Reviews from

in the past

edit: i feel super bad that this ended up being the top review of this game. i'd rather people's first impressions of any game not be someone complaining about it.

I'm going to try to be nice to this game, especially considering I didn't beat it, but.... man, I don't have a lot of positive things to say.

The reason I ended up playing this indie porn platformer was cuz one of my friends found it while deep diving on Steam. She described it as "Ikaruga meets a metroidvania". I don't particularly like modern metroidvanias. This, however, sounded like an interesting combo. So I checked the Backloggd page and saw the high rating. Another sign that this was probably decent, if nothing else.

I really don't dig the NSFW aspect of this game. I love playing as girls and I have nothing against suggestive character designs! I LOVE Felicia from Darkstalkers. She's so cool. Yet not only are the girls in this game utterly swagless, they're all the exact same, migraine-inducing "fantasy characters but with big boobs". I excused it for the main character (I could go off about her outfits...) and her sensei (ok she has a little swag). It's like EVERY CHARACTER though. Whatever, I'll leave it be. I didn't come here for the porn.

So I'm gonna talk about the two aspects I like first. Although the artstyle itself isn't super unique, I don't think that's a dealbreaker. The game has lots of diverse areas with distinct themes that are all drawn with detailed pixel art! There wasn't a single area I saw that was boring. The UI is also a quite ornately detailed little thing, though i wish it was bigger. As far as music, the OST is decent and has cute midi instruments (PAN FLUTES!!!) that made me smile. That's everything I liked about the game.

I don't see where people are coming from when they call this a great metroidvania. Is it serviceable? Playable? A better vessel for the NSFW content than those shitty flash porn games I used to play as a kid? Yeah, sure. There was a level of effort put into the pacing of the areas and gamefeel. However, I can't think of a single reason to play this unless the only thing stopping you from playing Hollow Knight was the lack of sex.

The quest-givers and character interactions are the most boiler-plate post-ALTTP shit imaginable. The quests themselves are often tedious; not challenging, not fun either. I might enjoy the quests more if I was interested in the rewards (ie: porn). The flipping mechanic that is supposed to be the main draw of the game is the gimmickiest of gimmicks. It adds nothing to gameplay except a few extra inputs during platforming. Yes, I didn't finish the game, but if I get into the bulk of your game and I have not seen a single exciting use of your central mechanic, I think that's an issue to iron out. This is not an Ikaruga metroidvania. This is disappointing. And I'm now starting to understand why Alicesoft are such a huge deal. I often think of their games as "amazing game hindered by the constant porn". I realize now that they are porn that still manages to have interesting and fun gameplay.

This is (far as I'm aware) the developer's first game. I'm not writing them off or telling people not to support them. My point is that I thought FlipWitch was far from the fantastic game it was hyped up to be.

i initially thought that this game would be nothing more than a silly porn game with charming graphics, but was very pleasantly surprised by this release. tight and responsive gameplay, just enough collectibles to not be annoying (sans the freaking gatcha coins those can go to hell) and a healthy selection of cute porn scenes and horny porny bosses. not that i care about that stuff i just wanted to play a metroidvania tbh but yeah this one was very very good and was worth more than what i paid for it

this is one of those games you play as a joke and end up liking solid 8 hour experience

Ok, let's just get this out of the way. It's a porn game. It's a porn game with a lot of animated pixels moving in a very erotic fashion with the goal to make the viewer aroused. It's a porn game.

But if you can put the porn aside (which is very hard ((pun not intended)) because there are tits EVERYWHERE in this game), it's a fantastic metroidvania. Genuinely might be one of the best. The difficulty purely rests in how well you play the game and how much you're willing to go through and 100% it, the different items present a new way to beat bosses if you don't just want to button mash the bosses to death, the backtracking isn't too evil, and there's never a portion where it feels like you're stuck doing the exact same thing for 3 hours because save points are plentiful and your healing is absurdly generous. Actually a really fun game to 100% and I could see it being a blast for people to pick up and speedrun.

Just wish there wasn't so much sex in this game, that way I can play it without having to worry about all my friends giving me weird glances when I boot it up....

Flipwitch is an excellent metroidvania with a somewhat distracting, horny skin slapped on top. I feel like this is a chicken/egg situation. Did this start as a joke hentai game that became a legitimately fun, well-made metroidvania or did the devs fear that it wouldn't gain traction without catering to a certain audience? Either way, it's worth looking past the C-tier H-scenes to play this game. The background art & environments were visually stellar. I enjoyed the enemy design (although I felt that enemy health didn't scale super well to the late-game environments) and the bosses were always fun, even if they rarely posed a challenge. (With the caveat that the second boss' health needs a MAJOR nerf - the fight took way too long for that early on). I also surprisingly enjoyed the "sex change" mechanic insofar as it created good platforming and light puzzle challenges. This was a really strong effort and a joy to play. I would love to see another metroidvania from this dev without the pandering hentai stuff (or maybe just less of it).

Quite a cool game blending a metroidvania with some lewd escapades. Control a gender bending witch apprentice exploring a huge map, collecting power-ups and perfoming a variety of sex acts on fairies and goblins etc. All the usual platforming mechanics are here, but I can't help thinking it would have faired better with a more 'hands on' approach to the sex interludes, still I'll gladly take it for what it is.

Flip Witch is a metroidvania and a porn game, crafted by the brilliant developers at Momo games, that manages to do some things better than a lot of the games in either genre. The phrase "some things" is only referencing metroidvanias though, because Flip Witch is easily the best porn game I've ever played.

While I'm no connoisseur of games du pornographique, most of the ones I have played all suffer a similar problem: for one reason or another, it takes way too long to get to the good stuff. It becomes a question of "When can I 'enjoy myself'?" because pretty much every single one feels like a series of hoops to jump through to see what you actually want. If that leaves you unsatisfied... well, tough luck. Here's another set of hoops to jump through before your next chance at "blasting off".

Flip Witch does none of that. It knows what you're here for and it gives it to you. A lot of it. Once you unlock an animated sex scene, whether it be upon completion of a quest or from the game over screen, you can rewatch it as many times as you like from the main menu's gallery. This single feature changes the question from "When can I 'enjoy myself'?", to "When do I want to 'enjoy myself'?" Now I'm jumping through hoops not because I want to cure my blue balls, but because I'm genuinely excited to see what else I can find. And in true Metroidvania fashion, there's quite a lot to discover.

In the world of "it's still a porn game, did you really think I even noticed if the land you explore has a name?", every level is filled with new enemies, bosses, quest npcs, quest items, costumes, and gacha coins. Let's break that all down- in the beginning of the game you meet a cowgirl named Belle, who asks you to find her cowbell. You find it in a chest that's borderline impossible to miss if you play the level normally. Once you bring the cowbell back to Belle, you're treated to a special scene with her. It might be a little underwhelming by itself, but it gives the player two massive reasons to continue exploring the map- so you can find more quest npcs, and the items they need. (What were you thinking?) But some quest npcs need you to wear a specific costume before starting their quest, so how do you get costumes? By finding the costume shop girl, who hides in different corners of every region in the game with new costumes specific to that area. But wait, each one costs 500 gold or more? Now chests that give you lots of gold instead of a unique item aren't so disappointing to open. Enemies aren't just fun to look at anymore, fighting them gives you gold. Gold that brings you closer to new costumes, which bring you closer to brand spanking new sex scenes! (Too bad there aren't any brand new spanking sex scenes, maybe they should fix that in Flip Witch 2.) While you're scouring each area for all of the above, you'll also find gacha coins, which you can spend to unlock additional animations of npcs and enemies performing a variety of sexual acts. Talk about getting some bang for your buck! (What did you expect? You're reading a Flip Witch review.) Once you've drained an area dry of it's collectibles, the only thing left is an encounter with the local boss lady each with their own appealing design- combat and otherwise.

For every four sex scenes you unlock, (not including the game over screens) you can get permanent upgrades to damage, more healing charges, and boosts to the potency of said charges from your Flip Witch Sensei, Beatrix. And a couple sex scenes with her, too. This is the lynch pin of a positive feedback loop encompassing all of the collectibles listed above (aside from the gacha coins), that deeply encourages players to engage with every facet of it's design. I've played tons of metroidvanias and while Super Metroid is still my favorite, I can't say I've seen a single one that connected so many elements of it's design in such a rewarding fashion. I'd be remiss if I ended this review before saying that I loved the soundtrack, it's the cherry on top of a fantastic game. Flip Witch will forever be one of my favorites and I'm glad I took a chance on playing it. And if you made it this far, go buy it yourself!

(If anyone from Momo games is reading this, thank you for your hard work! Big shout outs to Momo games, Seedy Goblin, Moxie, Chippai Oni, CandyWitch, Mylkbear, and Momojams especially! It warms my heart to see you guys enter the industry with such a splash, and I look forward to seeing everything that comes next! -Your biggest fan!)

The art is super pretty, like the quality is insane for hentai game. You play as a witch who learns flip magic which allows them to be either a boy or girl. You have to change for certain platform moments and some quest from NPCs require you to be one or the other. The only real negative I had was the game has touch damage so if you collide into a enemy you get hurt and your character propels forward when you attack so it kind of works against each other however once you been playing for a bit, you adjust. This runs more over 20 hours but still on the short side compared to some games.

Honestly a fun metroidvania. The only thing I wish was added was to skip h scenes, I wasn't here for tits and ass.

If Momodora received an even hornier, 18+ sequel. Despite this being an H game, where almost all focus of discussion is aimed towards the visual aspects of the game, the biggest standout to me throughout my whole playthrough was the absolute banger OST. Ending was obviously rushed and ended the overall enjoyable game experience on a low note.

Got it recommended by a metroidvania nerd, so i decided to give it a chance (despite it being yknow, that kinda game) and damn its actually a banger, art style, movement and music are amazing.
Actually wouldve benefited from not being NSFW to reach a further audience, it could've just been a little spicy like Shantae, I'll definitely check out more metroidvania games now tho.
Yes, this is my first metroidvania game. Not precisely Hollow Knight.

Really good game, need to finish it

This game is a Metroidvania first, a porn game second. What I mean by that is the foundation of an amazing game is there and in spades. The boobs and butts are secondary to the main course, which is an immersive and engaging puzzle platformer. Everything from the art style, to the collectibles, to the story and writing are incredible. The flipping mechanic--the core aspect of this game--is used to maximum effect. Whether its for puzzle manipulation or completing the many quests you'll find scattered around, its worth it.
The music and sound design is also top notch and deserves praise, not even the hentai either. The music for each area was perfectly matching its tone and design.
I felt the combat for this game was also well executed, with the exception of the ranged attack. I never used it, only charging up to use one of the many items or abilities. Once you find your set combat items its more saving up slots for the many traversal options that are bound to the charge attack. A similar thing goes for the in-game charms mechanic; I seldom changed them throughout the playthrough because they worked for my playstyle. A fun moment speaking of, was wondering "I think there should be an item to allow fast travel to waypoints from anywhere," and then immediately finding said item at the next merchant. They really did think of everything.

I'm proud to have 100%'d this game, it was worth going back through each area finding secrets I either missed or lacked traversal options to get to. The rewards (in the form of Gacha figurines that play animations) were worth collecting, just as much as the post-quest scenes that play out. [Borat voice] Very nice! Even death was worth it, earning you a fun scene for either of the two genders. By the ending areas I was intentionally dying just to see these scenes.

All in all, super worth getting along with Scarlet Maiden if you don't mind having degeneracy in your Steam account like I do. Stylistic and a very fun platforming adventure. 10/10

para ser un juego porno esta bien, pero no me gustan los metroidvanias, entre aqui solo para jugar porn-

Salacious and fun with great art, all praise the mighty titty.

metroidcels and hollowknight-babies can't compete with true kino

Underneath all the constant fucking and sucking, there's a SURPRISINGLY GOOD metroidvania in here. Lots of quests, lots of upgrades, lots of key items, lots of equipment. Absolutely worth $15 even if you don't want anyone to know you played it.

Feel weird about saying I like this game, but I quite enjoyed it! Just a solid Metroidvania with tons of charm; cool visuals all around, music is very cool, and the controls feel tight (just like-). Difficulty curve is a bit awkward and I wish it had a more satisfying ending, but there's not much I can hold against it. Solid time, would recommend if you don't mind ass and tits every 2 seconds.

Or maybe I'm just a coomer. Who knows.

Bitchin' platformer with bangin' music, fun designs, and a gorgeous art style that all come together to make a really, really good game with a fun gimmick.
Also I'm a pervert so it hits literally every mark for me.

Surpreendentemente divertido pra um jogo hentai, se tivesse um modo sem putaria eu podia recomendar pras pessoas, e as musicas são só pedradas, fiquei genuinamente surpreso com a qualidade da trilha sonora, se você quer jogar um metroidvania e não liga pra pornografia na sua tela com frequência, da uma chance

Bem legalzinho, mas não faz muito meu estilo

For a game themed around sexual content, you don't go in expecting much, like being an actual functional game with a modicum of effort put in. But I can safely say this is a game first and foremost and while it's not the best metroidvania you'll ever play, it'll certainly exceed your expectations for what it is.

In particular, aside from the amazing pixel art, I was impressed by just how vast the world was, with numerous areas to unlock and explore. The gender flipping mechanic and costume concept were cool ideas, although I felt more could be done with them. Mainly you're just doing some type of fetch quest which will require you to wear certain costumes and the main sexual content being the rewards for those quests. Then fighting mini-bosses and bosses in the various areas of the world.

I got over the sexual content fairly quickly and just skipped through them, it started to get kind of same-ish to me.

If more adult content games were like this or at least at this level of effort I'd probably play more.

this trashy-looking porn game seriously impressed me enough that I felt the need to leave a review.

As pornography it actually kind of sucks, maybe it's just me but the cutesy artwork and bizarrely drawn anatomy just wasn't appealing to me

However as someone who plays a ton of indie Metroidvanias this is genuinely one of the better ones I've played. The combat is basically a 1:1 copy of Momodora, Reverie Under the Moonlight - and there is also a color (or in this game's case gender) swap mechanic that creates interesting platforms and puzzles, similar to Ikaruga. The boss designs are also great, and the map design is pretty interesting with lots of verticality. If you enjoyed Momodora you'd like this too.

This is one of those rare 18+ games that would have probably benefitted from expanding its target audience by not being porn.

Honestly it’s a really surprisingly fun metroidvania. Originally I bought it just cause I wanted to see if it was really that great but honestly, the music and the art are fantastic and the gameplay is so fun. I don’t really care too much about the H scenes as much as others since I’ve dealt with worse. My only complaint is that I’m a bit of an idiot when it comes to trying to finish some of the quests and that it feels rather hard to figure out how to complete them haha.

I'll do anything to play a good-ass metroidvania but it's alittle too easy. The hardest part is playing during no nut November

This game, while not being the craziest definitely was super fun to play. The H-Scenes weren't half bad either. Especially with the hot and cute artwork. I will say the game is a bit easy tho especially cuz you can become broken and run through bosses like nothing lol. (Some mini-bosses would just stand there and I'd just shoot them until they died) But all in all is was a sexy and fun experience. (The Chaos Queen is the hottest.) 🥵🤣🤣

Es genuinamente un buen metroidvania

needs more fast travel points. the quests are pretty annoying. the basis for this game is cool though. there could be a bit more exciting things done with the flipping in the h scenes.

the artstyle is still really great

E' un gioco zozzo, ed è un bel metroidvania. Insieme.
L'ho seguito da prima del rilascio e non ha deluso le aspettative. Ottimo gioco!

Based... So... fvckin... zased...