Reviews from

in the past

I've been playing the game since it came out on June 6, and it was really fun at first.
Now more than a month later I don't have that much interest in the game anymore.
I'm at level 57 with my rogue and the endgame is just no fun, it just feels like an endless life task until you reach level 100.
And Season 1 didn't really convince me either.
I will probably play it less often now and rather start something else.

The story of the game I also found rather mediocre, but the story is not usually in the foreground in Diablo games anyway.
Nevertheless, I liked the story in the third part more and also the cutscenes were much more epic there.


Raising an undead army, casting fiery infernos, slashing swords around and covering the world in blood. Yup, Diablo is back! As someone who did enjoy the linearity of Diablo III, I was slightly sceptical about the open-world aspect. But damn the amount of content thrown into this game is enormous! Five expansive regions, side quests, stat increasing statues, optional dungeons, cellars, strongholds, PVP hell fields, world bosses, just keeps going and going and going. Despite the gameplay loop remaining unchanged, it's still addictive as ever (you can't deny it!). Decimating a crowd of enemies, changing armour for slight increased stats and collecting all the remaining gold is just simplistically satisfying. The campaign slapped, decently paced with gorgeous cinematics...

...but... is where the issues start to show up. The level scaling becomes aggressively obnoxious - being level 50 feels no stronger than being level 2. The loot less impressive. The side quests repetitive. The mount's cooldown infuriating. The whole serotonin release from the progression just slows down to a halt.

So yeah, playing through the campaign was a blast, especially in co-op. The post-game clear-up though displays the cracks within Blizzard's hellish feast of carnage.

Um bom jogo mas com uma série de problemas que mostram demais o momento da empresa. Diablo 3 no PC ser 100% online, mesmo jogando solo, já era uma noção ridícula. Diablo 4 ser um MMO é ainda pior. Nas minhas 40~ horas de jogo isso só foi útil 1 vez para matar um world boss em grupo, o que poderia ser facilmente optativo. Agora, problemas com o fato do jogo ser online? Absolutamente a todo momento. Lag, toda vez que outro jogador passa pela minha tela dá uma travada, desconexões aleatórias por problema de servidor, fila de login, a lista é enorme. Custava dar a opção de jogar online, somente em grupo ou completamente offline? Mas aí como você ia incentivar as pessoas a gastarem mais dinheiro do que o jogo custa em skins caras pra esfregar na cara dos outros?

O jogo em sí eu considero uma grande melhora vindo do Diablo 3 em praticamente todos os quesitos. É um pouco menos frenético e caótico, da pra entender um pouco melhor o que está acontecendo, o mapa principal ser fixo ao invés de gerado proceduralmente também é uma melhora na minha opinião, já que eu detesto ficar meia hora caçando uma porta num mapa gigante que tudo é idêntico.

O jogo está bem legal. E eu planejo continuar jogando, a campanha termina em torno do lvl 50 e parece que ainda tem tanta coisa pra fazer, tantos personagens e builds pra explorar. Mas ainda é um produto Activision Blizzard 2023 que tenta muito estragar sua experiência com decisões estúpidas e anti-consumidor.

I am happily surprised with the story. It's engaging with good dialogue and even better monologues. It's not just a straight line narratively like Diablo III was.

The game looks good too, especially the environment. The dungeons have great aesthetic variety and the different zones within the same biome all look slightly different, which is great.

The gameplay though, as far as I've played (currently level 52), lacks depth with boring legendary effects and the biggest issue; few skills. It has like 1/3 the amount of skills Diablo III has.

This review is specifically for the Hardcore mode of Diablo 4. The game in its current state is simply unplayable for Hardcore players, and Blizzard has made it clear that this mode is less than an afterthought to them. I would be surprised if even a single person at Blizzard plays this mode, that's how bad the design surrounding Hardcore is.

Let's start with the marketing gimmick. Hardcore players know that we are a small minority of overall players. I think many of us were surprised to see a contest specifically featuring Hardcore mode - the first 1000 players to reach level 100 would be immortalized on a statue of Lilith that would reside at Blizzard's HQ. Okay, clearly this is to sell more copies of the early access passes, but still a fun competition for the minority that does enjoy the mode.

Turns out the contest was little more than a competition of who experienced the least amount of disconnects. Within the first couple weeks of the game, Blizzard would release updates that would sometimes result in the game going down for many players. One level 100 player (Quinn, I think) experienced a death on disconnect because they needed to take the servers down momentarily to update the cash shop. His is probably the most famous example, but far from the only one.

The disconnects wouldn't be so bad if they had kept in a feature that appeared to be working in beta: upon a disconnect, if the player had a Scroll of Escape in their inventory, it would automatically be consumed, bringing the player safely back to town. For unknown reasons, this feature was scrapped for the official release, with a new estimated date of Season 2.

Somewhere between 5-10% of players experienced a VRAM memory leak that would also lead to random crashes. People on high end PCs would, without any notice, crash or disconnect and log in to see their characters dead, sometimes losing well over 100 hours of progress. Every major Diablo forum, from their official ones, to Reddit, to their official Discord, was full of people talking about this issue. Players were met with utter silence from a company that earned over $5 billion in profit in 2022.

The issues were so common and well-known that Hardcore players tried to come up with ways to survive a disconnect that they would inevitably experience. Putting on defensive Aspects that would otherwise not see much play, simply in the hopes that they would grant you an extra few seconds of survivability. This was mostly ineffective because your character stays in the world, logged in, taking damage, for well over 20 seconds after a disconnect. This means that a simple white mob would mean death for 99% of players.

The game was clearly rushed out before it was ready. It shows in the story beats, the UI, and the gameplay loops. Perhaps this will be a good game after a year or two of live updates. Maybe grab it for 50% off at that point. Currently, for Hardcore players anyway, the game is nothing at all.

Graphics are the best out of any game this year. And thats surprising for an isometric ARPG. Story was okay. Probably better if you play the first 3 and understand the lore.

I'd say wait a few seasons to see where it goes.
The core problem with IV is the same as I had with D3 - a loot isn't fun. The game gives you unique items every 20 minutes, which is an oxymoron. If they are so frequent - how can they be unique?

After finishing the main campaign (why they killed Kain in D3? so stupid) I went back to Diablo 2 Resurrected.

For a number of reasons:
1) Loot. You have to grind and earn it. It took me a couple of months in order to get Harley Shako. But when I got it - it was such a blast. I really get excited because I have to earn stuff. You can think of like in Dark Souls paradigm. It's hard but feels so good.
2) Loot - and how it looks. All unique items look cool and they really have a unique look for each item. Here in D4 - it all looks the same. It's a shame. And items preview - why are they so tiny? I want to LOOOK AT THAT BEAUTIFUL thing with Zooming lens of glasses.
3) Art direction. To me D4 is really good made and competent game. But I can't remember any music, any monster (except the skeleton-bow-towers) and any location from it.
Yes, I see that a lot of work was put into this. But it feels so generic. I'm sorry. And I don't even bring up that it lacks the established Blizzard art direction (bulky as fuck characters and high level of Masculine over-the-top body shapes).
Every time I boot up D2R - each location has a unique sound effects with weird SFX, monsters are unique and there are many of them, everything is so consistent, focused and well-thought. It's not only well made but made with intention and direction.
And finally

When I see on twitter smt like: "The first player who hits 1 000 000 damage" - it says that something is wrong with the game, when coolest what you can take from it is amount of zeros and nulls.
Thanks but I'm good with numbers and numericals when I apply my yearly tax form.

I tell you what, I have never been so happy to finish a game like I am with Diablo 4. What started out like a lot of fun at the beginning turned into the most boring experience I think I have had in my last 10 years of gaming. I remember all the fun memories I had playing D3 with friends running through the campaign for each class leveling them up the hype of getting a legendary item, to finding my first loot goblin, thinking of all the fun I had back then to then playing this steaming, boring slog of a game. The story is quite boring, the combat is good but quickly gets old, the graphics are fantastic can't fault them. IMO the biggest mistake this game makes is making you WALK for over 20 hours of the game to then get a horse right near the end. I was doing all my side quest griding out my Nerco and push through to only find out how long it takes to get faster movement and it kind of burnt me out.

I wish they would of given people the horses earlier that might have saved a bit of the game, But at the end I am quite disappointed in this game, Once I reached the end and rolled credits I didn't even realize I was at the end, I had killed the final boss 30 minutes before and did not even notice that's how of an impact the games story had done for me.

If I hadn't spent $110 AUD on this game, I would of DNF'd this at 15-20 hours I would not recommend this to anyone unless it's super cheap (which ain't going to happen) or you get a party of mates and just run through it.

I wish I hadn't bought this game at full price and waited for a sale. I am quite sad with release and I will defenantly not be buying any expansions to this game.

tl:dr play only with gamepass, DO NOT buy this game

impeccable level of quality, every button press feels just right (if that make sense), same as visuals. really, its a great game, that no one should buy
1. game is always online, if that's not a red flag for you, then here's an example of why it is:
so when I was playing, my gf was connected to the same wifi as console, and when she was wachting YouTube, guess what happend? huge input lag, making game barely playable. you can say its a problem specific the me, but even if its true, its still insane to me that fucking YouTube can ruin my single player campaign (yeah I know, because its not single player)
2. at some point in your lifetime, servers will shutdown, and I doubt that blizzard gonna do anything about it, so you don't really buy a piece of software as much as you buy an access to the server/ticket to a theme park

if we as a GaMiNg CoMmuNiTy keep giving them money for stuff like this, itll never go away, its just gonna get worse

also story was boring as hell, cutscenes were amazing

The campaign was delightful. Can't be fucked to engage with the rest of the game. Sorry.

I've met the person this game is designed for and you are right to be mad at them.

Boring aaaa game .The Hack 'n' slash part of the game is really boring, I spend more time chasing mobs and waiting for my cooldown than killing them and for the MMORPG part of the game it's as boring as the hns part you sometimes find people in the world or doing a worldboss and that's it, nothing more.
Items are boring, nightmare dungeons are the same as those you visited during the campaign and there are a total of 5 different bosses.
If you want to play a hack 'n' slash MMORPG, play Lost Ark instead.

any one who is seriously praising this game for having an ingame shop that only provides cosmetics should reconsider their opinion.
this game uses so many shady tactics in order to keep people playing and wasting their time. for example that literally anything from lvl 50 on takes ages. or their shitty lvl scaling thing where it can literally happen that you fight one of the world bosses with lvl 60+ but in your team most players are lvl 20. so you wait at least 10-15 minutes in order to even fight the boss and then you waste another 15 minutes for actually fighting but you have no chance since your team is hopelessly underleveled.

besides that the open world is as shallow as you can imagine with the same dungeons and side quests the game wants to waste your time with. notice how "wasting time" is a huge part of this game? and it all stems from poor and lackluster design choices but also from the lack of quality.
tbh i'm also not a fan of most what the game is doing by design such always equipping new gear because the new one has +2 armor and +1,325435 fire resistance.
so your previous armor becomes absolutely obsolete.
but i can look at least beyond that because diablo has always been a cool mindless game where you just listen to a podcast while slaying a lot of enemies.
and i mean the sound design and overall visual presentation is pretty great. killing enemies is satisfying and has something pretty meditative.
so, i can 100% person understand why a lot of people on my twitter timeline are poking fun at diablo 4 but i'm kind of sympathetic towards it and i enjoy playing it. however, i also think its important to not only criticize the obvious bullshit, blizzard has implemented to keep people playing in order to waste their time in a video game, but also some fundamental flaws such as the open world design that could basically come from from any other ubisoft title in terms of what it actually has to offer. or how redundant pretty much every dungeon is.
tending more towards a 4/10 but like i said, in its best moment its a very competent mindless game. and thats something i can appreciate a lot.

i never played Diablo 3. i had no interest after playing the public beta -- at the time i was upset at the change in design philosophy that moved the game drastically away from what i enjoyed about its predecessor. the dark tone and hellish world (albeit problematic in its own right) abandoned for a generic epic fantasy setting, and the combat system that felt severely impaired to make work for what was obvious at the time the in-development console versions of the game. it felt in many ways too, as had happened to Starcraft, a "WoWification" of every element. everything had to scale up for the world's biggest gaming company. everything had to be grandiose, massive, for the sake of player retention.

all these years later a certain return to form has happened, even if i'm largely outside of many contexts that have come and gone. the trailer for Diablo 4 introduced the tone and world that i was missing. besides that, i no longer frankly have a gauge for what is a good loot game and what is not -- i may have tried Path of Exile a few years ago but something was missing. for me it's more a je ne sais quoi quality that i need, and Diablo 4 in its marketing pandered at least to my nostalgia of Diablo 2, so i gave it a shot.

in retrospect, i didn't think i'd find myself finishing the game and finding the narrative experience of the game the better half. the "looter" half here is frankly underwhelming and feels unfinished. upon finishing the campaign you're close if not already ready for WT3 (world tiers: determines difficulty and higher quality loot and exp gain) but at that point you're already getting the type of loot you'll see even in WT4 and up to level 100. for 50 levels you're getting the same loot over and over again and merely refining it -- there's nothing compelling there. i was on the verge of quitting the game at the realization of this but switching to WT4 early has made the game a challenge again, revitalizing it at least until i catch back up.

to claim that the narrative half here is the more compelling piece is not to say it's great or noteworthy, it's more a reflection of how dire blizzard storytelling has gotten. stripping back the stakes, removing the focus on the primal evils for a character driven, smaller scale adventure in this world's space was refreshing. there are absolutely silly narratological beats that arrive at the end (what happens to donan, neyrelle's sudden agency) which give the impression of a rushed production but again the expectations were in the pits of hell.

as a service game, as a game that exists to be replayed daily and at length, it needs a lot of work. a much more compelling endgame state needs to be developed and i don't know if i'll be playing much longer until that arrives. as it stands the grind is brutal which also puts me off starting a new character. i cannot imagine in the game's current state starting another new character with this grind.

if this isn't much of a conclusive review then i feel that reflects the fragmentary nature of Diablo 4 to the heart of what the game is. it is deeply at its core a timekiller and to those who rock with that none of these words really matter in the end.

As i'm playing this game more and more im liking it less and less.
I dont know what happened, maybe its the generic world and the story that i wasn't able to find myself engaged with it, maybe its the characters who i cannot relate to, but its a Diablo game so the gameplay and making builds and looting is the reason we play it, right?
Even with that im finding myself getting bored quickly, i'll sit with my friends for like 2 hours before i give up and make excuses and leave, its just boring, the skills and the enemies are not really interesting for me, maybe i outgrew this genre and this game, i really dont know, because i used to love playing Diablo 2.
I wish i could enjoy this game more, but modern Blizzard games feel soulless to me, they lack that spark that i used to like about them in the late 90's early 00s, where i could sit for hours playing them, now i just launch Diablo IV, play some dungeons, get extremely bored quickly and leave, i even started skipping side quests, i guess i just dont care anymore about this game.
Maybe its the fact that im playing better games alongside it, i really enjoyed TotK, maybe that has something to do with it, maybe its me growing up, maybe the game is really mediocre, i just dont know right now, but i can't keep my previous positive review, i enjoyed my first days with it, but now near the midgame, i just lost the interest, i feel robbed i wish i had waited for sale, but friends and hype got me, lol.

This game is amazing! Having so much fun, reminds me of the great times playing grim dawn nerding out, but man the feeling you get when you use some of the skills is great. I love this game because of the druid skill pulverize, it's like throwing down an earthshatter in overwatch every 12 seconds.

Achei excelente, superou todos os problemas do Diablo 3 e reviveu o que o 2 fazia de certo. O gameplay é bem divertido e responsivo, o jogador tem muito mais autonomia na escolha da build (ao contrário da progressão automática e linear do 3), e o balanceamento do loot/escalamento foi ótimo durante toda a campanha principal.

Também tem bastante conteúdo opcional pra fazer, o suficiente pra te entreter por bastante tempo, e isso sem contar que a primeira season ainda nem começou.

Apesar de história não ser o foco de ARPG, eu como alguém que curte muito o universo de Diablo fiquei bem feliz em ver que a Blizzard também se esforçou nessa parte. Tem um probleminha de ritmo no meio da campanha (por mim o terceiro e quarto atos poderiam ter sido resumidos em um só), mas fora isso achei a história ótima e bem cativante, e a conclusão foi muito satisfatória (e também deixou um gostinho de "vem aí", claramente dando abertura pra futuras expansões).

Enfim, gostei muito, pra mim conseguiu superar o 2 e virou o melhor da franquia. Não sou um jogador super hardcore de ARPG, joguei poucas seasons do 3 depois de finalizar a campanha e não acho que vou me dedicar tanto ao endgame do 4 (apesar de com certeza querer experimentar outras classes e jogar as expansões no futuro), então levem minha opinião como a de um jogador mais "casual" que se interessou mais pela campanha mesmo, mas eu curti demais.

Só não dei 5 estrelas porque além do ritmo arrastado entre os atos 3 e 4, tem outros probleminhas que não dá pra ignorar, tipo o fato de não ter um modo offline, instabilidade nos servidores aqui e ali, ter micro-transações (mesmo que sejam só cosméticos), esse tipo de coisa. De resto, só elogios.

EDIT: Vindo aqui uns dois meses depois só pra apontar que eu desci a nota do jogo pra 2.5 estrelas. A primeira temporada conseguiu estragar a diversão do gameplay e o endgame é extremamente arrastado e chato. Não comprem.

My playthrough was done solo as a Summoner Necromancer, granting me a horde of Skeletons to do my bidding. While the gameplay is fun, it can be repetitive as you rely on the same handful of skills during every fight. There were even times when I felt myself falling asleep. I think this is a game best enjoyed playing co-op with friends to help keep yourself engaged. The low-toned music is kept very much in the background, which doesn't help keep you immersed. There are more cutscenes this time around, which shifts the perspective from its isometric default, allowing you to see the character models in more detail. Although, it would have been nice to have more of them. I will likely continue chipping away at the extra content and difficulty levels unlocked after beating the story.

I enjoyed playing through this game but didn't find it to be anything exceptional. It's obviously expensive and meticulously designed, but it feels like a not insignificant amount of that design has been devoted to trying to make the game into as much of a treadmill as possible. Playing through the story was entertaining, but by the end of it I was finding the gameplay to be mindless and repetitive. This makes Diablo IV a great game to play for media multitasking but not something that I'd want to focus on completely. It's a good game, but its game design feels sanitized in order to maximize its appeal and money-making potential.

Played this for a few hours on Game Pass but then get bored. I really don't get the core loop of the Diablo games. It's just very, very dull. Fair enough if you're into watching the numbers go up, but it's not for me I'm afraid.

I have taken a long break from this site as my time has been stretched lately and the three games I’m juggling are expansive to say the least. The game has this design that makes it feel like we have still have good ole diablo, and the game feeling like it has its own identity and mechanics. I love the grind I love all of the diablo games and I wish I was some 35 year old dinosaur to experience the first two as a teen/young adult when they were in their prime.

The gameplay loop is mind-numbingly boring. Good excuse to hang out with a friend, but not compelling enough to finish.

Gostei do game, me perdi um pouco na historia por causa da demora pra jogar e coisa tal, não curti a classe de druida que foi a que eu fiz o game. As cinemáticas estão maravilhosas, bosses muito massas.

Sem contar que ainda tem aquele poder de nós fazer "jogar só mais um pouquinho" e esse "pouquinho" ser mais 2 horas

a game for every simp looking for his btgc

Apesar de ter curtido alguns momentos da campanha e de ter achado a gameplay gostosinha, me dei conta de que Diablo não é muito meu estilo de jogo.

It probably deserves a higher score than what im giving it because its highly polished, plays smooth and has good cinematics, but despite all that quality i found myself struggling to get enjoyment out of it, i guess its too safe? too generic? it loses its steam pretty quickly.