Reviews from

in the past

It's really cool seeing the game in 3D, love when people do that. But Death, and Dracula are actually kind of bullshit to fight.

dracula is such a boomer he changed the whole mf game

Wonderful little project. Love how well Castlevania translates to Doom. Love the attempt contextualize the 3D space of the original 2D environments too though I think the terrain could have been a little more treacherous give this is also the Golden Souls guy. Still, the combat feels great, the levels are tight, and it's the perfect seasonal playthrough. Even better with Castlevania Adventures Rebirth music pack applied.

im not gonna say melee weapons can't work in doom but it feels very off having it be your primary weapon. might come back to this after rondo and sotn

A fun but relatively unexciting translation of NES Castlevania into the DOOM engine. This time around the whip feels like a last resort rather than your bread and butter while subweapons rule the day. Plus, the game showers you in so many hearts that you can spam them without a care so the Vampire Killer is relegated mostly to candle whipping duty.

Graphically it looks pretty nice and there's no doubts that it's a Castlevania game. I did find the map layouts a little underwhelming. IMO they stuck to the design principles of the NES games to a fault, rarely taking advantage of the DOOM engine's capabilities for exploration and instead settling for mostly linear romps from A to B and then to C.

I would love to see a sequel that allows for a little more non-linear exploration of the titular castle and maybe a better difficulty curve (while most of the game is relatively easy, Death and Dracula retain their famous difficulty from the first game. Also the platforming bits in the clock tower sucked.)

a nice mix between Castlevania and Doom, pretty fun. not the biggest fan of either but it was enjoyable.

Lovely reimagining of the first Castlevania game (my personal favorite), and it translates so well to an FPS. While I'm not 100% on board with some of the remixed songs, I appreciate the level design details, you can really tell the creator loves the original game.

Overall, another perfect showcase of the sheer wizardry that can be done with GZDoom.