certa eficiência em contornar com elementos narrativos uma possível glamourização de violência, mas são poucos. Geralmente se perdem ao ignorar que a jogabilidade faz parte da narrativa em um vídeo game. Exemplo, em The Last of Us você precisa se importar com a violência do jogo mesmo quando mecanicamente o mesmo estrutura o jogador como um homicida. Não se deve analisar um jogo pensando apenas no que ele diz em texto, o coração da narrativa existe no gameplay.

O último Modern Warfare sabe disso. O jogo é um espetáculo de violência. Honesto e direto. Não existe qualquer tentativa de mediação moral na estória, ele é um produto refinado para ter a mais estimulante experiência de guerra, estruturada em ritmo de filme de ação. Tudo é rápido e visualmente instigante. O peso moral do conflito não existe em cutscenes, ele é reflexo da ação desenfreada e ágil. No meio de um tiroteio com inimigos o jogador pode acabar atirando em um civil por acidente, o peso existe, mas é preciso esquecer dele rapidamente e continuar a “robótica” atividade de andar, mirar e matar. Remete a Fervura Máxima do John Woo, na cena do plano-sequência com uma absurda troca de tiros dentro de um hospital, quando o personagem do Tony Leung atira em um policial sem querer e o protagonista interpretado por Chow Yun Fat tenta o convencer que isso não aconteceu. Quando a vida está em jogo, a discussão moral acontece em segundos e a luta pela sobrevivência precisa continuar. Impossível ser mais honesto como proposta.

Para o bem e para o mal, Call Of Duty Modern Warfare é uma bela experiência de fps em combate urbano, inconsequente e mecanicamente refinado. Longe das nuances mais complexas dos primeiros Modern Warfare, o jogo abraça inconsequência em busca de unidade e alcança, mas falta um nível na profundidade de No Russian para realmente ter um debate mais instigante sobre formato.

Captain Price's beard looks really weird depending on what angle you look at it. Had to dock two stars for that. The games OK I guess.

The best CoD in years with a really great single player campaign and some damn good multiplayer, the game looks gorgeous and has incredible sound design too. Warzone is also the most fun I've ever had with a BR. 200GB is still a bit ridiculous though.


It's wild that for the longest time, I didn't play this game because I thought it was a remake of the the original Modern Warfare. Remake fatigue comes and goes for me so that just wasn't something I was interested in, for a while. I was so wrong. MW 2019 has just about nothing to do with it's namesake. Even Price, the major "returning" character may as well be a new original character. Outside of calling people moppets, there are barely any similarities. So yeah, I think calling this game Modern Warfare does it a complete disservice.

Anyways, with that out of the way, this is a pretty great FPS campaign. Feels like a playable Zero Dark Thirty at times with how grounded it feels. The fact a large amount of environments are civilian homes/cities also makes this game feel too real at times.

The gunplay is as good as I expected it to be. Being able to mount my gun on most surfaces is a great feature! The game's pacing is also great. I felt like I was jumping from one scene to the next rapidly with a ton of variety to keep me on my toes. Great stealth and sniper segments too!

A great way to spend 6-8 hours.

What is modern warfare? Call of Duty understands, even if it's players -- the impressionable young Americans that will inevitably be it's core audience -- only come away knowing less than before. Warfare in the modern era is about information. The powers that be know that if they shower people with enough incorrect information through the lens of Marvel's Avengers then enough will either believe it or believe enough of it to not have any real idea what's going on in the world.

The style is slick and gritty. The night-vision levels have the aesthetic of military snuff films. It wants you to think you're looking behind the curtain of the terrible things you see in the news. When you're pulling the trigger on a mother and crying child in some forgotten basement in St. Petersburg to torture a terrorist, when you're doing a no-knock raid in London where Muslim women maniacally pull assault rifles on you, it draws to mind the "no hesitation" line of police training targets featuring pregnant women and children, the assertion that War Has Come Home, and that your neighbors, hiding behind the veil of innocence, are the real enemy.

The Middle Eastern country that hosts this year's Islamic shooting gallery is entirely fictional, and does it matter? Would Call of Duty appropriately enhancely interrogate a real history? The game, which is set in 2019, features flashbacks to "20 years ago". In this funhouse timeline we see Soviets invading Urzikstan (in the year 1999), which is described as being Northwest of Georgia, and Southwest of Russia, conveniently overlaying and replacing the very real Abkhazia. Thankfully for US military censors, the Russians end up committing the same crimes that the real life Americans would, and for bad reasons instead of our very good ones.

So much of the game is spent morally laundering the horrors of what our military and intelligence agencies do that it's kind of all there is to talk about. This game is one of many recent huge media properties that star the heroic CIA. They do fucked up things, but its a fucked up world, man. Someones gotta be the wolf to guide the sheep. That's the thesis of this entry. Someones gotta do fucked up crimes, there's no debating it, so it's either us or them. The masses have no idea how bad things really are, it's only our elite operators -- who are really good guys, completely morally incorruptible, trust us -- who get to know what's going on. The things you hear about in the news? Listen kid, that aint the half of it. You really think our guys are out there committing terror attacks, torturing people, kidnapping women and children, sponsoring and funding militant right wing theocratic terrorists, destroying infrastructure, committing political assassinations, killing millions through starvation and famine, and then working with media giants to make sure that, whether you're gaming, watching TV, or scrolling Netflix, everything you see is trying, desperately, to make sure that when you think of the Central Intelligence Agency your first thought is of Captain America?

Now that's Modern Warfare.

Solid return to form for COD. Actually does something different in terms of its mechanics, offering a super refined and clean new system that makes it feel pretty fresh.

Campaign was very strong as well, great setpieces, good writing and surprisingly atmospheric, also doesn't overstay its welcome. Very consistent in terms of its quality and has some high highs, like the 'Piccadilly' and 'Clean House' missions.

I can't really rate the multiplayer experience though, as it's pretty dead nowadays and I just don't really care about COD MPs anymore, but given how nice the mechanics feel, I can imagine it being decent when it first came out.

Jogo extremamente divertido na campanha, muito muito muito realista, acho que foi a primeira vez que a gente joga com uma criança na franquia, bizonho de mais. A plot é meio paia, mas fazer o que

"This game is so well written, a true return to form!" a passerby says, as I watch cartoonishly evil Russian #376 kill another civilian.

"FPS games at their finest" says a lobotomy patient as I play through a scene where you go through with kidnapping a wife and child and threatening to shoot them, and shooting right next to them, which is okay because they're the wife and child of a SUPER-TERRORIST!

"A truly deep story" says an actor from the "Your Mom Hates Dead Space 2" commercial as I watch the game blame a real world incident where Americans were shooting civilians on the Russians.

"Makes you love the franchise all over again" says the voices in my head, as I play through the scene where you play as a little girl doing Dead By Daylight loops around a gigantic cartoonishly evil Russian man who just killed your father and is now coming to kill you.

"oh sick is this the one where it was like the old ones the multiplayer is awesome" says that one guy you played MW2 with back in 2009 who always camped in every room and spammed OMA Noob-tubes, as I finally beat the waterboarding mini-game and am given my reward.

This game is fucking soulless, the old Modern Warfare games had a bit of a unique charm that you'd only get out of old IW, and the newer CoD games at least tried to have something unique going on, but good job guys, you proved that you'll eat this grey awful mush as long as it reminds you of what you had like 15 years ago.

Also the multiplayer is doo-doo buttcheeks, even Vanguard is better because it had the decency to at least give you Ninja as a perk.

SINGLE PLAYER ONLY REVIEW Spoilers highlighted at the end of the review

View From The Heitz: as a first time Call of Duty player I have to say I was extremely impressed with the impact of the campaign, the incredible graphics, fantastic game play and PERFECT trophy list. I've read the statistics on how few people ever play the campaign and I can tell you that you are absolutely missing out if you skip this one.
Call of Duty's campaign is a 6-8 hour experience that takes you through 15 chapters with a variety of missions and game play styles. The first thing to call out is the quality of the acting throughout the campaign, everyone from the badass Captain Price to the freedom fighters Farah and Hadir. That married with some incredible graphics make for a completely engrossing campaign that kept me on the edge of my seat.

The missions are varied which is also a nice change of pace for me. As someone who doesn't particularly play first person shooters, it was nice to not have every missions just be an all out war of taking down as many enemies as you can. One mission will take me on a full on siege of a hospital to grab an asset and the next will have me with my squad stealthily going floor by floor of a house with night vision clearing each room and avoiding alerting the rest of the house.

Whether it is Borderlands or Far Cry I have always preferred a good sniper over up close and personal fighting, that is why my favorite mission had me protecting a highway using a long range armor piercing sniper. Using the distance and wind speed to line up the perfect shots and take out scouts, mortars, suicide vans and Russian tanks was an absolute stand out.

As a big fan of movies like Black Hawk Down and Lone Survivor, this is the first game that made me truly feel like I was playing characters in those types of scenarios. I definitely recommend more people give the campaign a chance.

Spoilers Begin
I was also shocked to see how they did not shy away from some truly impacting violence. You may have already heard of a mission where you play as a young girl that starts with you being dug out of rubble from a bombing while next to your dead mother. From there your father takes you home as Russians are gunning down civilians and throwing poison gas grenades out in the public.The mission is violent and you live the moment through the eyes of a child as you have to do unspeakable things to survive.

There are many moment like that in the game, from a siege on the US Embassy were civilians and their kids are put in danger to going through houses and towns where you have to keep your trigger finger steady to not take down a civilian.

The start of the game starts with a terror attack at Piccadilly Circus where you are taking down terrorists with hostages and watching out for suicide bombers. It is not pretty but I appreciate the realism it brings.
Spoiler End

Difficulty: 3/10
Time: 12 hours
Trophy Guide: Not Needed (PowerPyx videos are good if you need some help with specific mission objectives)

This is a fantastic trophy list! There are no multiplayer trophies nor are there any miss-able trophies. You can play the missions as many times as you need and the check point system is very generous. There is only one trophy based on difficulty which is to beat the campaign on VETERAN difficulty. This means that you could do the entire list in one play through but unless you are a bad ass Call of Duty player, it will probably take less time to get all the mission objective trophies on RECRUIT (Easy) difficulty and then do a 2nd play through on VETERAN.

Each mission has 1-2 trophies you can get and they range from using explosive to take out trip wires to carrying a cinder block to the end of the level. I found none of them to be annoying and some to actually make the mission more interesting. If you don't get it you can just load last checkpoint and give it another shot.

Once it's time to make your Veteran run my only recommendation is to take it slow, most missions you are with a squad of NPC's who do decent damage. Just take out people one at a time from cover, let the NPC's help along the way and just get to the next checkpoint. Most missions aren't long and you should be able to knock this out with minimal tries.

Didn't think i'd like this one as much as I did. It has some really good missions, and the Farah storyline is cool

No way this is from 2019… AND A CALL OF DUTY TITLE!!! The cutscenes looked photo realistic and the gameplay was incredibly immersive. The original Modern Warfare was the first game I ever bought with my own money, so it holds a special place in my heart; other than that, those games are forgettable to me (sorry, not sorry).
The story was basic but I wasn’t expecting much anyway. Where this game does marvel is, obviously, the graphics and the game mechanics. I have not played a COD campaign since WW2 and this franchise has evolved so much. Stealth covert ops missions, shooting out lights, choices; just lovely. I have the urge to go replay the original games now.

Half-star for forcing me to give them my email just to play the single-player campaign and for having the single most infuriating installation process of any game + a glitch that made me download and install all of "campaign packs" and "compatability packs" for a second time even though they were already installed.

Hooooo BOY where to begin I FUCKING loved this game the Gunplay and Gunsmith were a blast the Campaign is amazing and the Multiplayer is not the best but its fun genuinely want everyone to know that with how much this game sold it’ll always prove IW can do a really good and detailed call of duty experience cannot wait for MWII

A few weeks ago I tried to play this only to find I had to install around 40GB worth of "additional content packs" on top of Warzone and Vanguard (2 games I didn't want or buy) - After installing every single pack and quite literally OPENING THE GAME to confirm that it worked, I left it a few weeks so I could come back without the negative attitude the situation had given me.

A couple weeks has passed, I haven't touched a damn thing and what do ya know, I'm now supposedly missing every single pack for it.

At this rate I will never play this game, all because some fucking dickhead at Activision decided "Oh let's put MW on the box, but actually give them fucking Warzone."

set my graphics on max and i still had tons of little graphical issues in the otherwise beautiful cutscenes, what an L
and my music never worked but that's not a big issue since cod scores are rather boring

also the multiplayer is complete dogshit but i'm rating it off of campaign only :)

Didn't want a reboot of Modern Warfare but this surprised the hell out of me. Campaign is brilliant, Multiplayer was fun too and Warzone (when it was still bundled in) was also quite fun. Don't bother with spec ops

Esse jogo tá com exatos 196 GB no meu Xbox, a maioria só de atualização, deve ser um dos FPS's mais mal otimizados da história, os modos de jogo são bons e a história é boa, mas vai tomar no cu, tinha que ser muito melhor que isso, o jogo quase se atualiza sozinho e suga pra sempre o espaço livre no videogame com as milhões de atualizações que NÃO MUDAM QUASE NADA NA GAMEPLAY tirando quando é Season nova, sempre acontece de hora ou outra ter uma atualização de 30-40 GB do nada, bagulho ridículo e mal otimizado

Did a campaign replay since MW2 is releasing soon, and I honestly think this might be favorite CoD campaign overall. I've been a fan of this series since CoD4, and I'm often willing to overlook some (most) of the series' major flaws with my rose-tinted glasses. But this game's story feels genuinely gritty and exciting--the gunplay is tight and responsive, some of the levels are genuinely tense and its exploration of geopolitical ideas of terrorism are really poignant. Really excited to see how they up the ante with MW2 soon.

(Written in 2020 on GG)

As you might be able to tell from my game collection, I'm not exactly a fan of realism. Sports games and war games I tend to heavily avoid because to me it feels like the most cash-grabby section of the video game market, coming out with a new game every year with what (as far as I can tell) are slight tweaks to the previous game. Despite this, there's always something about Call of Duty's Modern Warfare series that just clicks with me.

Maybe it's because I've always had friends who willingly buy every CoD game. Back in high school my friend Justus talked me into getting Modern Warfare 2 and we'd play that game for months. It could be that these fond memories attach me to the series. Then I switched from Xbox 360 to Playstation 4 and he switched from Xbox 360 to Xbox One to PC, and our gaming drifted apart just as the Modern Warfare series came to an end. Now CoD has cross-platform online capabilities and we can reconvene on one shared game, aside from Fortnite but I never really found that game fun.

This new Modern Warfare brings back the fun multiplayer of the series, starts a new campaign with a compelling plot and character depth that will probably lead to a second version of the trilogy, and adds a battle royale mode that is honestly the first of its kind that I'm actually vibing with. I'm already back to riot shield and shotgun shenanigans. Sadly it seems more people have jumped on my trend, and others have figured out my weaknesses. Curse that thermite grenade.

Even though I'm giving it a lot of praise, It's still a war game and I know my interest will be fleeting. As soon as my friends lose interest in it, I will as well and I won't think about it again until the next Modern Warfare game in the Call of Duty franchise releases.

Campaign: 9/10. One of the best COD campaigns yet, though it can’t live up to the quality of MW trilogy’s campaigns, it’s still a really great campaign that is really good at showing the horrors of war. The characters are great, and the level design is just as good. Fuck how they tried to swap the countries involved in the Highway of Death though.

Multiplayer: 7.7/10 Pretty good multiplayer, but fuck the skill based matchmaking. The map design is a mix of really good and pretty bad elements. The gunfight game mode is also a great new addition.

Co-Op only played survival so can’t really say

COD Modern Warfare 2019 is the revival the series needed and Warzone helped pull people back into the franchise, so there’s that, and overall I can see myself coming back to it from time to time.

Also Activision, fuck you for making Warzone the focus to the point of the start of the credits being Warzone’s logo. Also that one time an update happened so I had to reinstall some stupid packs.

Pretty wild how after making some of the best scripted and most linear Call of Duty missions ever, Infinity Ward said "fuck it" and made one mission an immersive sim, complete with nonlinear objectives, interactive lights à la Thief, and a keypad with the code 451. What a flex.

While it's a very divisive title within the community it is an undeniable fact that this entry revitalized the series after years of disappointing and uninspired entries that only the most hardcore fans would enjoy.

The campaign is far from perfect especially on the narrative department. For the better or worse started a new rebooted timeline with at the time interesting premise with some old faces with a new look alongside bringing new faces to this new story, giving birth to "a new era of cod".

Multiplayer is absolutely the most divisive in the series, while Infinity Ward tried its best to make it as realistic as possible (and then trying it again on 2022) the design decisions could be mostly bypassed due to the unbalanced attachments and fluidity of the mechanics that also carried over to warzone starting on 2020 and would continue to stay that way until its shutdown on September 2023.

As mentioned before, the complete overhaul of systems and mechanics divided the community but also brought in a considerable amount of welcoming changes. Such as the following:

-More weapon customization than ever before even if not all attachments were good.

- A useful but not so over the top sliding on a boots of the ground entry that eventually would become a revolutionary mechanic that is now a staple of the series

-The reimagination of ground war bringing the conquest style battlefield gameplay to call of duty,


-A more fair monetization system albeit flawed given the high prices of shop bundles.

-A new camouflage system streamlining the experience while also providing more content than ever before even if several challenges were questionable with the purpose of inflating your playtime.

-A complete new face to the very old IW engine having its roots on ID Tech 3 to something that would seem like a dream come true, the franchise has never been the best in terms of graphics or gameplay but this update truly brought it to the spotlight making it more in line with the competition in those aforementioned aspects.

While there's plenty of issues that anyone can point out it's undeniable its success and the ripple effect that had on the series while also starting a whole new bag of issues that have transformed into growing pains on the current day.

All in all it is still a very enjoyable and accessible entry that any FPS player should give it a try despite now being 4 years old, bringing the perfect mix between classic and modern while still feeling fresh and smooth even if it brought alongside some controversial practices such as live service and all its components alongside it.

After trying and failing to innovate the series with their last two entries, Infinity Ward was falling short of the work done by Treyarch and Sledgehammer Games in the franchise they originally created. Issues with the naming aside, revisiting the title responsible for turning Call of Duty into one of the biggest juggernauts in gaming via this reboot has proved to be the redemption they needed. The Call of Duty experience has in no way been redefined, but by going back to basics like this and readopting the structure of their earlier works, Infinity Ward has delivered their best, most varied, and fun game since 2011's Modern Warfare 3.

While the campaign may test your patience when it comes to Russophobia and historical revisionism, it's hard to fault the actual gameplay. Much like Call of Duty 4, the single-player offering is a diverse series of memorable and exciting encounters. The exploration of the more horrific elements of war and combat are interesting, if also controversial. Placing civilians and children infront of your gun is an odd move for a series known for deriving fun from it's bombastic action and non-stop shooting, but it did garner an emotional reaction from me when I was forced to pick shots carefully in a crowded city to avoid killing innocents or something along those lines, even if that response was just disgust at the brutality of the moment.

The multiplayer is a blast. It's largely still the same experience we've been playing for years now in terms of the modes and core gameplay, but the new engine makes it all feel fresh again. The controls are the same, but shooting is better than ever as weapons carry a sense of real weight are more devastating than ever. The presentation is also phenomenal. The photorealistic graphics and outstanding sound design (I'll likely never tire of hearing bullet casings hit the ground) make each match just cinematic as any of the campaign levels. The amount of freedom you're given to customize your guns and overall loadouts offer the depth of an RPG and the returning War mode from WWII offers the scale and massive battles of a Battlefield game.

The reinvigorated Spec Ops is a nice change of pace from the now repetitive Zombies offering we typically get. Although I personally would have preferred the return of Ghosts' underrated "Extinction" mode, it's hard to not appreciate the amount of genuine cooperation and tactics these missions require even if the difficulty of them can be downright grueling. I would love to see a patch that makes enemies less aggressive as often times failure isn't the result of poor planning or teamwork, but rather every AI on the map bum-rushing your location at once.

With their last two outings coming up short of past glories and causing them to lag behind their peers in the series, Infinity Ward wisely decided to take a look back at what worked for them when they created what is still widely considered to the best Call of Duty. While not without its controversial elements in the monetization and story, this reboot is definitely a welcome return to form. Modern Warfare is once again the king of the FPS scene and it's all due to it capturing a style similar to the one that wowed everyone back in 2007.


[Campaign review]

At this point sixteen entries into the "Call of Duty" franchise many players have likely decided whether or not the series is for them. However, with each installment more and more of the franchise's fans choose to skip over the brief campaigns in favor of the multiplayer mode options. Gone are the days where these explosive cinematic offerings have inspired enthusiasm, like "Modern Warfare 2" or "Black Ops". 2018's "Black Ops 4" even scrapped the story mode entirely when it wasn't coming together quickly enough for release.

The latest "Modern Warfare" feels like a concerted, genuine effort from Infinity Ward to get things back on track after a string of lackluster attempts. For one, the streamlined story is easily to follow and features a couple of genuinely memorable characters. This chapter serves a full reboot of the old "Modern Warfare" trilogy. It borrows a few themes and characters from those games, but is mostly its own thing and is unconcerned with tying into that trilogy or repeating its story beats. For once, the story in a "Call of Duty" title is actually coherent, with some a few compelling characters and excellent cutscenes. Taking place in the fictional Urzikstan, fan-favorite Captain Price and his team find themselves teaming with a group of insurrectionists against Soviet forces. I found myself growing attached to the rebellious leader Farah, whose traumatic past has essentially turned her into a hardened bad-ass. While a number of the other soldiers are fairly one-note heroes, it's nice to see the trust and even friendship grow between Farah and Price's people.

While it isn't without its bombastic moments, "Modern Warfare" wisely dials it back a bit in favor of interesting new mission types. Tight-quarters house raids, an open-area stealth mission with multiple objectives, and a sequence which will you have guiding a civilian through an office building using security cameras to evade enemies serve to ratchet up the tension and provide a change of pace from the typical shooting gallery style levels. "Modern Warfare" keeps things fresh over the course of its five or six hours.

Some criticism has been drawn from this new title's use of violence, which admittedly feels out of place. Areas are crawling with civilians which does create a sense of chaos but the violence can be a bit overdone at times (such as the realistic gunshot wound animations if you choose to unload your clip into a downed body). Even though this entry tries to take itself a bit more seriously, it can't help but play like a popcorn blockbuster, so the more violence can't help but feel gratuitous and headline-seeking at times, not unlike the classic No Russian mission from "Modern Warfare 2" (which received a remastered release just this year).

For those who have never been a fan of the strictly linear, nonstop action "Call of Duty" campaigns, this one isn't going to change your mind. However, it bolsters a better story, a strong presentation, and excellent mission variety. It seems like Infinity Ward tried harder this time around than we've seen in some of the recent installments, and I had a good time playing through this short adventure.

Finalmente tive a chance de jogar a campanha desse reboot e jogá-lo 4 anos após o lançamento teve seus pontos positivos e negativos.

A trabalho da Infinity Ward em reformular a jogabilidade quase que por completo da franquia foi espetacular, que a meu ver, deixou as coisas com muita mais cara de simulador e aquela pegada arcade deixada de lado, sem contar todas as diversas partes técnicas como áudio, texturas e outros detalhes. Como disse anteriormente, ter jogado a campanha alguns anos depois talvez tenham me tirado o brilho de todos esses avanços, pois de lá para cá já foram algumas horas de Warzone e finais de semana grátis de modos multiplayer, o que já me familiarizei com toda uma jogabilidade. Acredito que conhecendo todas essas mudanças lá em 2019 durante o final de uma geração de consoles, tirando todo o potencial deles, ficaria ainda mais impactado.

Sobre a campanha em si, me senti um pequeno LePancho jogando mais um daqueles FPSs com campanhas bem elaboradas (outras nem tanto) e focadas em histórias de ação. Achei interessante a boa diversificação nas missões que o game apresenta: vai ter você contra um exército, invadindo casas estilo Splinter Cell, usando sniper super potente. Em contrapartida, algumas duram meros 5 minutos ou menos, faltou um pouco de profundidade no que eles estavam querendo apresentar, até mesmo na duração da campanha que infelizmente ainda segue o chato padrão da franquia de durar 5 horas.

MW 2019 manages to hit a good balance of over-the-top craziness with slower, atmospheric missions that are greatly aided by the fantastic presentation, notably the guns & sound design - and despite some weaker missions and weak writing at times, that fails to make you care much about some of the characters, the game still holds up as one of the best campaigns in the series history, if not the best.

A campanha é boa não é impressionante como a dos antigos mas ela querendo ou não é mais "pé no chão", os personagens são bons, a Sarah Schachner fez uma trilha sonora muito boa e faz até hoje pro Cod MW3, é um bom jogo com missões legais.