Reviews from

in the past

Worth it just to see all these Mario characters bust it down sexual style.

GameCube had some of the best games of all time, hands also had DDR Mario Mix, because this is a fallen world.

rated 4 stars for the absurdly banging soundtrack, one of my favs of all time (the game is mid though, genuinely funny how everything here reuses Mario Party assets)

WALUIGI ALERT! Waluigi lovers rejoice

Gods perfect game but also in my opnion easier than the other non gimmick DDR games (idk if non gimmick is the right word here, i guess i mean more like... mainline DDR? im not sure if this counts as a main or spin off)

5/5 is for my enjoyment, but i could see people not liking this because of the gimmicks. When i was younger i didnt like the gimmicks and i just wanted it to be purely ddr-like. But now that im older im fond of it. I played a lot of this on my hacked wii in summer of 2022 there was a sold month where i was playing this daily.

General plot is thin, basically the mcguffin is stolen by waluigi and you have to dance battle your way to retreive all the pieces. Story mode is longer than the other DDR game i like to compare it to the Winx DDR game. I love dance battling waluigi and making his ass wiggle.

É um ótimo guia de exercícios, e vem músicas de brinde? Incrível...

Was never a fan of the remixes but the spotlight given to Waluigi is p cool.

friday night funkin killer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Given my love of this and Donkey Konga, it could very well be that I have a bias toward rhythm games featuring Nintendo characters.

But hey, this shit is fun as hell.

This is the stupidest thing Ive ever seen and I love it

Yes I had Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix and two dance pads. No I did not keep it. Yes I have looked at the prices on eBay since then and regretted getting rid of it.
This game was absurd. Love seeing Nintendo doing goofy shit like this. Something really great about seeing Mario and Waluigi cutting it up in a dance battle and moving in ways no Mario character has moved since.

DDRMM is the easiest DDR game you'll ever play (and there is value to that), and a lot of the songs are hyperpop remixes of public domain songs, but Mario's insane breakdancing animations make this game worth at least a passing glance.

Still have the dance pad nowadays, how do you wash this thing

I played this with a friend who had the fastest feet this side of the Mississippi and one day he told me he was moving away. I told him to take it because I knew I would never be as fast a stepper as that lad.

So it's DDR. But a weird coat of Mario paint on top.
Are you new to rhytm games or just enjoy things that are awkwardly Mario themed? This is a great time.

Are you a rhythm/dance veteran and looking for a new one? Look somewhere else. This is definitely not great for those who've put in their marathons on DDR already.

As a proud Nintendork, this version of DDR pleases me. The fam & I had a lot of fun with it when I was a kid. It's nothing to write home about, and its arguably inferior to most other DDR games mainly due to how watered-down the difficulty is, but it's still fun. Decent remixes of classic tunes combined with timeless DDR gameplay. Worth trying out of pure curiosity if nothing else. Plus, having a ridiculous dance-off final battle with Bowser will never not be hilarious.

A funny little footnote in Nintendo's Gamecube history. The music is pretty cool and this game is defs up there with having my favorite Bowser battles unironically.

Waluigi should have been the villain for the whole game.

Pretty weak DDR game but it has Always Smiling so that's worth at least 2 stars on its own.

I can't say I particularly enjoy this even compared to other ddr games, but there are some certified bangers on the soundtrack that can't be ignored.

This game taught me to play DDR. The minimum difficulty has so few notes that there's basically no beat, so it's harder than the next highest difficulty. The top difficulty is like "Standard" in an arcade cabinet.

The dancing Mario is funny and a bit surreal to look at now.

There are a disappointing number of public domain songs for how rich Mario music was.

It works as Nintnedo baby's first DDR, and the only DDR game on the GCN.