Reviews from

in the past

What is it with Skyrim mods having better writing than Skyrim?

A shockingly good and densely crafted mod that really SHOULD cost money. Like, this thing is a whole-ass game and I downloaded it for free, that's insane. There is nothing bad I can really say about it because of the non-existent price tag.

Voice acting is surprisingly great, world-building and story are fun, and it has scripted sequences that are surprisingly busy. You'd assume scripted sequences on a Bethesda engine would cause some kind of nuclear accident but it's surprisingly stable.

I'm starting to think Bethesda and the big-brain writing of Emil Pagliarulo are actually bad...shame.

Such an underrated gem. Everything about this game is better than Skyrim. Characters that have personality? Check. Meaningful main story that will stick with you even after you finish the game? Check. Beautiful music? Check. Well, Skyrim's OST is also good but in Enderal, they are also part of the storytelling. It tries to give you the feeling of the moment/place you're in and succeeds at that.

Wish I could forget everything about this game so I could play it for the first time again.

Later Edit: After 3 playthrough, 250 hours of gameplay and getting every achievement, I still think it's one of my favorite games ever. It's so masterfully constructed, and everything still holds up. Go play it everybody.

I fell off relatively early on due to life but this is the closest I've gotten to scratching that itch from Morrowind since I was young. Extremely good for a free total conversion.

The Elder Scrolls: Bioware

Imagine if Skyrim was good. Now stop imagining and play Enderal.

Depressing Skyrim with improved RPG elements

Incredibly good fan game made using Skyrim's engine. Better than the actual game it's using.

Enderal is no ordinary Skyrim mod, its a full game in its own right. The story is mind-blowing, and the voice acting is on point, giving you that premium AAA game feel. It's like stumbling upon a hidden Skyrim DLC from an alternate reality.

Better than Skyrim in pretty much every aspect, on whose engine this total conversion mod is based. The German dubbing was really professional with great voice actors, Jespar really grew on me just like many of the characters in the game. The music was very atmospheric, the dungeon design was even better and more varied than in Skyrim and stylistically it was also a blast. The main story and worldbuilding were super strong, even if I was a little disappointed with the ending. I also loved the revised skill system and the different classes play really differently. It feels like a kind of Gothic game with a Skyrim twist and fans of these games must have played Enderal. One of the best western RPGs I know and it's absolutely free....FREE :O

The fact that this mod is available for free to anyone who owns Skyrim is a goddamn crime. Hell, calling it a mod feels like I'm downplaying just how colossal this is. It's really its own game more than anything, and one that does things much better than Skyrim.

This is mostly through a far more engaging story. While I want to hold back heavily here to avoid spoilers since you should play it yourself, it executes something very thought-provoking and has plenty of twists and turns around every corner. It has some striking similarities to another well-known RPG, but executes the concept in a way that's considerably stronger.

This is aside from the gameplay which is admittedly far less accessible than Skyrim, but rewards being patient. You're pretty weak as things begin and need to build up your character, but if you're willing to put in the time, you'll become an unstoppable force. I played through the full game as an Elementalism mage, and it was great seeing how my abilities evolved into a lightning-based powerhouse by the end.

The only complaints I have are small, and tend to be focused toward the last quarter of the game. Bugs start to run a bit more rampant to where you often need to reload saves to fix NPC pathing, and one particular plot beat feels a little out of place. Otherwise, it was very close to scoring a 10/10 for me.

If you're a big fan of Skyrim, or are like me and found Skyrim to be just fine, then I'd highly suggest taking a look at this. It might be built off its assets, but just about everything else has been shaken up. Plus it's free, and it's hard to argue with free.

A maior prova que Skyrim é uma plataforma de modding é Enderal. Enderal é superior a skyrim em todos aspectos, menos um: Tiraram o level up de skills por uso, trocando por level up em XP de quests e monstros mortos. Isso não seria ruim se fosse ao menos usado como é em fallout, que você escolhe no level up quais skills upar. Aqui é feito através de livros que você tem que comprar e isso acaba deixando a progressão mais lenta sem ter nenhum benefício como mecânica.
Tirando esse "detalhe", a história é melhor(inclusive as quests adicionadas pela versão Forgotten Stories são talvez a melhor parte do jogo), os personagens são carismáticos e além disso são "acreditáveis" como pessoas, desenvolvidos com backgrounds interessantes.
A exploração do skyrim era uma das poucas coisas boas do jogo e ficou ainda melhor, pois esse jogo faz algo que era comum no Morrowind de recompensar exploração com loot único.
Até a decisão de ter só uma cidade principal é mais interessante pra esse estilo de jogo, já que possibilida criar uma grande cidade com um tamanho decente, dividida em várias partes. Existem outras vilas mas são somente isso: vilas.
Esse jogo é uma prova que a bethesda tinha uma engine capaz de fazer jogos excelentes mas escolheu fazer skyrim ser medíocre.

This mod is literally Skyrim 2.
A fascinating new world, as good as the main one or even better, with a lot of new content. Play it.

Really good story, but at the time I played it had A LOT of bugs and random crashes and to save the game A LOT.


Finally, a way to replay Skyrim without replaying Skyrim.
Humorously presented genuine point aside, this does incredible things I never knew you could do with Skyrim. I highly recommend trying it out for the low, low price of IT'S LITERALLY FREE DOWNLOAD IT ALREADY

Dem Entwickler SureAI ist es mit dieser kostenlosen Skyrim-Mod nicht nur gelungen, das Original um Meilen zu übertreffen, sondern auch, eine wunderschöne Geschichte mit vielen Wendungen und Abzweigungen sowie zahlreichen Neben-, Fraktions- und Charakterquests zu entwerfen, die sich vor genreprägenden Spielen wie The Witcher 3 durchaus nicht verstecken müssen.
Die hochwertige deutsche Synchronisierung, die auf freiwilliger Basis von diversen professionellen Sprechern beigesteuert wurde, möchte ich jedoch noch einmal extra erwähnen.

Ach ja, und einen Abspann gibt es auch noch, das hat Bethesda bei Skyrim wohl irgendwie "vergessen".

Nachtrag: Ein Wort zur Hauptquest möchte ich noch verlieren, denn die hat es in sich! Selten habe ich eine solch emotionale und traurige Geschichte in einem Spiel gesehen wie die rund um Rynéus sowie um ein gewisses Schloss im Eis und die dortigen Experimente. Das wird mir für immer in Erinnerung bleiben, egal was ich in Zukunft noch so spiele. Aus Spoilergründen kann ich leider absolut nichts Genaueres schreiben, das muss man einfach selbst erlebt haben.

Ab der Hälfte nimmt die Hauptstory im Übrigen kräftig Fahrt auf und bugsiert den Spieler immer wieder in die verschiedensten Richtungen, ohne sich dabei Klischees zu bedienen.

A free Skyrim mod that is better than Skyrim or anything from Bethesda in the last 10 years!

Simply describing Enderal as a mod wouldn't do it justice. This is a full game featuring its own story, lore, spells, gear, and a large map that is densely packed with places to explore and loot.

Enderal's story is dark and original, very well written. It has its lore and many interesting characters. There are a lot of dialogues that are fully voiced, not in a bad way, which is surprising for a "mod". The storyline is long and there are plenty of side quests.

I find it ironic that Enderal's greatest flaws are coming from Skyrim's engine itself. Nevertheless, this is one of the best RPGs in recent years. The developers have better ideas, more talent and more passion than the majority of AAA studios. You can have all the money and resources in the world, but without original ideas - you won't go far.

Arguably one of the best-made mods, ever. It not only changes Skyrim's setting and story, but the entire gameplay too. The game feels a lot more like a traditional RPG than a TES game. Really impressive work, and some of the locations in this mod are simply breathtaking.

One of the things I did not enjoy, however, is the fact that the new gameplay changes don't always translate smoothly into Skyrim's engine.

Wow, simplemente wow. Sin dudas uno de los mejores rpgs que existen, y es gratis!!. Tiene sus carencias, como todo, nada es perfecto, en parte por las limitaciones del motor gráfico de Skyrim, y al ser un estudio indie se complica todo más todavía. Pero la historia es magnifica, muy bien escrita, las misiones del dlc que agregaron son divinas, la historia principal parece cliché al inicio, pero llegado al final se convierte en original y refrescante. El desarollo de personajes es sublime, Jespar, Calia y sobretodo Tealor Arantheal son personajazos!. Lo único que me molesto es que se siente muy extenso en partes, o aburre el loop jugable, pero eso es culpa del mismo Skyrim. Recomendadisimo para cualquier amante de los rpgs, y las buenas historias!

First off, the main quests in this game are phenomenal. The story is told so beautifully, with an opening act that I will never forget. The game pulls you along by giving you interesting bits of lore, all the while building up the suspense and leaving you in the dark about some concepts until blowing your mind at the very end of the game! It's an amazing, dark, and thought-provoking story.

Secondly, the world that SureAI has created just blows my mind. I never played Nehrim, so I was completely taken by surprise by the sheer amount of lore this game has. Hell, this may be the first game that made me interested enough to download PDF formats of an in-game novel series so I could read the books when I didn't have access to my computer. It's just that good. The side-quests, which are also amazing, do a fantastic job of establishing the story of Enderal, and do a great job of sending you all over the continent for wildly different objectives. Enderal itself is also a very large place to explore, with a lot of interesting locations, and a city that will make Skyrim's cities pale in comparison.

Thirdly, the clever use of Skyrim's engine does just enough to distinguish Enderal from a simple standalone mod. SureAI has created many cool mechanics such as their levelling system, skill trees, magic spells, and many more. Just little things like the 'Arcane Fever', which prevents you from drinking too many health potions without experiencing negative side effects, made this game so much more enjoyable for me.

However, there were a few minor things that bugged me. A lot of the time I noticed that the subtitles simply didn't match what the voice actor would say, be it either new lines that they say that simply don't appear, or the opposite. The voice acting quality is also at both ends of the spectrum. With the main quest, the voice acting is indistinguishable from a AAA title, yet some minor side characters might have annoying static buzzing in the background, obscuring their voice. It is also quite annoying when voice actors can't agree on how to pronounce things, as that does happen a lot. Luckily though, the majority of voice acting quality you encounter will be in the average-good range.

Another absolutely minor gripe I have is that there is a lot of clutter in this game, or in other words, objects that appear to be items that you can and should be able to pick up, but just can't. Don't get me wrong, the new assets that SureAI created look absolutely great and help build the feel of this new world, but there is nothing worse than running around on low health, desperate for loot, and bumping into loads of crates of apples, stacks of scrolls, and boxes of potions that you can't even interact with.

Difficulty is also stupidly high sometimes, as some enemies can one-shot you along your playthrough. However, this also demonstrates that this game does not hold your hand, and lets you discover the skills system on your own, as I didn't manually increase my skills until like halfway through my playthrough. That can be both good or bad for some people, and luckily for me it started out bad, but ended good.

Also the music in this game is just so good

one of the best stories ive ever played, also has quality sidequests

I am dumb and only came to know that there is a Special Edition available to play (from Skyrim SE Engine, of course) after a long time I started to play this one.

I haven't finished the game yet, and I will continue my progress on the SE version since I just needed to transfer my save game.

Although I have to say that this game is amazing and very underrated so far, it's not just a mere Skyrim mod. Even some mechanics were changed. Voice acting, OST, story, world-building, everything is fantastic.

My full review of this game will be on the Special Edition version as soon as I manage to complete it (which I feel might take a while).

Better than Skyrim, but back when I played it the game was so buggy that I had to clip through the map to force a main quest to work, and even then it failed and I had to use another console command to force complete it. Besides that, it's Skyrim except the characters don't suck, the story is engaging, and it requires a tiny bit of brainpower to play.