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Take note that this was played on pc with the moguri mod, which I think most people would say is the definitive way to play this game now. Those fella did some good work.

FF9's good. I think the last 3rd or so starts losing it for me but disc 1-2 is really compelling and has some great moments, and the whole game is held up by a really strong main cast with some great character development across the board.

My personal opinion is that ATB is kinda clunky and leads to weird situations in battle and goddamn it is easy to lose track of what your own action order is going to be, but it's held up by a combination of good fight designs and good party designs, even though they kinda made two daggers that was kinda weird.

Also, while the moguri mod was def doing a lot of heavy lifting, the game visually has held up pretty well for a PS1 game with some tight art direction. Got some bangers too.

There's times the game urked me but it's got a ton of soul and I enjoyed it all the way through. Pretty cool.

Uno de mis juegos favoritos, esta igual o mejor todavía si cabe, se puede jugar sin moguri mod pero da mucha calidad de vida, muy interesante hacerle el "platino" (excepto el de los 10k monstruos)

This review contains spoilers

100% the best Final Fantasy game to this day. The cast of characters are all extremely fleshed out and interesting, the OST is amazing, the way you learn skills is a lot more streamlined than say FF7's materia or FF8's junction systems. The balance is also shockingly good, which I can't say for pretty much every other main line FF game other than maybe 12. There's not really any one gamebreaking exploit / trick that lets you cheese the game, like 8x Atma Weapon in FF6, Deathblow Tifa in FF7, earlygame LF-MAG Refine making you unkillable in FF8, Rikku's Overdrive, Vanille's Death spam, etc. Zidane's Thievery, Freya's Dragon Crest, and Quina's Frog Drop can theoretically make the endgame extremely easy, but you have to grind so much to even make those skills do actual damage, and it's honestly overkill. Endgame I had Freya hitting for like 7k, Dagger for 9.1k with Bahamut, Eiko for around 7k with Holy, and Steiner being the only one who was hitting for 9999 with Shock. I think the only complaints I have about the game are the Steal Rates, which can be fixed by using the Moguri Mod on PC which has an option to make Steal never fail, and the fact that some character's plotlines end way too early. This is mostly an issue with Freya, Steiner, and to a lesser extent, Vivi. Freya and Steiner's storylines pretty much come to a close when you leave them behind with Beatrix while Zidane, Vivi, and Dagger head to the Outer Continent, only having a couple scenes that provide anything (Freya's interactions with Amarant, and Steiner's romance with Beatrix). Vivi's plot definitely lasts longer, but by the time Vivi learns that he's going to die soon there isn't THAT much left. That being said, his monologue / letter to the others in the ending is one of the best written monologues in a video game to this day, and everything about his character is just a 10/10. Normally in FF games the thing I despise the most is the constant minigames (7 is the worst about it, why do I have to play a minigame to give a girl CPR, and then play another one right after to jump up the tower on a dolphin??), but honestly 9's minigames are way more bearable. Chocobo Hot n' Cold is actually not as obnoxious as you'd imagine it'd be, and honestly the only major rewards from that is some of the Ultimate Weapons (Freya, Steiner, Dagger, and Zidane's), but they're hardly necessary weapons to beat the game, or even beat Ozma. That being said if you're using Dagger as a main healer instead of using her and Eiko together, you definitely need her Whale Whisker because its the only way she can learn Curaga. On the flipside, the Frog Catching minigame WOULD be bearable if the frogs didn't respawn in realtime. Having to leave my PC on overnight while I slept in order to get them to respawn faster was annoying as hell. That being said if you're not going for 9999 damage Frog Drop, you only need 99 to get Quina's ultimate weapon, but it's also hardly necessary. In fact I'd argue the only actual important ultimate weapons are Mace of Zeus, Ragnarok, and Whale Whisker. Eiko benefits more from the Magic Racket, and can get Holy off of White Robes instead, Zidane can use Orichalcon, Freya's Holy Lance + Mythril Helm combo does quite a bit of damage still, Quina's weapon really doesn't matter because they only learn one skill from all of them, and Amarant doesn't do alot of damage or have an useful skills regardless. Steiner definitely needs Ragnarok or Excalibur II for Shock, Dagger needs Curaga from Whale Whisker if you're not using Eiko as a healer as well, and Vivi only learns Doomsday from MoZ.

All in all, FF9 is a masterclass in understanding how to write ensemble casts. Every character is fleshed out and interesting (even non-binary legend Quina!), the story and setting are amazing, the best combat and skill learning from the PSX trinity, a legendary OST, and the game as a whole is just a huge homage and love letter to the previous 8 games in themes, references, and more. If you're on PC playing through Steam, absolutely look into the Moguri Mod, it makes the game's visuals stunning, has some very well done orchestrated music, and the client has a lot of QoL upgrades like the 100% Steal-rate cheat (just trust me, turn that shit on), and disabling Dagger's weird skill problem in the later half of the 3rd disc.

Good story, but with every Final Fantasy it goes crazy at the end in regards to the story. The difficulty definitely has a big spike at the end of the game, where the entire rest of the game is extremely easy and laidback. It may have been because of me not buying the best equipment at a island I did not know about at the time, or grinding enough levels. The ability to use items enough to permanently gain their abilities is really addicting.

Simplemente fue una de las mejores aventuras que eh vivido jugando videojuegos, siento hasta que la vida de verdad vale algo.

FFIX me gusto pero mucho cuando pensaba que nadie sacaría a astral chain en juego favorito jugado en el año, llega este juego por la ventana y tira al otro por la ventana rota, su historia simplemente me enamoro sus personajes y los misterios que me dieron son cosas que guardare muy profundo en mi corazón, el sistema de armas y habilidades también me gusto mucho, te hace apreciar tus armas en general y no los vuelven objetos tan desechables como en otros ff y rpg en general, te dan buenas posibilidades no será el sistema de materias pero literalmente para el combate final hice que garnet fuera casi inmortal, además creo que es el ff donde mas utilice freno/mutis, a diferencia de ffvii donde algunos personajes me valían un comino a todos les agarre demasiado cariño y me identifique con casi todos (TE QUIERO MUCHO VIVIIIII), por ejemplo el arco de freija me saco casi unas lagrimas por su impotencia a no poder hacer nada, el buscarle un significado a la existencia como vivi y apreciarla como yitan, dudar como steiner y garnet, volver a querer como eiko y ver el significado del compañerismo de amarant, el vivir para el futuro como freija Y LA ENSEÑANZA MAS IMPORTANTE DE TODAS, las ranas son deliciosas....
¿Espera que?.

El ost esta de puta madre no sera mi favorito de los tres ff que eh jugado pero tiene de verdad canciones muy buenas como you are not alone que hace uno de los mejores momentos de la HISTORIA DEL VIDEOJUEGO Y EL QUE ME DIGA QUE NO ME PUEDE CHUPAR EL PICOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, perdón por perder la compostura, kuja no será mi villano favorito pero considero que es muy mala onda como es infravalorado, en un punto parece copia de kefka pero dura eso muy poco, el combate final no será el mas épico pero es muy significativo con el mensaje del juego, ya tocado los temas del juego base el remasterd me parece bueno, tiene unas muy aceptable mejoras como el aumentó de velocidad y otros trucos que te harán la vida mucho mas fácil además están bonito la actualización de los modelos, con todo lo bueno abordado lastimosamente debo comentar lo malo, primero en unos puntos de la historia donde te quitan ciertos personajes algunos jefes se vuelven bastantes complicados, también ODIO LO DE TENER QUE MEJORAR EL CHOCOBO PARA OBTENER LAS MEJORES ARMAS, en serio me enoja mucho que para tener el mejor equipamiento debo hacer ese molesto mini juego del chocobo, también eso de tener que mejorar a este mismo se me hace muyyy aburrido, cosa que me enoja aun mas por que quiero de verdad seguir jugando pero lo del chocobo me limita mucho :(.

Thank fuck for Moguri mod…
You know it says a lot when the actively worst part of this game is an entirely optional minigame that just boils down to pure tedium. I also modded beatrix into the game because shes cute and i wanted steiner to be with his wifey lol.
Final Fantasy 9/10

I mean I love this game, absolutely. Unfortunately, this is a mixed bag of a port. I like the cleaner models and such, but it doesn't blend well with the backgrounds that weren't shaped up as equally. Weird audio glitches and missing sound clips. WHY IS THERE NO FULL 360 MOVEMENT WHEN THE PS1 GAME HAD IT?!? I don't really like the new font and UI. The speed-up feature and having achievements is nice, and at least you can mod this version to make it real good. It's a perfectly playable version of a game I wholeheartedly recommend, but it comes with a lot of caveats.

There was also an update once in April that removed the game from your PC. So that's neat.

Sûrement mon opus préféré de la licence. Un bon univers medieval fantasy, une bande son mémorable et des personnages attachants. Les combats sont cool et il y a beaucoup moins de boss frustrants que dans les autres FF, même si certains combats demanderont sûrement un peu de farm.

One of my favourites in the series!

A Final Fantasy Brimming With Identity, Heart And Passion

Disclaimer: I used Memoria/Moguri mod to play at 60fps with various tweaks to make the experience smoother

Final Fantasy IX is an excellent RPG that stands the test of time with its visually appealing art style and pre-rendered background; deep and thematic story about life, death, and friendship; likable and charming cast of characters; and a unique and memorable OST by the legendary Nobuo Uematsu. It is a love-letter to the series as a whole and a swan song of the series' creator, Hironobu Sakaguchi.

While I have high praise for IX, it comes with a few downsides. With the help of the Moguri mod, I wasn't able to experience the slow combat and uncontrollable nature of the Trance system but be warned that it does exist in the base, unmodded version. Some mini-games are more tedious than fun to go through especially if you're going for 100% achievement like I did. Lastly, I do think some parts like the final boss, the world-building, Amarant, etc could be expanded further, though I didn't mind as much with the context of the theme and message of the game.

Personally, I'm so happy I gave my first Final Fantasy a second playthrough in 2023 when I'm going through a period of difficulties in life. Its theme of finding your place in life and overcoming its difficulties via friendship and determination will forever be instilled in me as a person moving forward. Thank you Sakaguchi for creating a masterpiece!

111 hours and 100% Achievement later, I give my very first Final Fantasy an extremely biased... 5/5

This was my first FF game growing up and the one I have major nostalgia for. That being said this was my third time playing through it and now that I have alot more experience with the series and command-based RPGs in general I definitely think my opinion of the game went down slightly.

This is mainly in the gameplay and presentation department. The story and music is still incredible. Playing with the moguri mod was like seeing the game in a whole new light. I still love the characters and the vibe and the wholesomeness of it all. But the gameplay felt like a slog this time around. From the combat speed to the high encounter rate to battle transitions to the tediousness of the side activities...everything just felt slow and the pace felt grueling at times. This is somewhat alleviated by the boosters and cheats you can use in the Steam version. It was nice to eventually just max everything out and turn encounters off when I was ready to blast towards the end.

I still think I give the game 5 stars based on my love for it and its many strengths, but as far as its place in my ranking of FF games it definitely dropped a few spots.

ITS PEAK!! Probably the sweetest rpg i've ever played, it was so cute. the story and characters are 10/10 and the game itself has aged so much better than any other ps1 game I've played. Objectively the best final fantasy game imo.

Thank you. Farewell. My memories will be part of the sky...

they are FWIENDS
existential crisis

havent finished it but holy shit its probably the best cast in a final fantasy game
vivi is the fucking best

Una carta de amor a la vida y a toda la saga escrita con la más bonita de las letras.

PD: Soy literalmente Yitán Tribal

Great to finally get around to this. IX combines the lessons learned from the other PS1 Final Fantasy games and polishes it to the nth degree.

Stunningly beautiful, great cast of weirdos, fantastic classical FF story. Can't recommend it more highly.

This game is a masterclass in storytelling in its character writing and journeys of growth. It has some flaws (party characters essentially disappearing into the background as the main story progresses), but to me a 5/5 score isn't a perfect game but something that intensely outshines its flaws.

The ATE system is still one of, imo, the most genius devices across any game I've played for really fleshing out each character. Optional bits of genuine moments between the party and NPCs that come around to being incredibly memorable in spite of their generic designs went a long way to making the world feel alive and really help the player connect.

But the real reason to play this game is Tetra Master. God I love Tetra Master.

This is the first Final Fantasy game I've ever finished (unless you count Chrono Trigger for some reason). If you told me this was one of the worst Final Fantasy games in terms of combat, I'd believe you. Although if you told me this was the best Final Fantasy game in terms of characters and setting, I'd also believe you. Story gets a bit messy by the end but the characters really carry the whole thing anyways. The cutscenes also feel incredibly ahead of their time and have aged very well, theres something so captivating about them.
Really enjoyed the game despite its problems.

Nunca pensei que o dia ia chegar mas eu encontrei finalmente um dos final fantasys que não é horrivel

Gonna be honest here. Vivi for me is one of those characters Square never explored enough because of time, despite he have a deep meaning in the narrative way of a character. His main attribute is Sadness/Sorrow - How do you prove that you exist...? Maybe we don't exist... How many of us never could answered that question? Remember he have 9 years old, and 6 months of creation. His development is so quick and aggresive that he never understood that his adoptive dad tried to eat him. Vivi represents this part of humanity that most of us forget when we grow up. And it's beautiful how despite he knows how everything is gonna end, was the most alive from all the characters, it brings hope.

My ex-fiance got a strong depression, and I tried to introduce her into the J-RPG games with this game, and it helped a little, despite she cannot complete the main story. I saw in her eyes, how this was as a book, but in another format, where she can change a little the story through any decission.

FFIX from 2016, have a lot of changes, specially for those who cannot wait a little to finish the random encounters. The speed feature helped a lot. Excallibur II was more accesible for everyone, missble objects are faster to obtain. I'll replay it again for 4 time soon or when I started to forget about the main Story. Enjoy.

Pretty good, this was my second Final Fantasy after beating 7, and it didn't captivate me as much as FF7 did, but I liked all the party members, the combat and the world itself, but for some reason there are some parts of the plot that I found confusing, like some of the ending parts, I guess that means I'm due for a replay

i love seeing these characters in this unknown world discovering the unknown n making it known
i love seeing romance being developed really subtly
i love seeing the good character who helps the other characters break down and being in a pickle himself getting helped by the ones who he helped solving their problems
i love the stupidity of the jokes
i love the amount of love put into this game
i love this game

Although I did not feel the same high I did when playing VII, Final Fantasy IX was an amazing, emotional game. The gameplay and the story are simpler (at least on the surface level) and the way they pay off by the end is extremely satisfying. I recommend people who've gotten into the Final Fantasy series to also play this entry.

Extremamente divertido. Os personagens são ótimos, a premissa é excelente, a execução do roteiro e a narrativa são incríveis, além da excepcional trilha sonora. Só não curti os cenários.

thank you vivi ornitier