Reviews from

in the past

As incoherent as it can get and as how much it lacks cohesion, the strength of its ideas and the protagonist Nishijou Takumi carries it so hard to being touching in a way that I never expected it to be

One of the most geniune story i've seen about self-love and finding value in your very existence alone.
anyways yeah Chiyo wanted to make Evangelion so bad and he won

It's hard to say exactly why I don't like Chaos;Head as much as Robotics;Notes but I'll try.

1. Excessively gruesome. I get that this is probably the intention in order to make the player feel squeamish (in which case, well done), but the extent to which the game harps on this really detracted from my experience.

2. It is quite difficult to relate to the main character, and most of the main side characters as well, due to how one-dimensional a lot of them feel. I won't elaborate too much on this, but to me it felt like the main protagonist was a loser and spent 95% of the game wallowing in how much of a loser he was. The 5% where he decides to get something accomplished is quite satisfying, but to have to get through 95% of everything else first is a struggle.

3. Super downer game that feels like the authors spent too much time meandering about. The "good ending" (AA) is your classic "struggle for success" ending but Chaos;Head doesn't leave you with much feeling of fulfillment since it cuts the ending quite early once the main protagonist succeeds. The other ending (B) is fantastically scripted but you have to get through a lot of horrendously drawn out detail to finish this ending, so while the ending itself is pretty well executed, the payoff felt minimized because I was just exhausted by then.

I dunno, I feel like what's good is VERY good but there's so much mediocrity and disgust that I had to sit through in order to get to the very good parts. I will say that the game does a very good job at messing with your perception (and unfortunately leaves a lot of plotholes because they don't thoroughly explain everything) and grossing you out, for what it's worth. And maybe this game isn't for me, and I can accept that too. I just felt like the execution could have been vastly improved for a lot of the time I spent playing. Maybe I'll have a better experience with NoAH (which I heard does a much better job explaining everything) and feel like the payoff was better after playing that and Chu Chu, who knows. My mind can be changed.

i love this vn so much but it suffers for reasons i will not get into. i played this in the car during a road trip and on multiple occasions i exclaimed "what the fuck" very loudly.

Man, this sucked. Supporting cast was dreadfully boring. The only possible redeeming aspect to this was Takumi, but the story and set-up really failed to make any of the tragic aspects of his character really hit, and it always just felt as if he was a main character in the wrong story with how rarely any of the other characters really follow through on the themes his character introduced.

Science Adventure é outra coisa...

the original Chaos;Head was pretty mediocre i must say,even with the great atmosphere and the main character himself,Nishijou Takumi. that being said it's still worth playing for the lore and just like i said in above.

Amazing atmosphere in the first half, rest was just ok.

denpa/chuuni aesthetic + atmosphere goes really hard. too bad the story suffers for its conclusion. i'd still recommend reading, especially just for the MC.

i havent read many vns but this is the first one where i found the protag to be the most interesting character. like even though i didnt like him at first, it was his paranoia that really carried the show.

VERY good but only having common route hurts every character besides takumi, rimi and nanami.

Atmosfera opressora e claustrofóbica perfeitamente encaixada com o jogo, uso de terror e ""alucinação "" ótimo (Child conseguiu melhorar isso ainda mais PRA MIM), protagonista foda e q poderia dar totalmente errado acaba sendo um dos personagens originais q já vi e o cap 9 q é um show a parte. Porém os antagonistas, quase o último cap inteiro e a estrutura falha do jogo GRITANDO por rotas das personagens femininas (q de fato três de 6 funcionam nessa versão) acabam danificando MT a experiência, por mais q o saldo geral é BEM positivo (e n sou mt fan do lado Chunni dele, mas isso é mais pessoal já q n sou mt fan de Chunni com rarissimas excessões). Hype pra Noah tho

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SONO ME 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

DARE NO ME 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Imagine if subahibi was just takuji's skitzo ramblings. That's basically this vn need to play noah see if its better.

Anywhere can be paradise as long as you have the will to live. After all, you are alive, so you will always have the chance to be happy.

first hour or two is really promising. falls off hard after that. boring as shit and the conclusion is the dumbest thing i've ever seen

C;H é um caso complicado, o fato da VN estar incompleta, deixam os últimos capítulos muito rushados e com isso muita informação é jogada, assim como a conclusão do núcleo de alguns personagens. No geral, a ideia central é transposta, mas não da melhor maneira possível. Já seu protagonista é bem ambicioso, pq desafia o leitor a aceita-lo, agora eu entendo pq o Takumi é tão controverso, é difícil compra-lo e aceitar suas decisões, mas é feito de uma forma completamente coerente com o personagem, o que me agradou bastante.

A produção de C;H capta Denpa de uma forma abismal, fiquei impressionado em como é eficaz no aspecto psicológico. A mesclagem de 3D com 2D foi uma escolha ousada pra reflitir a visão do Takumi sobre aquele mundo e funcionou bem demais e a OST é incrível e bem marcante. Visualmente é bem competente tbm, apesar de não ter nenhum visual que eu ache tããããão lindo assim, tem seu charme e são consistentemente bons.

Ansioso pro Noah.

Um jogo que se prende aos seus próprios delírios e pensamento inexistentes, mas, e se fosse possível trazer seus pensamentos imundos e insanos pra realidade? será que se tornariam real?

The visual presentation does a really good job building atmosphere, alongside the music. Love the music. Takumi's a really interesting protagonist and found following him to be quite the trip. Chaos;Head's a very unique experience, i've never read anything quite like it. However, you can tell it's not a complete experience, in terms of the PC version.

Chaos;Head Noah is the actual complete version of this title, and from what i've heard, fixes pretty much every shortcoming the original PC version has.

marked as shelved bc of the 'noah' routes yet to be translated that im gonna read

A great experience I would highly recommend. It's incredible at making you feel the paranoia of the main character and making you question what is real or not. Confusing in just the right way throughout until it all comes together in the end. I really loved the climax, one of the best I've experienced.
Characterwise, it is absolutely carried by the main character. The other characters aren't bad, but aside from Rimi and Nanami, there aren't really any standouts. But Takumi really steals the show and he alone could make Chaos;Head worth it. His voice performance is honestly one of the best I've ever heard.
There's a lot I love about Chaos;Head and not really anything I particularly dislike. The complaints I do have are less things that are wrong and more things that could be made better.

Alright, this one.
I picked up "Chaos;Child" in a steam sale because I enjoyed "Steins;Gate" so much, but when I looked into it, "Chaos;Head" is highly recommended to fully enjoy the former. And I have. Thoughts?
I definitely liked it, but unless "Chaos;Child" is a 9 or above and if it really requires playing this I don't think I'd reccomend this game to most people. I kind of love the supporting cast, but they all pretty much have one or two scenes that just dumps their entire tragic backstory onto the reader and they don't get much more development than that. As with many others who've played this Takumi was a huge highlight. His voice actor really sells the total nervous wreck thing and damn, can he scream. I didn't like some of the really messed up scenes with him (there are a few scenes where Takumi plays out sexual-things-with-his-sister and rape fantasies in his head) but I was pretty used to sciadv's handling of uncomfortable topics after S;G and S;G0. Other than those dark spots he is great! He alone puts me on edge during a lot of the tensest scenes, he's almost a one-man fuel source for the game's horror moments. I may be overrating this a tad because it is very, VERY similar to my favorite game of all time The World Ends With You, but I don't really care too much? Same thing with the supporting cast, they may not be the most interesting aspects of the story but I just think Kishimoto Ayase is cool ok

i have literally never been more annoyed by a protagonist in my life