Reviews from

in the past

I hate yua, but the rest of the heroines are nice. Cool game, though I think certain aspects are probably better developed on Noah (which I will never get to)

Amazing atmosphere in the first half, rest was just ok.

Anywhere can be paradise as long as you have the will to live. After all, you are alive, so you will always have the chance to be happy.


i love this vn so much but it suffers for reasons i will not get into. i played this in the car during a road trip and on multiple occasions i exclaimed "what the fuck" very loudly.

game's not as good as stein's gate. the mc/story also pretty meh

I love Chaos;Head, it's as simple as that. This is the game that truly showed me my love for MAGES and kept me in hook line and sinker. I really don't have much to say, just play it

Beat: 10/19/21

I read the entirety of this in record time, taking every moment I wasn't working or sleeping to pick it up because I needed to know what happens next. If this is one of the weaker SciAdv games, I can't wait to see what is in store for me going forward.

Frustrating to read but had good bits to it .

the original Chaos;Head was pretty mediocre i must say,even with the great atmosphere and the main character himself,Nishijou Takumi. that being said it's still worth playing for the lore and just like i said in above.

Science Adventure é outra coisa...

Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid

Imagine if subahibi was just takuji's skitzo ramblings. That's basically this vn need to play noah see if its better.

Atmosfera opressora e claustrofóbica perfeitamente encaixada com o jogo, uso de terror e ""alucinação "" ótimo (Child conseguiu melhorar isso ainda mais PRA MIM), protagonista foda e q poderia dar totalmente errado acaba sendo um dos personagens originais q já vi e o cap 9 q é um show a parte. Porém os antagonistas, quase o último cap inteiro e a estrutura falha do jogo GRITANDO por rotas das personagens femininas (q de fato três de 6 funcionam nessa versão) acabam danificando MT a experiência, por mais q o saldo geral é BEM positivo (e n sou mt fan do lado Chunni dele, mas isso é mais pessoal já q n sou mt fan de Chunni com rarissimas excessões). Hype pra Noah tho

Pretty good, fun read and will play noah soon.

i have literally never been more annoyed by a protagonist in my life

What if Tidus from FFX was the worst person alive

C;H é um caso complicado, o fato da VN estar incompleta, deixam os últimos capítulos muito rushados e com isso muita informação é jogada, assim como a conclusão do núcleo de alguns personagens. No geral, a ideia central é transposta, mas não da melhor maneira possível. Já seu protagonista é bem ambicioso, pq desafia o leitor a aceita-lo, agora eu entendo pq o Takumi é tão controverso, é difícil compra-lo e aceitar suas decisões, mas é feito de uma forma completamente coerente com o personagem, o que me agradou bastante.

A produção de C;H capta Denpa de uma forma abismal, fiquei impressionado em como é eficaz no aspecto psicológico. A mesclagem de 3D com 2D foi uma escolha ousada pra reflitir a visão do Takumi sobre aquele mundo e funcionou bem demais e a OST é incrível e bem marcante. Visualmente é bem competente tbm, apesar de não ter nenhum visual que eu ache tããããão lindo assim, tem seu charme e são consistentemente bons.

Ansioso pro Noah.

It's been a long road to get here, but I'm glad I was finally able to read the formal introductory piece to the sciadv series. I can't say that I like it more than Steins;Gate, like many of my friends were expecting me to, but I can't say that it wasn't worth the trip either. It does some things better than S;G, others worse, but it was a great narrative with very interesting characters through and through.

I really enjoyed Chaos;Head. It is worth playing if you like the Sci-Adv series stuff.

Um jogo que se prende aos seus próprios delírios e pensamento inexistentes, mas, e se fosse possível trazer seus pensamentos imundos e insanos pra realidade? será que se tornariam real?

boring af and also too much work to just install it

An excellent gateway to the Science Adventure series.
I loved this VN more than I honestly thought I would. Takumi is not the type of protagonist that everyone will be able to bear, but it is a fact that either you love him or you simply hate him, for the simple fact that he is himself, one of the most human characters I've ever had contact with, with his psyche and themes involving this is so well explored.
OMG I'm really excited about C;H Noah, I believe he will improve and work on the strengths and weaknesses that I disliked.
