Reviews from

in the past

Literally the worst game I have ever played. The load times are unbearable and the game is ridiculously hard and unforgiving

Loved this as a kid and the environments still look pretty nice for the time. It genuinely took me months to get past the first level, I had no idea you had to hold A to swim so I just kept dashing fruitlessly as Marlin continued to look in disappointment. In that moment, Nemo and I were one consciousness on opposite sites of the screen. Game's okay I guess.

Makes me cry, not because it's emotional, but that I can't finish the sliding puzzles at the ripe age of 24

This game was one of the toughest ones for me to place this year so far. Firstly the gameplay, which was an interesting mix of three different game types. The first is a side scrolling adventure game that allows you to carry stuff around underwater, dash forward to attack enemies, and get shoved around by powerful ocean currents. These sections are decent fun, although some of the hazards are really tough to gauge where it is in comparison with the fore and background. As well, during the middle hour of the game, it suddenly becomes obsessed with puzzles that are stupid and pointless and easy but take forever, which brings the pace down to a slog. The second gameplay type is runner style levels where you're on a linear path being automatically moved forward, and you have to either keep up with someone, don't get caught by someone, or don't get hit by something. These levels vary in quality, with some having pretty well defined obstacles that are challenging and fun to maneuver around, while others have completely BS obstacles that are impossible to see for multiple different reasons I'll get into more in a bit. The third style of gameplay isn't very common, and thank goodness because it is extremely annoying. There are multiple sections where you have to bounce from place to place. The controls in these sections are atrocious, the camera is always at a horrible angle to allow you to properly control yourself. It makes any level with these far more frustrating than they need to be, which brings up one of my big points against this game. There's no way in hell any kid would be able to beat this. As an adult, I beat it in about 3 hours, but as a kid there's not a chance. It simply asks things of its age demographic that I don't think they can do. And now probably the biggest, most horrible awful game ruining problem with this game is its performance. This game runs about as well as an 85 year old woman with a blindfold on in a potato sack. That is to say, this frame rate is fucking awful. Multiple different important sequences dip to below 20 or even below 10 FPS. I've never seen anything like it in a game like this, there's nothing I can even place about the game that would justify it. The game is not in any way graphically intensive enough to justify how atrocious it runs. Not to say it looks bad, its aged pretty okay, but man the frame rate blows. There are some nice positives however. Like the other Traveler's Tales Pixar games, the OST is pretty fantastic. As well, the story is told in a good way, and the amount of movie clips in the game is fantastic. At the end of the day, I struggle to say I enjoyed playing Finding Nemo, but I also can't say I hated it. There's a lot of good here that crumples under a broken game engine and some really sour gameplay types.

Impossível seguir os arcos das fases.

Frustrante mas é no mar então era bonito.

this game is a war crime

also don't play this on gamecube

Even as a kid I remember this game being a little wonky. There's no HUD for 90% of the game which feels weird, even if they were going for an "immersive" experience. Most of the game revolves around you swimming through different sets of rings or solving minor puzzles.

One of those really hard games based off of a childhood movie that made us mad. But we could never stop playing.

This game is one in a krillion

Forgettable minigame compilation.

Outro jogo de filme que eu gostei pra caraio


i could never get passed the jellyfish jumping game ...

You're literally just going through rings like 80% of this game. It's really boring actually. I did really enjoy and get a laugh at the death animations, but all in all this game just didn't do it for me. Finding Nemo is my all time favorite animated film so I certainly was playing with rose-colored glasses as a kid, but I don't remember it being this bad. If it weren't for the fact that I was trying to capture nostalgia and I was already two-thirds done I probably wouldn't have even bothered finishing this replay.


There's a shark in two levels!

I wasn't expecting this game to be very good but I was at least hoping that I'd actually enjoy playing it for a short while before I grew to resent it, but alas. This game was garbage from the moment I picked up the controller.

Each level has "segments" that you can't restart without instead restarting the level from the fucking beginning. I wish I knew that before I missed a ring and, wanting to attempt 100% like I did with the Monsters, Inc. game, I hit restart thinking it'd start the section I just missed a ring on and not the whole damn level because I really couldn't be bothered playing Level Fucking One from the fucking start again.
Not to mention the cutscenes are NOT SKIPPABLE.
All of these combined make me less likely to get all the collectables here, even if I really wanted to.

Why should I sit through all these cutscenes and go through everything a second, or maybe even third time for a handful of measley old rings? What's my reward? Is it worth getting in 2022?

The game itself is a series of floaty linear stages that take way too long to complete, but they are quite easy to breeze through, if you can even call it that.
The playable characters are super slow, it feels like they nerfed their walk speed to make the game take longer to finish.
You're not told about anything, either, you're basically thrown in at the deep end (no pun intended) with the world's vaguest instructions (the "Action Button"? It's SQUARE. Not X. SQUARE. When has the "Action Button" EVER been fucking SQUARE?).

The game has no sense of direction, one hit kills for days and is overall just a mess that irritates me to no end.

I have no clue how I ended up owning this game nor how a PlayStation 2 game is playable on the Wii.

i used to have this when i was a kid and playing it again i can understand why i didn't get far, the levels on this are either easy or really hard for no reason, and some of the gameplay got pretty repetitive, lots of going back and forth and following characters through rings. it had a few big aspects i didn't like but i'd say i had a pretty good time with it otherwise. the character designs were funny looking.

This game is pretty much average. Could be better. The soundtrack is very good. Voice acting is good. The gameplay levels is fun. I like the chase sections.

Why is this game so hard? I understand if it's where the game gets hard as you keep playing, but the difficulty spike on here is just bad. Whoever controls the lighting of the game needs to rework it. I mean a lot of levels are so dark. I mean it caused me so many deaths because I can't see anything. I know what you guys are thinking "Maybe your computer's brightness is low." ....It is on 100% lol. And the worst thing about this game is... the sliding puzzles. It's not that they are hard, it's that they are very time consuming. Whenever I see one I am just like, "Jesus christ stop..." It's not giving the game variety, it's just giving the game more stuff only to fill up the game's run time.

Overall, I definitely see the potential of this game. Maybe give fixed the difficulty spike, brighten up the levels, and remove the sliding puzzles. If these issues are fixed then this game would went from 3 stars to 4 stars.

não lembro de nada além de ter que nadar por dentro de anéis verdes

foi um dos primeiros jogos que comprei no ps2, zerei junto com minha irmã, lembro dele ser dificl.

anyone who's ever played this game for long enough should be familiar with the horror that is the bruce submarine level slide puzzle

For a film-based GBA game music and graphics were outstanding. Gameplay, however, was mostly very easy but with some frustrating parts... which isn't nice at all.

literally never got past the second or third level

é legalzinho pra pegar e zerar so uma vez