Reviews from

in the past

I feel like the whole game design is just a mess.

Bubble's dumb fucking sprite on the score screen is top 5 worst sprites of all time

So yeah the movement in this game is absolutely insane and feels like trying to steer a car with your feet. Booting it up for the first time was such a shock that I just started laughing and muttering “what the fuck is this”.

That said this is still an enjoyable game that’s dramatically enhanced by the weird movement scheme - that’s basically what makes this game fun. Without it this would be an incredibly easy and boring little maze game.

Biggest critique is that the gameplay gets boring relatively quickly. Each level is pretty much the same with incredibly slow and gradual difficulty progression after approx level 4. Before this, Bubbles - the player character, who is constantly moving - gets faster each level, which ramps up the difficulty very quickly. After this point, however, the game is basically just the same thing over and over again. There are only four level layouts and having a different picture to reveal each time doesn’t do much to change the experience of the levels. I think it’s a testament to the brilliant design of games like Pac Man or Space Invaders or Tetris that they can give the player the same thing over and over again and still remain incredibly fun and addictive. I’m not sure why this isn’t the case with Clu Clu Land, but it just isn’t - not for me at least. Would recommend this to basically anyone to play once if it’s readily available e.g if you have Nintendo Switch Online or already own it. It’s honestly a hilarious experience and one of the most joyfully unhinged movement schemes I’ve ever seen in a game. Would probably make for a good laugh if you play it with a friend.

takes a little to wrap your head around, but once you do, it's fun. I mean, for a little bit, at least

CLU CLU LAND is an arcade game where you control a little red fella who is looking for a hidden pattern of gold coins. This lil guy auto-moves, and it is the player's job to stick out one of his arms to kind of spin off of pegs to change direction, all while avoiding enemies and traps. I played the NES version emulated on my Steam Deck.

I think this game is so neat. It has the Pac-Man style of "Here's a maze, you have a goal", but instead of making things go away, you are making things APPEAR. I find it incredibly addictive. The second I get GAME OVER, I want to turn it right back on to see if I can get farther, which I think is the sign of a good arcade game. This would've been a great palate cleanser with SUPER MARIO BROS. when the NES was released.

Clu Clu Land is easily the worst of all of the NES black box titles. Cumbersome to play, riddled with soft-locking and incessantly bugged, nothing is to be gained from this game. Don't bother.

Pretty fun game honestly. I like the music but I wish there was a different track to spice things up. The control system is unique, but it takes a while to get used to. I haven't really played anything particularly like it

A spin on the Pac-Man formula where you draw hidden patterns with Zelda rupees to complete each level. Sounds fun enough on paper but the janky controls, invisible obstacles, annoying timer, and confusing gameplay holds this back from being truly enjoyable.

One of the oddest control systems I've ever experienced. Call me a lesionist but after getting used to it I actually enjoyed it

Not one of my favorites games back in the time, but the concept was pretty original.

The primary gimmick of swinging around posts instead of just turning is really unique and challenging in a good way. I do think it's annoying how little time you get, and that losing your lives sends you all the way back like an arcade game. I haven't had the chance to try this two-player yet though.

Took forever to figure out how to play this but the idea is charming. If only it wasn't so damn fast

A game about collecting coins.

This was Nintendo's answer to the pacmania mazelike craze.
That's right, the 'soulslike' phenomenon is hardly a new thing.

a lot of people just view this as a mid entry to that pile. but honestly, I love it.

I find it super satisfying to play, and can easily jump into it anytime I want an arcadey game to play for 5 minutes.

It genuinely innovates on the mazelike formula and can be decently challenging without going overboard like 90% of games from its era.

For reasons I can't quite explain, I love Clu Clu Land. My best guess is Animal Crossing - this was the first NES game I got in-game, so it follows that I'd have some fondness for it. But this love held even after I (used codes to get) all the other NES games. So even given the options of Excitebike, Balloon Fight, Super Mario Bros., and The Legend of Zelda, I always found my way back to Clu Clu Land.

But I don't think the love is misplaced. This is probably the closest Nintendo came to developing their own Pac-Man. From that perspective, I like the twist on the formula - switching the focus from stealth (kinda) to puzzle as the player focuses on building shapes makes moment-to-moment decisions more impactful on lower-skill play. I love how Bubbles moves, too - looping around poles and bounding off walls always feels like a deliberate choice the player has to make, and she always glides around the level so smoothly. That Sound Wave attack is pretty nifty, too - stunning the Unira and mashing them into walls feels pretty great, since you do have to plan that out a bit. And it's hardly a gimme, since it's easy to run out of time or fail to plot out your route and careen into a hazard. There's a lot going on, but it doesn't feel like the game is asking anything unfair of the player, just challenging 'em to be a little better. Plus, even if you lose, you get that fun Game Over jingle and get to see Bubbles dance while the game calculates your score. What's not to love?

Question - is Bubbles Nintendo's first leading lady? All the more reason to revive Clu Clu Land. It's not too late to make it in time for the 40th anniversary!

never unlocked this during my normal animal crossing time, but i did play it sommmmeeething. i think i got it with a cheated password.

Controls like aaaaaaassssss

(Played using Nintendo Switch Online NES)
"Mum...that one"

A surprisingly cute and charming action/puzzle game while still being a early NES game.

Played on Nintendo Switch.

This is an interesting take on the Pac-Man formula conceived 4 years prior but unfortunately it falls flat on its face. The movement is clunky and frustrating, the enemies are bland and inconsistent, the protagonist is neither cute nor charming, nothing about this game is done well and it's simply bad.

+ the multiplayer is somehow less fun.

Another bizarre, yet interesting NES original from the developers at Nintendo. It's a cool take on the Pac-Man formula, but is hard to master with its odd character movement.
Surprised they never returned to this property. I would love to see this one get another shot someday.

The premise for this is absolutely fine. It's actually a really good idea for an NES game. The idea of finding the pattern through the gold pieces and figuring out which spaces have the pieces is great. The graphics are even fine and I felt like the look was great. Even the soundtrack isn't too terrible and it sounds like a refreshing retro soundtrack. Where it went wrong was the gameplay and the controls. The gameplay isn't very great with how there are invisible obstacles you randomly come across and then you have the black holes on TOP of the enemies. I think the idea is fine, but with how you move around with swinging around poles, it becomes a chore to maneuver around the map. This isn't coming from a difficulty standpoint, it's more of the way you move and where the obstacles are placed and go around the map is stupid. I also felt like the controls were pathetic. There isn't a set direction for the d-pad, so at times I felt like I was aimlessly roaming around the map. It also feels a bit stiff too. In the end, the premise is fantastic and if done way better, this could've been one of my favorites of the NES. But with how clunky the controls were and how bad the gameplay was, I just couldn't enjoy it as much as I had hoped to.

I didn't think this game was much fun and didn't spend much time with it. I didn't hate it, it was just a very nothing game to me.

I like it but it’s weird and kinda counter intuitive and I never got very far.

Un juego entretenido, repetitivo, si, pero jugarlo cooperativo era divertido.

When I was young I imagined a game like this. You swing on bars and go into one direction until you swing again. I'd like to believe that I will do the idea justice, because this game is really stinky.