Reviews from

in the past

some of these remixes are pretty cool honestly

Joguei no controle (mas estou tentado a tentar jogar no computador com um dancepad quando conseguir). Mario Mix é um ótimo "DDR introdutório": se você nunca jogou, tem historinha, tem mapas fáceis, tem minigames pra te ajudar a usar melhor o pad, tem como você ir aprendendo aos poucos como controlar. Uma pena que graficamente não é nada demais e as animações todas parecem que foram feitas com meia dúzia de material de referência só (além de ver o Mario dançando ser uma das coisas mais estranhas do universo).

Além disso, ele tem boas ideias em como fazer realmente um jogo musical do Mario no futuro. Substituir setas por inimigos e objetos conhecidos, aplicando as regras do mundo nelas - como o Koopa Troopa, que precisa pisar duas vezes pra entrar no casco e jogar ele fora - é uma saída inteligente e divertida pra um possível jogo no futuro.

A seleção de músicas é legal também, porque segue bastante a ideia de pop 90/2000/eurobeat e tem uns remixes muito malucos que só rolariam num DDR (Super Mario Bros. 3 como música latina, por exemplo), mas é uma pena que metade da setlist são remixes de música erudita ao invés de... música do Mario? Enfim, bons remixes!

The only DDR game I've played. Some good music in there, and Waluigi is actually a titular character.

Fuck bowser, how can he do flips and shit?!

This game taught me to play DDR. The minimum difficulty has so few notes that there's basically no beat, so it's harder than the next highest difficulty. The top difficulty is like "Standard" in an arcade cabinet.

The dancing Mario is funny and a bit surreal to look at now.

There are a disappointing number of public domain songs for how rich Mario music was.

It works as Nintnedo baby's first DDR, and the only DDR game on the GCN.

what in the actual fuck i played,this shit was so funny yet bad

they definitely could have done better with a mario DDR game. Mario has some of the most iconic music in all of gaming, and instead of really going into that music catalog they instead just do a lot of techno/eurobeat covers of classical music with the occasional mario song thrown in there. If anything though the story and visual animations of the mushroom kingdom breaking it down never stops being amusing, so maybe play it for that factor alone. As a DDR game, it is on the easier side of things as it is meant for kids, so all the experts expecting bowser to bust out the next paranoia revision in his dance-off are going to be slightly disappointed.

For a Mario-themed DDR game, this is surprisingly bland and not that fun.

The music still goes fucking hard

Another amazing game soundtrack, with such a funny concept for a spin off mario game

I was a big DDR player when I was a kid and I remember playing this version and being so bored with it. The novelty wears off in about 30 minutes and you're left with a mostly bad selection of songs that are much too easy if you've played any other DDR game.

First DDR ever owned. Pretty fun memories from it.

This is a really cool DDR spinoff. The main problem with it is that you have to complete story mode three times to unlock everything, you can't skip the cutscenes, and veteran DDR players will find it way too easy. Once you DO unlock everything, then you can actually play songs on a reasonably challenging difficulty, and it's fun.

Mario DDR is a hilarious concept and I loved playing this. It's the only DDR game I've ever owned so I can't compare it to any others, but it was pretty solid! Seeing Bowser dance around was definitely the highlight.

I've heard this game is extremely easy for DDR veterans, and yeah I imagine having to unlock Very Hard and Super Hard only being on free play would be annoying to someone big into it especially considering those difficulties aren't that hard anyway, but this is an excellent game for beginners as far as I'm aware and all the fun stuff you can add into songs is pretty nifty.

The game its self has a lot of charm, new aspects of Mario lore are thrown in with how all problems can be solved by dancing, and the soundtrack goes surprisingly hard considering how much of it was based off of public domain music. The game also has actual Mario music, unlike Donkey Konga. Also the game has reused animations and models from Mario Party and I think that's funny.

First DDR game that I've properly played.
Was pretty good but I feel like they could've used some more Mario songs though since the classical songs don't fit with the rest of the OST.

Luigi damns everyone good and otherwise into a perpetual Evangelion ass fusion of being one with music and being one with movement so everyone is permanently forged to be throwing ass for eternity. Truly the darkest mario game in the franchise
Still better than Drive(2011) though

This definitely is a game that exists. I like that Waluigi is the first main villain. The box-art makes me laugh.

Pretty strange game. It’s solid though.

Ads for this game made me feel like I was looking at the future when I was a kid

played through the entire game on a saturday or something, unlocked luigi, called it quits

i think this was my first rhythm game, reminder to not roll up your old ddr mats cause they're broken now

what? You really think I was about to use a dance pad for this? Still a good game though.

as someone with Normal (obsessive) amount of knowledge about the Mario Series but had this as a bit of a blind spot, this felt like meeting god

Not a great DDR game but the stupid ass animations and absurdity of the concept all come together to make something that is at least somewhat enjoyable. Also, there's a song on the tracklist which uses the exact same sample as Persona 3 - Iwatodai Dorm.