Reviews from

in the past

> starts the game and immediately do a bunch of social reforms
> everyone starts loving you and faith in democracy is restored
> you get shot by a mysterious individual within a month of power, it's over
> it only happens if you pick the US

it do be like that

In my tenure I started a space project, I put my country at the vanguard of technology and economy and I reduced CO2 emissions to a minimum. All of this while reducing inequality and poverty. Issue is that I reduced poverty and improved the economy so much that capitalists started to pop up and they voted me out lol.

+ A very extensive list of possible traits and events.
- The game is nothing more than a spreadsheet simulator.

I survived so many assassination attempts that I got more bullets in me than 50 Cent.

I did 4 playthroughs with the United States. The first time was when I survived many assassination attempts, and I assume it was because I blew ass as president, ran the deficit up into the multi-trillions (who knew state pensions + retirement = no money?), and everyone was unemployed. But they voted me in for a second term, so who is the joke on now? No really, how did that happen? My political party ceased to exist with my whopping 0% interest in voting at the end of 8 years. I was hoping maybe I could run as a successor or something at least to see the legacy of what I created, but the game ain't that deep.

So I restarted. My next two playthroughs, I took the kid gloves off and tried to force the United States into being the socialist democratic hellscape of my dreams. That ended very poorly for me with my hitting 0% approval and voters yet again. I was starting to believe this shit was rigged.

Finally, I have now hit my stride, slowly moving the overton window over inch by inch, dealing with alcoholism, traffic congestion, and obesity multiple times. We're scarily technologically advanced at this point, and I assume we'll hit "disembodied head president" tech soon. That being said, I still can't figure out how to stop the cyber crimes and crypto is unrealistically booming. My cabinet is filled with sycophants, we're socially liberal as fuck, and somehow NOW I am not getting almost murdered. Did I mention this is my 4th term? I'm a modern day Theodore Roosevelt; y'all better watch out because I'm about to turn left and I don't want to smack you across the face with my big stick.

In all reality, this game captured two things about politics really well. First off, it's boring as fuck. I say that as a lover of spreadsheet simulations. But god damn is there a lot less you can do to help impact anything than you would expect. You can't even make your cabinet folks or even find a variety of people for that matter. Secondly, the game is accurate in that no matter what you do, you're pissing in someone's metaphorical Cheerios and they will want to non-metaphorically kill you.

I will add, I went as far as to pay the discounted eightish dollars to try out the DLC and I gotta say, it didn't add much. I don't recommend buying Democracy 4 to be honest, but if you end up owning it somehow, there ARE worse games you could be playing instead.

i always want to love these games, and i have a lot of nostalgia for democracy 2. but ultimately, they're just kinda flat and uninteresting. play dwarf fortress or a 4x or something instead.

my enjoyment of this game is purely judging the NPCs based on whether they disagree with fully taxing the rich

Wow this game really has no replay value once you play it once that's a shame

La série des Democracy est l'œuvre d'un développeur qui, presque seul, propose aux joueurs une simulation très simplifiée de la mise en cohérence des politiques publiques.
"La mise en cohérence des politiques publiques" : je veux dire par là que le jeu n'impose, pour régler des problèmes de départ des quelques pays au choix, pas de voie préférentielle entre la gauche et la droite. L'enjeu est surtout de construire un ensemble cohérent de politiques qui s'influencent les unes les autres et qui influencent les opinions et surtout la composition de l'électorat.
On pourrait gloser sur ce qu'implique de laisser le choix au joueur entre une politique quasiment fasciste et une démocratie socialiste avancée.
Le principal défaut de la série Democracy reste que, une fois la "cohérence" atteinte entre les différentes politiques, le reste n'est plus qu'affaire d'ajustements avant de remporter des scores staliniens (100 %) aux élections. Au bout d'une ou deux heures, la partie n'a plus aucun intérêt.
Malgré tout, je compte 100 heures de jeu cumulées sur Democracy 3 et sa variante "Africa" et sur Democracy 4. Des jeux au gameplay lisible, à l'interface saine et aux crashs bien moins nombreux que Power & Revolution, un rival dans le genre.
Le développeur a aussi l'air d'être un mec très sympa. Donc : good job.

After playing this game, I can promise I would be a better president then Sleppy Joe and the orange man