Reviews from

in the past

I'm sorry, kid me. I know you really loved this game.

TL;DR: Game is just a worse Crash 3.


Let's get to the good: this game is aesthetically pleasing and plays it safe enough to be a follow-up on Crash 3. The elemental boss fights and elemental masks as concept/characters is cool as well. The OST is great, the stages are memorable and even soulfully, it's a Crash Bandicoot game. So, what's the problem?

Sometimes copying the homework doesn't work, especially if you have no idea what you're doing.

Travellers Tale took on the mantle of the Crash Bandicoot series after Naughty Dog was finished with it. Since the series is beloved and has a "if it isn't broke, don't fix it" type of gameplay (I.E. Mario for example, most of the games play similarly) Maybe just take the existing formula and add something new to it?

Wrath Of Cortex takes the old features and mechanically ruins it!

1. It's a precision platformer: therefore, the jumps are supposed to be a PRECISE as possible. Crash feels like he's floating on a cloud most of the time, therefore causing you to miss out/mistime most of your jumps.

2. Enemy/Hazard placement: There are sometimes where the game is too easy. You can often times walk around the enemy and completely avoid the hazard (not by your own skill either. You can simply just.. walk past them.)

Other times, the game bullies you. Submarine level is a good example of this. A big landmine spawns in midair and drops on you while you have a split-second to react. Here's the kicker:

The landmine is triggered only when you go underneath it.

That's not a skill issue, that's just unfair. You also got the wizard with the green orb that follows you. Because of the camera, sometimes it's hard to even see the perspective.

3. Camera Perspective: The camera isn't really an issue. I actually think it isn't a bad camera at all. The problem with the camera is that the perception is mess up. Say you want to time a jump on a platform. You double jump and are attempting to land on the next platform, but the camera follows you upward. Since the camera followed you upward, you can't see where you're landing and sort of have to predict your trajectory instead of visually seeing it. This isn't entirely an issue if you're experienced in platformers, but if you're new to the game, you WILL be frustrated.

4. Coco: Coco is just a worse version of Crash. They tried to make her different and failed. She has a useless stomp move, she moves slower than Crash, can't slide, and only has a single jump. However, I will say that I do like the Coco levels much better from a platforming standpoint than the Crash levels.

5. Misc:

- Long loading screen depending on what console you're playing on. It's so bad that you can't tell if your game is scratched or anything. Also the loading screen used to scare me as a kid.

- The boss fights are booty.

- Sound Effects are VIOLENTLY LOUD

- Certain levels don't match the Elemental theme. Volcano Flying Level in the Water Hub Room. Snow level in the Fire Hub room. Airplane level in the Earth Hub room.

- No new upgrades except the Sneaky Shoes, which-- is super situational.

and so much more..

Overall, this game could have been a lot better than it was presented to us. Instead, we have a half-baked version of Crash 3. Nobody likes their chicken raw.

Eu teria zerado, mas eu não sei se era só comigo que o jogo congelava em uma parte x do jogo. Eu tinha 5 cópias do mesmo jogo lacradas e sempre congelava nessa parte

I remember watching my dad play this and the one time I tried I immediately sucked ass.

Has the gimmicky bullshit of Warped with worse level design and movement, but the visuals and OST save it from being bad

Even if it got the time and money needed to properly polish it, I still don't think I would've liked it. There's maybe five or six levels that are full, uninterrupted Crash Bandicoot levels that don't shoehorn in some godawful vehicle segment or make you play as a character with less abilities. The game is constantly going out of its way to present a new horrendous gimmick section that long overstays its welcome and is a pain in the ass to control, especially with there being THREE fucking submarine levels.

Even the traditional levels (when there actually are any) aren't that great. Most of Crash's animations feel like they're 20% slower than supposed to be, especially with how floaty the jumping is. The stages are also way too wide, allowing you to just casually walk past most of the enemies. Climbing across ceilings is also comically slower.

The lack of unique upgrades is disappointing as well. In an ideal world it could've been a Banjo Tooie situation where you start off with all the Crash 3 moves and unlock new abilities on top of that, but that's not the case. Aside from the sneaking shoes you just re-unlock all the Crash 3 abilities again because ???????

Very disappointing game from several angles.

At the time I played it I didn't know that it was so hated. I agree that it lacks innovation, it's basically the 3rd oen again (That was already similar to the 2nd one) and some levels are annoying (Too many water ones), but overall I don't think it's a waste of time, the quality is fairly similar to the original trilogy.

played it when i was 5 so i dont have a clear memory of it but it was OK

Crash 3 with none of the soul. A perfectly passable platformer with a pretty good OST, but it lacks any real ideas of its own, has none of the polish and visual fidelity Naughty Dog were capable of and doubles down with even more vehicles that control worse than the ones in Warped three years prior on inferior hardware.

This is the only videogame in my whole life that i could not remember anything about it. I remember to bought it and that had very long loadings. After watching some gameplays on YouTube i remembered that i didn’t like the gameplay, the power ups, the stages and that crunch guy. Bad game, bad start of the franchise on PS2

Sou meio cego de nostalgia por esse, joguei muito na infância e tenho muitas boas memórias, mas quando finalmente vou jogar minha vontade é de morrer.

this game loads more than the amount of time you actually play it

i dont know about you guys but the really bad explosions only add to the crust factor of this game, but it's like a charming kind of crust. the floatiness of crash is kind of hard to control, however.

also i dont get people complaining about the story. it's crash bandicoot, automatically assume cortex is going to be up to some wacky bullshit that will make the game non-canon in about 20 years.

Wrath of Cortex sucks. Anytime there is a decent level the game throws a horrible gimmick level at you. The gimmick levels are too plentiful and they are rarely enjoyable. The standard platforming levels are fine, some are pretty great, but there's not enough good levels in this game to outweigh the horrible ones. This is one of the low points for Crash Bandicoot.

A massive disappointment for Crash fans coming off the PS1 era. Not only does this game try way too much to resemble its (now non-canon) previous game, it fails in floaty gameplay,. horrible models, annoying and forgettable bosses in an overall unimaginative mess.

nostalgia is a very powerful thing. on one hand, it can be used to further enhance our favorite games by associating fond memories to them during our formative years. maybe they were there for you during a hard period of your life or even helped form a powerful bond with another person. on the other hand, it can cloud your better judgement and warp your perception on things you may not enjoy otherwise. not that there's anything inherently wrong with that, but it is something to keep in mind when critiquing your favorite forms of art. before this month my only experience with crash bandicoot consisted of scattered sessions of the wrath of cortex as a child, and if you asked me how i felt about the game i would have nothing but positive to say about it. i recently decided i would marathon every major crash game in preparation for the newly released crash bandicoot 4: it's about time, and it was a rather enlightening experience. it wasn't without it's bumps in the road, but the highs of the ps1 trilogy were that of pure platforming bliss. my journey was not over however, one game remained. let's just say nostalgia could only assist me so much here. if i could be totally honest for a second, my experience with this game wasn't totally awful, in fact there were some genuinely great things in here. the level variety was top notch, and the music was spectacular all the way through (i might go as far as to say this game has the best soundtrack in the series up to this point) and some of the crash levels were genuinely great. but past that, there isn't much good to pull from this game. traveler's tales was allegedly put under intense crunch to complete this game and it's clear in the final product. major structural notes were clearly taken from crash bandicoot warped when assembling this game, but instead of refining the solo crash levels, they put an insane amount of time and energy into the gimmicky vehicle sections. i didn't outwardly dislike those sections in warped, probably due to their scarcity compared to standard levels, but in this game it feels so schizophrenic in its structure. all the time the game is throwing something new at the player and seeing if it sticks (whether that be a ball rolling level, a car level, a plane level, etc.) and this really creates two major issues. for one, it's likely none of these sections will have time to blossom into something worthwhile or stick to its players in any meaningful way. secondly, it runs the risk of taking space away from the standard crash levels. of course, the game ends up suffering from both of these. everything simply feels half baked in the wrath of cortex. from the visuals, to the gameplay, to the enemies, nothing feels quite right. the developers clearly loved a lot about warped, but they didn't have the time or resources to fix its flaws or learn from its mistakes. i couldn't think of a more flaccid way to end this era of crash. quite frankly i was on autopilot for most of this experience, and i can't see myself returning to it in the future.

Oh Crash... how could they do this to you

Yeah, you can see why this Crash 4 got retconned out of existence. A ton of the game is spent playing crap vehicle levels. I didn't care for them much in Crash 3, but now they're even more tedious. When you do finally get to play a real Crash level, they're nothing special. It's pretty much just Crash 3 but with more and worse vehicle levels, and really mediocre platforming levels

It's Crash 3, again. The graphics suck for the most part and there's plenty of bugs to find but it's understandable since this was an early gen game that apparently had a rushed development. BUT! The soundtrack slaps (as usual for most Crash games), and the platforming sections are very fun and sometimes better than 3, i think? The worst parts of this game are definitely the vehicles sections with the worst controls ever seen by any game ever probably, maybe, idk (except for the hamster ball ones those are awesome) but overall, it's not a bad experience. If you've never played Wrath of Cortex because of the mixed reviews, i think you should give it a chance! It isn't as bad as people make it out to be, even if the game can be very rough at times. I find it more enjoyable than Warped for the most part.

this is what you come home to when you ask for crash bandicoot warped and your mother responds with "we have crash bandicoot warped at home"

Só pra avisar esse jogo foi feito em 9 meses e eu sei disso, mas a culpa não é minha então vou falar mal mesmo assim.

Conseguiram fazer o inimaginável, um downgrade num console mais potente.

A movimentação do crash é PIOR que no primeiro jogo

Os gráficos parecem massinha, o crash ficou feio pra uma porra todo pelado sem pelo e isso fica muito mais visível pelo fato que a resolução aumentou né da pra ver visivelmente todos esses defeitos

Jogo mal otimizado, loadings extensos, queda de fps, e trava pra uma porra principalmente no PS2

Recicla o terceiro game POR COMPLETO mudando coisas aqui acula pra fingir que não copiou, e da poucas adições a melhor delas é a mecânica da fase q tu gira numa bola

Dificuldade desbalanceada

Extremamente frustante por um todo

E o pior de tudo


nada mt especial tho.
e esse jogo eh FEIO alem de tudo de bom dele ser uma copia do crash 3 (e piorado em alguns aspectos)

Não é um jogo ruim, foi um dos primeiros jogos do ps2, então dá pra dar uma passada de pano. Mas é apenas uma cópia do Crash 3, gráficos feios e ruins, jogabilidade estranha e escorregadia. Mas é nostálgico e dá pra se divertir

i played this game when i was a kid and not only was it too hard for me but i think i was scared of the big bandicoot

Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex (2001): Está lejísimos de los originales,con un diseño de niveles muy pobre y fallos gordos a nivel técnico, especialmente en las hitboxes. Aún con todo quién tuvo retuvo y sigue siendo un juego divertidísimo que me he pasado casi del tirón (7,85)

I don’t care what anyone says, this game is so amazing. It’s a classic and I enjoy the gameplay, even if it is filthy sometimes.

It's weird playing an official product that feels like it is off brand.

the bamboozled speedrunning fandom is dying ..