Reviews from

in the past

great little rpg, just fun to run around and kamehameha random enemies. better than kakarot

Diversas melhorias técnicas em relação ao 2, porem infelizmente o arco não ajuda muito.
Apesar de darem um upgrade significativo a gameplay, sistema de Level Up, customização de personagens, habilidades, graficos, itens e mais um monte de coisa, o jogo peca por falta de conteúdo interessante e muito disso arrisco dizer que é por conta do arco que é extremamente corrido e não dá muita brecha pra colocar conteúdo extra como era no 2.
Até tentam colocar uma coisa ou outra de filmes mas acaba que não fica tão legal e só serve pra estender mais o jogo.
o 2 fazia muito isso, mas sinto que ele era mais criativo em como fazer isso, na hora de criar as quests, de colocar conteúdo pra explorar mais o jogo, de aproveitar os mapas, e muito pq a Saga Cell dava brechas pra isso.

Great video game adaptation of the final arcs of dragon ball z.
The nostalgia is strong with this one.

Meu primeiro contato com a franquia de Dragon Ball, e o meu game favorito da Franquia, simplesmente maravilhoso.

I told my friend if I enjoyed this game I'd watch Dragon Ball

I now have to watch Dragon Ball

Honestly a game ahead of its time and provided me with more fun on replays than alot of games did the first run for years to come. lot of customizability, grinding was actually fun, told the story well and just a huge chunk of my childhood.

As good as Legacy of Goku 2. had very similar gameplay to Legacy of goku 2, with the exception of the fusion mechanic and other things that were only applied to the Buu saga. Very fun game and a good representation of the Buu saga.

El mejor de la saga, dios como lo extraño

The best of the saga, god how I miss him

You run around and punch Toriyama inspired designs like a meathead idiot. Perfect.

reads description
Who tf uses season numbers for Dragon Ball this is the Buu saga

Much the same as Legacy of Goku 2, this time covering the Buu Saga along with the Fusion Reborn and Broly - Second Coming movies. Buu’s Fury has a few new features, like an item shop and equipment, but it’s largely unchanged from Legacy of Goku 2. If you liked that game you’ll like Buu’s Fury and likewise if you didn’t enjoy that game steer clear from Buu’s Fury.

Grinding 20 levels TWICE off of ONE screen of enemies is a war crime. Webfoot Technologies will pay...

legacy of goku 2 covers the android saga, my favorite stretch of original dragon ball, and buu's fury covers the buu saga, which i like quite a bit less. this is made up for by the filler content being a lot less annoying to actually play compared to 2, as well as just feeling a bit nicer. either way both on their own still body kakarot

This Game is Really good Man, I Remember Playing it a Lot When I was a Kid with my Brother. The only Thing I don't like About it are The doors That need a Specific Level to Pass and The bug it Has When you are Getting the Dragon Balls other Than that, it's a Great Game that I Recommend.

Takes Legacy of Goku’s success and turns it up a notch. Quality of life is improved, you now have some light RPG options such as choosing where your stats go (I’d role play and give each character different stats, like Goku being an all rounder and Gohan having more ki, when you should probably just put all stats into punching). Story loyally follows the American dub complete with a nice 16-bit Faulconer soundtrack. A couple of times late in the game, you get stuck having to grind for a while to meet the level gate requirements.

I used to meticulously scan every character with the scouter just to see their power level.

heres my senzu bean underflow glitch

Finished a replay of this and it’s pretty fun. Too easy, and all the equips feel redundant when you realise you need 10 ton boots and the Gokuu Hat to make the most of your characters, and you barely need the items either, honestly, but a fun jaunt through the Buu Saga and a couple miniaturised movie plots, and a fine sequel to the much more interesting second game. Thumbs up.

A surprisingly fun beat-em-up with RPG elements that lovingly recreates the story from the Buu Saga and adds in a few nice little touches, like including some of the movies. The music is excellent as well. It's a fun little game that I think any DBZ fan should at least try out.

Loved playing this game on the gba. Probably have played it over 5 or so times.

Jogo muito bom, igualzinho ou se pode considerar até melhor que o Legacy of Goku 2, várias melhorias, mais transformações em um único personagem e colocaram as fusões, até mesmo colocando partes do filme 12 como o Gogeta e uma boss fight contra o Janemba, certas partes vão precisar que você upe leveis (bem mais grinding que o LoG2) pra entrar nas áreas, o mundo aberto tem várias coisas pra fazer e segredos escondidos. recomendo totalmente também!

It's so interesting I beat it without knowing a beat it and remember nothing about it. But I can sense heart in it.

this was a lot of fun when i was younger

One of my favorite GBA games. I must have beaten this at least 6 times. The third best game in this series.

best of the bunch. has everything from the other games but better

Um dos meus favoritos de Dragon Ball e melhor do GBA.
RPGzinho humilde, com sprites bontinhos, mapa grande e bastante lugar pra ir, com missões diversas com personagens diferentes, retratando muito eventos da Saga Buu de forma divertida. Já zerei várias vezes e é super divertido.

Don't get the hate around this game