Reviews from

in the past

As a fun alternative to the dark and gritty id Software titles in the mid-90s, Duke Nukem 3D quickly became a cult classic and demanded a sequel. Duke Nukem Forever was anticipated for a few years, but it became a laughingstock due to constant engine revamps which were always behind the current tech anyway. The graphical advancement of this generation of consoles essentially ceased. At this point, 3D Realms really didn't have an excuse to keep delaying production. The publisher, 2K Games, dumped 3D Realms and gave the project to Gearbox to complete. Nobody actually expected or wanted this game to be released, and featuring completely mediocre everything, it was by far the Blunder of 2011.

Joyless. Mean spirited. Nasty. Boring. Frustrating. Bland. All things that should never apply to a Duke Nukem game.

It's not that terrible. It's ungodly trashy as you would expect from a Duke Nukem game.

Fun fact: I remember trying it for the first time with the mindset of doing a full platinum playthrough.
I followed a guide so literally I thought drawing a penis on the board would unlock an achievement. But nope, nothing. That was the first sign of a bad game.

I waited for this game for 15 years. And I loved it. Yes, the 2 weapon rule is ass and shouldn't exist, thank you Halo. Yes, the last third is total ass. But the game has style. It had variety. Can you say that about any other first person shooter for the time? No. Ever FPS game is fucking Call of Duty clones. This game has some sort of style. People wanted a game that wasn't a military shooter. They got what they wanted and they hated it. People got caught up in a massive hate bandwagon, wanting some supermegagame due to the "15 year development cycle".

The people got what they wanted, Duke Nukem Forever. A relic of the past, a better time for gaming then what we had.

If you are easily offended, a purist for the original Duke Nukem 3D, or except a massive epic FPS game (because Duke Nukem is that, apparently), you will not like this game.

But if just want to play Duke Nukem Forever, even if it's bad, you will love this game, just as I did.

Thank you 3D Realms, I can't wait for the next Duke Nukem game.

-Me, 2011

If it wasn’t for the damn loading screens, I would give this a better rating. I think it’s a good game actually. Duke’s one-liners are hilarious as always, gameplay is okay. If you can get it cheap, don’t pay attention to the critics ratings, just mine.

i don't know what the devs are on to have the cheats not unlocked after beating the game but only on a high difficulty

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dude I fucking forgot this game exists

500 anos em desenvolvimento e ainda assim parece que faltou tempo. Gráficos horríveis, jogabilidade super travada, inimigos e fases/level design super genéricos e entediantes e.... Não, o que faltou mesmo foi competência, não tempo.

This game proves to me that Duke nuken was a product of its time. He is simply not funny at all unless you are 12, or a grown ass man child. The gameplay sucks as well, just a cookie cutter FPS which was a dime a dozen back in 2011. Thankfully the series died here as gaming has evolved far past this.

Utter contempt. Duke runs for president at the end, spoiled for you cause nothing matters with Duke Nukem Forever.

The worst of game design from a literal decade of game design. It pulls all the worst ideas: pointless physics puzzles, awful shoved in vehicle sections, weapon limits, pathetic wimpy sound effects, dogshit buttrock music, sneering self-absorption, and dull boring color palettes coalesce into one of the most hateful games yet made.

This was sold for money.

It would have been better for gaming as an art form if this was never released.

this game would be fun

15 years ago. can we get a Duke Nukem 5. I mean Ubisoft somehow broke Duke's record

At least it made me want to play 3D

If we're all going to be honest, Duke Forever is not a good game. I do believe, though, that the reception surrounding the game has made it look like the worst thing ever, when it clearly isn't. There are plenty of other janky, broken-to-the-core video games out there that are easily worse than Duke Forever, but it's the long legacy of a troubled development cycle, paired with the inevitable disappointment that burned fans enough to give it such low ratings.

I won't be peeling through the entirety of Forever, but for what it's worth, the shooting isn't all too terrible (although the arsenal isn't nearly as great as it was in 3D), some of the levels are pretty fun, and just having Duke back in a more modern game is great. Sadly, these slight positives are met with just as many negatives, with really boring stretches of the game found throughout (the last few levels especially), some casual sexism thrown around like candy during the game that's offensive at best, and horrific at worst, and too many attempts to reinvent the wheel in rather stupid places when other key aspects of the game needed more tuning and overall refinement.

Again, there are worse games out there, but that still doesn't mean Duke Nukem Forever is some sort of hidden gem in the landscape of long-forgotten video games.

Duke Nukem Forever is an 8/10 seventh-gen game with slick one-liners, cool Easter Eggs, and an obvious premise. The thing that'll frustrate you most probably is the pacing.

Half of the game is shooting evil pigs in Las Vegas -- the other half is shooting up pigs and finding your way through Hoover Dam. Weren't it for all of the mindless shooting of aliens, the gameplay and exploring are extremely rewarding. But admittedly, it sucks for the fans of the series who had higher expectations.

This game is not a good boomer shooter throwback.
It is also not a good shooter from the cover shooter era.
It is also not a very pissing-around simulator, as much as it really wants to be.
It is not good at anything, honestly.
Duke Nukem Forever, as released, is like if a team of developers tried to make an HD remake of a game that was never finished in a mad rush for no reason. It is a genuinely miserable experience, even for the purposes of making fun of it. And, worst of all, a cutscene in "The Duke Dome" consistently trapped me in a wall of construction assets. I physically could not keep playing this game.

Fucking abysmal.

this is what 15 years of DHT poisoning does to a mf (nothing but grease!)

Surprised how far I got into this game. Time I'll never get back.

I have not played this I just wanted to say this is the best title and box art combo ever made

I'll admit it, this game is one of my greatest guilty pleasures.

The biggest meme of the gaming industry ever, made for a subpar end product.

It's amazing this actually came out at all, and for all that it is, I can have simple brainless fun with it.

por culpa d este juego me sacaron la xbox 1 mes, en la primera escena del juego te hacen un pete

This is one of those games you wish it was a better experience, definitely more tolerable than one off games similar to it

14 years for this garbage that was outdated even in the year it was supposed to come out! cmon randy