Reviews from

in the past

I'm so happy because my parents let their autistic child play this game

the game that introduced me to online gaming. the game that made me want to be in esports. the game that made me arrange multiple training sessions per week with a clan. yup, the game that consumed a big chunk of my early youth.

"...the phantom, exterior like fish eggs- interior like suicide wrist red- I can exercise you- this could be your Phys. Ed- cheat on your man homi-AAAAGHHHH try to sneak through the door man! Can't make it. Can't make it the shit's STUCK!!! OUTTA MY WAY SON!!!! DOOOOOOOOR STUCK!!!!!!!!!!! DOOOOOOOOOOOOR STUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I BEG YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

CS 1.6 isn't as bombastic or content-packed as some of its contemporaries like say- UT99, but its tense, high stakes game modes, tactical gunplay, and excellent map design provide a boatload of good times regardless.

using a monster energy can as an ashtray, in video game form.

CS 1.9 (post comp matchmaking, it was aight but not great in 2012-14) and 2 have been mass-scale neurological poison that eventually made me swear off of competitive multiplayer games entirely (for the better), and for a very long time they had sullied my feelings toward the entire cstrike lineage. genuinely forgot how much fun and surprisingly relaxing it is to get steamrolled on cs_office, cs_assault or any of the Fun Yards. had more fun in 2 hours of just fucking around one night for Counter-Strike's sake than i did in nearly 200 hours of barely making it to gold nova.

the addition of steam networking after the HL25th update makes getting a lil crew together for some counter-strike romps plain simple, romps with friends that don't involve ELO or enticing you to spend $5000 Real Life Money gambling on free fpsbanana downloads, a net positive for the spirit. no need to have people screaming at you because your slightly-off performance at a Computer-Aided-Toy might make some of their invisible numbers go down, no teammates or enemies shaming you for not becoming as much of a gambling addict as they might be. (as of writing actual dedicated servers are a bit spotty but it's incredibly simple to just get a few folks together for a few maps of fragging)

cs 1.6 gained the potential to become Electronic Sports by sheer accident, something it undoubtedly fulfilled as it matured. but it doesn't force itself to be one every single second the code is being executed, something that is expected now in just about every versus multiplayer video game, often through force rather than accident.

in 2023 the vibe of counter-strike 1.6 is less like that of its successors from the '10s and going into the '20s: it's not the little league coach yelling at you after slamming 5 natty lights during halftime for making their kid look bad, the kid that they forced into the Ball Game to vicariously live out their faded hopes of becoming a Sport's. cs 1.6 is the day turned to night spent at a revolving set of skate spots. the only people there that belittle you for your skill (be it a lack or abundance of) are probably assholes from the jump, but if the vibes are off, nobody's forcing you stay there other than yourself. sure some may be better than you at it, possibly even pushing you to improve either directly or indirectly but when all is said and done, it aint about elitism, as the spirit of counter-strike has unfortunately evolved to be. the competition in a 1.6 pub is good natured. if it sucks, you can hit the bricks without recourse, and go join another server.

but action quake 2 is still the better game. cl_righthand 0 is the proper way to play.

very good enjoyed surfing while listening bosnian racists

It all started back in 1999, in winter, in January. Programmer Min Le, as part of the development team, was involved in the creation of the game Quake 2. However, Min Le did not see any prospects for this game and left this project. He had his own vision of a game of this kind, he wanted to create a game in which the team spirit of the players would be clearly expressed. The choice of game engine was initially settled on a creation from iD Software, but negotiations on its use failed. As a result, it was possible to reach an agreement with the owners of Half Life; Minh Le took the platform of this game as a basis. After some time, a now well-known game was announced - Counter-Strike. Its name has remained unchanged to this day.

Na nawebona el conter strike, lo jugaba con mi pana Vladímir antes de que los choros se robaran las compus del ciber.

I died once and I got called every slur that I know and that I didn't.

We used to play this a ton during breaks in school and during computer class. I also remember going to "Cybers" to play it with random people.


Cara, quem era da época passou a entender o conceito de corujão com mais profundidade, das batalhas LAN de 5x5, de morrer e fechar o mic (morto não fala), de camperar até alguém plantar a bomba.

E os mapas icônicos como por exemplo o famoso Pool Day, ali a gente virava macaco testando todas as armas do chão, era muito bom kkkkkk

E quanto aos mods? Mapa do Rio de Janeiro com direito a dublagem estourada "- Os contra terroristas venceeeram", nossa era maravilhoso, realmente foi um jogo que marcou a geração.

ver una fragmovie era un pase d merca para mis sentidos sensoriales

Una belleza por dios, las hitbox eran una porqueria pero asi y todo es mucho mejor que la porqueria del cs go

Aún recuerdo las madrugadas jugando con bots re duros y las tardes en los cibers

O jogo que todos jogavam na aula de computação quando o professor virava as costas. Ou não, professor nunca ia até o fundo, daí o pessoal de lá tava sempre no CS.

Eu joguei algumas vezes com eles, mas na maioria ficava só assistindo, sou ruim de jogo de tiro :p

Enfim, bomb has been planted, fiz essa review pra ganhar a badge de 5 jogos num dia kk

1.6: has vehicles
every other counterstrike: does not have vehicles

let my mans drive

I'm too old for this game to have been my first Multiplayer obsession in my life. It was 2006 I was in 6th grade and I watched a video On IO On Demand about the best games of all time and they talked about how Counter Strike was this masterpiece of Mutiplayer Shooting and at the time I was educating myself about classic video games so I went to my local Micro Center and bought myself a boxed copy of Counter Strike 1.6 and got home and they key didn't work. So I complained to Valve in the early days of steam and they sent me a free code for 1.6, Half Life, Condition Zero basically all the early hits. So I was a complete loner when I was this young and had no previous experience playing games with others, and was I ever fucking blown away by this. I know this is entirely anecdotal but to me this was the best looking game of all time. Now at this point source was out but this game ran on my shitty desktop with integrated graphics, to me the GoldSrc engine just has so much fucking charm and life to it that I just get nostalgic even thinking about it from the visuals to the digital sound effects every gun felt amazing, every map felt massive and every round gave me this insane anxiety. The first server I ever joined was home of the Elite Immortals, there was a group of late 20s and 30s who were all talking like something out of a dive bar shooting the shit and trash talking. I had a shitty little headset that was made for telemarketers and I was so scared to talk. They instantly started taunting me because I had no idea what I was doing and I got kicked, I joined back and terrified to talk I said in my pipsqueak little voice "I'm new how do I play" They all erupted in laughter and jeering and a guy named "}{ells Reaper" said stick with me I'll help you. I played all night and it felt like hanging out with the cool adults, they taught me everything, I learned to joke with them talk with them, play competitive games of Counter Strike, what guns to buy when to save, how to traverse the maps. I went to sleep that night and all I could think of was Counter Strike I laid there thinking of routes to run, plays to make, the friends I made. I would sit in school and draw map ideas plan setups I would get home and talk to my 2nd Family, "Beantown, Johnny Ringo, Sweetleaf, Reaper, Sarah, Green Leaf" they were all this group of alcoholic degenerates who didn't play other video games in fact if you called CS a video game they would get mad because they weren't nerds, they were all rednecks who were just there to have a good time. I remember playing on Office one night and finally getting admitted into the clan, getting to put [EI] in front of my name felt so good, I felt accomplished. I got to play in some scrims and some matches when they needed an extra man, I cancelled a date with a girl because we had a big match. CS 1.6 wasn't a game it was a hang out, a place to go. The clan and server would eventually break up, I would drift in between Clerkz and other US East servers but that wasn't my family. This was the most formative years of my life and it meant the world to me. Cheers to all of the Elite Immortalz, you guys made me who I am today.

Foi um dos jogos q mais joguei nas lan house junto de Gta SA lá pra 2010/2011, curtia mt pq tinha vários mapas diferentes ( ou pelo menos era oq me lembro ).

>> Prós
• MAPAS : Tem vários mapas diferentes sendo q alguns são bem nostálgicos ( pra mim é o da Pool Day ).
• ONLINE : Jogar online era mais legal, n é atoa q é um dos mais jogados do seu genêro.
• JOGABILIDADE : Talvez seja um pouco chato no inicio até aprender os controles.

>> Contras
• Nenhum.

There's the nostalgia factor to this, but this is probably the first game I played, ever. No regrets. Thanks dad.

Época de locadora muito boa, nada melhor do que sentar no ultimo pc pra espiar a telinha dos amigos

Absolute classic
Nothing is better than getting yelled at by insane people after losing a 1v1 at 1am. That shitty mic quality makes it funny everytime

The fact that this game is still alive after all these years is proof of it's excellence. Right now, as I'm writing this I've checked and there's 4 full servers in my country. The player base is dedicated and unhinged.

It's sequels are very popular, with high player counts and use this a base. CS1.6 is like the raw, less refined version of those games but the foundation is so good that I always have a good time going back. Sure it's not "good" but it's fun.

The funniest part is that I absolutely suck at this game lmao

minha primeira experiencia com jogo de fps

un DESASTRE, la organizacion un desastre la verdad, el peor torneo de la historia..
en una me tocan de atras, cuando me doy vuelta tenia el monitor apagado :s.
despues escucho "che gordo gil , perde la ronda o sos boleta"
encima me comieron las merengadas..

y la coca de 600cc me la cobraron 15 peso JAJAJAJA anda no voy mas

incrível o cheiro de infância que isso tem
um pouco de cheiro de lady gaga também porque eu ouvia enquanto jogava
sei la eu era criança

Review EN/PTBR

Another one of the many incredible things that came of the Half-Life source, a game that left such a huge mark in history that we still feel the impact in today gaming communities.


Mais uma das entre tantas coisas incríveis que surgiram por causa da source, aqui vai uma que deixou um marco tão grande na história que sentimos até hoje seu impacto

O jogo que fez qualquer Lan house lucrar sem fim no começo dos anos 2000.