Reviews from

in the past

Going to be transparent and say this rating is unfair but I just can’t play musou games because they remind me of the hardest part of my day to day life: the knowledge that everyone is an idiot except for me

There's certain things every gamer needs to experience.

And one of those is slamming into mobs of ancient Chinese soldiers with synth-rock blaring in the background as some intern calls you and your buddies "flaming idiots".

How to survive the Three Kingdoms era of Chinese history.

- Step 1: Be an archer
- Step 2: Repeat

the voice acting in this game is so fucking funny

how the Romance of the Three Kingdoms was intended to be learned about.


I played a shitload of this at my friend's house, helping him grind out every character's stats to maximum. It was mostly just mindlessly destroying thousands of enemies over several afternoons, but that's a pretty good time when you're doing that with a friend in your teens.

Playing through the DW series for the first time with my best friend who is a die hard DW fan. Playing good ole split screen and made some good memories. With that being said I can't stand the damn camera in this game lmao

musou games are cool as fuck actually. it’s endlessly enjoyable wiping out thousands of nameless dudes with a big dumb special attack. it’s just that for several hours. cmon!!!

Second game for the Dynasty Warriors franchise and this is where the series really found its footing. While Dynasty Warriors 2 was fun, it had some deep flaws. This game patches a lot of that up with gusto. First was the addition of more overall content. Eleven new characters (technically 13 but i'll talk about that later) fill out the roster to match a greatly expanded Musou mode which filled in a lot of moments missing from the original game, helping to make the story as a whole feel more rounded and complete.

On top of that are a few RPG-lite mechanics, levelling characters up through item drops and from equipping items that are found. Its a basic mechanic and while the original had some of these elements, it does build to having the game feel more rounded. Expanded character movesets are now also present and some defensive options are now in such as Somersault recoveries.

The game is still brutal though at times. Enemies are VERY aggressive in this game but thankfully the additions of items and recovery options make things much easier to deal with in the past. Its still tough but its a lot more doable than before.

That said, the game isn't without its downsides. While combat as a whole isn't anywhere as unfair as the previous game could be, the same cant be said for some of the ally objectives. There's many a moment where the game will cry out things like 'Liu Bei is in Danger' and then less than 5 seconds later you suddenly get a game over because Liu Bei died before you had a chance to react. This is a problem in a fair few Warriors games but here it feels worse because the levels as a whole are sometimes HUGE... Unreasonably so at times. Levels can take forever and a day to get through (thank goodness for the mid-level save option).

To sum it up - this is a marked improvement over the first game... Just be sure to keep an eye on allies, lest they go all Leeroy Jenkins on you.

The beginning of my love for this series. Bring back my river master KT

It's difficult to choose between this and 5 for the best DW game, but very easy for me choose when it comes to personal fave.

This one strikes i think the best balance in terms of difficulty, gameplay, visual style out of all the DW games.

DW2 gave us the basic building blocks, but was insanely difficult due to the limtations on your character, no weapons, no items, and your movelist was virtually identical to the foes you faced.

DW3 adds layers onto this, but doesn't crank the difficulty down too much the way that future installments do. This is still a challenging game, but the balance is just right, enemies are capable of all the things you are, but they don't have the extra moves, the fancier weapons or the item loadouts.

All the characters are given their own unique movesets, final weapons, voice overs, and there's 41 characters to play as, and 13 of these are new ones, although they may as well all be new characters considering how basic the 2nd games moveslists were.

OST is one of the best, and is a perfect match for the arcadey action, and really does a great job of matching events in game, and encouraging you on, or demoralising you in the face of a challenge.

The only weaknesses i see, are the voice over, the storytelling, and debateably the fog. Personally, i write off the fog, as it's most likely a limitation of the hardware. As for the story and voice over, it's pretty bad, but it's extremely funny, it's kind of so bad that it almost comes all the way down to being amazing again.

This is the template i hope future warriors titles try for, this gameplay style, take away some of the overt-anime inspirations, ground the designs a little, power up the enemies to be more than filler.

its insane how much was improved from 2 to 3 in just one year between them

that being said this game as fun as it is gets to bullshit levels of difficulty even on EASY mode its kinda unfortunate

i think the reason you'd wanna go back to this game is for the funny voice acting

The first musuo game I ever played and my introduction to “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms”. There is a big roster of characters, personalized stories for the characters, unique move-sets for each character, lots of unlockables, a good soundtrack, and fun multiplayer. Held down only by horrible dubbing and the monotonous gameplay loop that all musuo games are known for. All in all, there is more good than bad if you are capable of putting the time into it

The game that made the series popular. Its an addictive strategic fighting game with a lot of gameplay values and different characters different fighting styles.

Negative: It might be repetitive and grindy with no end goal others than some completionist goal.

Say the line, Zhang He-jak!
"I defeated an Officer!"
Haha, I love this little guy

Christmas 2002
A Sears in a shopping mall, late night

In the full spirit of christmas shopping at the time while my parents were looking at clothes in a different section, I went alone to the electronics section to head to the video games kiosks to alleviate the boredom since my GameBoy Advance was completely out of battery. Only one of the kiosks were actually on and it was playing a copy of Dynasty Warriors 3 or at least that's what the demo disc loaded if it was one. I think the notion of mowing down a huge amount of soldiers was something of a brand new notion of fun for me growing up mostly playing Pokemon mostly before that point. The funniest part about this is that despite playing 3 and 4 in some way, I only ended up getting the Xtreme Legends variant and nothing else which is essentially only 10% of the game itself. My own chagrin is that I never played the original versions of these or the combination of the two until this point.

I truly feel like Dynasty Warriors 3 took a huge leap for the series and brought it into some prominance going forward. If Dynasty Warriors 2 built the foundation, Dynasty Warriors 3 built the whole goddamn house. Where do I even begin with what was added? I won't even go into the Xtreme Legends content either and there's still so much. Four weapons for each character (five with Xtreme Legends) that enhance your moveset to a whopping six chain with stats to roll for. A brand new item system that brings more customization and variety into including special effects, stat boosts and the ability to bring Red Hare into battle. Way more characters with their own musou mode each. A plethora of game modes to boot and more events and stages that further flesh out the three kingdom eras. Going into every minute detail would be an extremely herculean task and test my own mental capacity so I rather just go into why I liked this entry in the series.

I think something you realize going back into this entry specifically is the perfect blend of aggression and pressure. Easily one of the toughest entries in the series and while I do prefer the difficulty boost compared to later entries, it does come with some frustrations that kinda hindered my experience back into going into Easy. One of the biggest ones is attempting to level up bodyguards in musou mode on Normal. Playing regularly is fun but those starter two privates die to a sneeze that it felt like babysitting just for them to actually get experience for the stage since that's the only way they develop themselves. Maps are pretty huge too and without a horse item, you're gonna be spending most of the time running around empty fields unless you take all the time to defeat enemies but comes the inherit risk of just dying to an unfortunate musou combo at the end that can waste thirty minutes down the drain. Don't get me wrong, I love the difficulty here since it keeps me focused but I think you should grab some items and upgrades for certain gameplay mechanics before fully attempting it.

The elephant in the room has to be the voice acting which I think is okay but it can be pretty egregious (in a good way personally). Character designs in 3 are some of my favorite with how colorful each design has and how practical they are. Playing a vast majority of the characters myself, they each feel pretty unique and fun especially Lu Bu which is essentially easy mode in itself. It's not a Dynasty Warriors games at this point of the series without a solid soundtrack to boot.

I really think this game is where the series rose into prominence and found its stride especially with the addition of Xtreme Legends adding more content into the game down the line and future spin offs to boot after this. I'm more surprised this still holds up despite some of the gameplay quirks that come with it but it's more to show how strong and familiar the musou formula has been for years. Musou is adapting now it's never bad to forget where we once were.

Terrible Voice Acting + Absurd Difficulty? Hell yea I love suffering

This rating hurts me because mechanically speaking Dynasty Warriors 3 is better than 2 in every way. Aerial recoveries, equipment, new combos, the beautiful voice acting, and enemy commanders using their gameshark codes in much greater moderation go a long way and make the game feel great to play, and the large increase in content is good too, but jesus christ at least on the campaign I picked the level design is just absolutely abysmal.
One level required me to run across its infuriating layout several times to kill a continuously respawning commander which probably made up 80% of its length for example, every level has an absurd amount of tower archers that are impossible to deal with because of how shitty the bow is and how specific the angle they need to be shot from is, and this last one might be a skill issue but I regularly just didn't have any soldiers to push through packed areas since major threats that need dealing with are always across the map forcing me to leave them to their deaths, so I just had to cheese those pushes in slow and boring ways. On top of this the difficulty seems to ramp up just as fast as usual, so I'm dealing with all this garbage on top of having to grind to keep up.
Everyone else seems to love this game so maybe I'm skill issued or maybe the other levels are better, but I just got ridiculously frustrated and couldn't bring myself to keep playing after a certain point.

Three wasn't my first musou, so it will never have the same weight to me as it does for a lot of other people in the fan base. I respect it a lot for what it did, as another reviewer here noted, this built the house that is modern Koei. The foundation for every successive game in this franchise in genre is right here. And it is pretty fun, at times. There's just the right balance of aggression and pressure to make matches interesting, but maps are just way too big, and way too copy pasted among characters that aren't differentiated enough in this entry to maintain interest after you've done a couple of musou mode runs. The foundation here though, is so good

Movie Theater Popcorn but a video game

One of the first game's I ever played and pretty much a pillar of not only my childhood, but my life. I know people complain about the "clone" movesets and although a lot of the weapons have the same base combos, they do have little subtle differences in there that separate them all from each other.

When I was young, I used to have trouble completing some of the later stages but after returning to it later I have nearly completed it 100%. I have 4 or 5 4th weapons to unlock and that's me but they are the harder weapons to get.

I much prefer this over Dynasty Warriors 4 as I prefer the character design, stage design and music. I love the general gameplay loop of this game over Dw4 too as Dw4 although harder, doesn't always necessarily play fair. Often times, you may jump and the enemies will all jump with you and hit you. Jump charge attacks become pointless as a result.

The AI is aggressive and if you're not careful you may find yourself in a tough spot (Liu Bei's 4th weapon you'll likely be the only person alive 5 minutes in for example) but if you know what you're doing then you do have a chance of not taking on the final officers alone.

The voice actors, although cheesy and bad, it's the good kind of bad. Where as Dw4 I don't think a lot of them are bad in a good way. I think they're just bad. Also these actors have provided some of the most iconic deliveries in all of this series. I could write for hours about this game but there are so many reasons why it is among my favourite ever games that I simply cannot explain in a single review.

Joguei esse incontáveis horas numa tvzinha de 14 polegadas em preto e branco quando criança. Bons tempos, Musou sempre entrega.

Playing Dynasty Warriors 3 is like eating chips. You know it doesn't bring you anything substantial, but you just can not seem to stop coming back for one more chip.
Yes, I completed this game and its extension (all weapons and objects unlocked) and it just left me with a feeling of emptiness.

The overall best DW game. I got hooked ever since the PS2 demo disc. Maxed out every character and got every weapon. Hundreds of hours put into it. Even mastering everything the game was still a challenge on the harder difficulties making replays just as fun.

When all is said and done I have never had as much fun with any Dynasty Warriors game since.

ive played up to 7 and this is the only 1 ive 100% every item/mount/weapon everything yet not sure why controls are stiff combat is basic and basic enemy soldiers can knock you down and out of your combos easily and enemy heroes can just bout 4 shot you on easy difficulty but the after battle review is really good hope who ever came up with that idea got a pay rise

this is the game that me into the DW series... i spent so much time playing this when i was younger. i still appreciate a lot of aspects of this game, especially the corniness. i also think that the battle maps peaked with this game.

while i enjoy other games in the DW series (and i guess DW4 and DW5 both "play better"), i never really became obsessed with them like how i was obsessed with DW3.

Esse jogo é muito bom; comparado ao anterior às animações estão mais fluidas e os cenários com mais detalhes; esse jogo me prendeu por um tempo.

I have found a meme that sums this game up in a nutshell.

10/10 Abysmal dogshit
10/10 Fun
10/10 Soul

We can all thank kitsuneredP3 for the meme.