Reviews from

in the past

this is a total asshole of a video game but in the way where you get in the rhythm of it, your reaction times get better
youre actively learning and then the level sinks back down
I dont even think the "eoOOoeOO I AM EVIL SEXEY LADY" shit is cringe i think its more funny than anything else bc of how fast and powerful everything is in this game
Now the story and characters are really not deep at all, not that i went into this expecting such but everybody in the cast does a pretty well performance thats elevated by their VAs
Jean's VA is so fucking good that im surprised this guy isnt in a shitload of other media
he mustve quit, which is sad but god i loved a lot of his weird delivery that reminded me of an old 00s anime dub

My most hated fucking enemy to fight in this game was easily the big dickhead megatron robot because of how sporadic he would move all the time on Lvl Die even though i would Think i read his ass but i didnt
I think that the whip girls are atrocious to fight in a pack though, i usually singled them out when i activated the God Hand Fever because their range is so AIDS!!!!!

but i love the aesthetic, some of the levels particularly in the cave were looking samey up until the end but they were nice and varied and didnt feel like i was purely going down a hallway all the time atleast. Thank god there was no nonlinear puzzle stage or some shit, that wouldve given me a hernia

But yeah the writing is fun and inherently really simple, the moves are incredibly fun to use, theres some dope ass bosses you can deal with and all in all its just a REALLY good time that humbles you and then immediately has you on a power-high when youve jusT KNOCKED ALL THEM BITCHES OUT WITH FUCKING SHAOXLIN B L A S T AHAHAHHAHAHH
play it.
hell, i played it on normal mode so its probably infinitely more accessible in easy mode
Easily one of my new favorite games of all time, my favorite character action game on the ps2 and that credits song is the cherry on top
this shit got me to realize that Capcom's most experimental shit is probably exactly what im looking for in video games
No longer do i just seek games that are weird as hell
but now also dope as Fuck.

People keep talking about life changing stuff while this is the opposite that just makes you appreciate whatever you are doing in your life at this very moment. I mean you chose to play this game, it is all downhill from here so just enjoy it while it lasts! Addictive and challenging combat, cheesy but still excellent humour and quipping: There are chicks who can piledrive you and you can literally spank them to death! And many more absurd stuff like that. Even if you get bored of that stuff (why would you?) you can gamble in the casino which is addictive too. The casino made me learn how to play poker and even made me bond with my dad who just sits on his ass and watches news all night. The only complain I could give to this game is you can't play the last 11 arena challenges unless you replay the game which is what I am gonna definently going to do. The whole cast dancing to Mazinger influenced theme at the ending credits is just the cherry on top. Must play for everyone in this vast multiverse.


That above was the review I put in 2023, by that point I had gotten all the way to final boss back in 2019-2020 but couldn't beat him no matter how many tries and decided to give up on the game temporarily...hence the shelved status.

Now, as for February 16, 2024. I BEAT GOD HAND WOOHOO! And everything I previously said still applies and only so much fucking more! I love this game to bits goddd what a good piece of kino this is. Mmm-mm. I decided to start over from scratch...I had attempted this before and gotten up to Elvis 1 but not only PCSX2 had it's issues on my previous laptop but I wasn't feeling it.

This time I went back and decided what the hell, let's explore EVERYTHING besides the super optional stuff in the casino area. Afterall, I'll need all the strength I can get to beat up the final boss this time. I played much better this time and game felt easier (also helped that I played on Easy this time unlike Normal back then...or was that also on Easy?).

I arranged a better moveset, especially rapid hitting short animation stuff. Played just much more conciously with all that. Made better use of God Hand and the roulette moves. Paid attention to how hard they hit. And would you believe my previous playthough didn't have a single guard break? I had no idea those were a thing I think, I might've done 'em on occassion but I never though to simply move it to triangle instead of make it a button combo till now (especially helps that I'm playing on a Keyboard and Mouse)

Moving from controller to KBM also helped. Cuz I started this game as a PSN title on PS3, then continue with PCSX2 back then with controller....and now with a KBM as it's much more comfortable for me.

I also made sure every villager was saved and did all the fairy challenges too since I had a better idea on what to do...that familiarty of the game before and my love for it also helped.

I love those Olivia renders, who bathes with an axe? Crazy bitch!

Posion Chihuahuas are pretty cool. They're sorta like this game's Chao...though much like Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, I didn't really care for the racing stuff much. But I atleast checked it once in my 2020 playthrough.

Also can you believe Gene missed out of MVC3 cuz of Amaterasu? What kind of a god screws over another?! Damn you dog, bring him back!

Also if you want something equally as insane, awesome and in the digestable pack of just one game, I also highly recommend Asura's Wrath. Tho that one is more of an interactive anime mostly, it's still fucking awesome. That one I found uncomfortable to play without a controller though. It runs excellent on RPCS3, just make sure you get the Chapter IV DLC for the story to actually have an ending :/

Also the Widescreen and No Blur Patch for God Hand on PCSX2 is beautiful.

So once again, I'd love a Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition Quality Remaster for this...please Capcom? Without Denuvo or Enigma DRM would really be appreciated

The best and most unique action game that I've ever played. It's like playing a cartoon for adults.

Homophobia aside its a pretty good game

Genuinely one of the best feeling action games I've ever played.

My arm is busted from pressing O and it never felt so good

IGN Pigs didn't see the vision

This game is homophobic ✓
This game is sexist ✓
This game is racist ✓
This game is perfect ✓

Shinji Mikami must have smoked copious amounts of crack when he was working on this game, it's a must play if you like crazy action games, truly one a of a kind.

Still the best translation of the beat-em-up genre to 3D.

God Hand não possui puzzles, não possui seções de plataforma, não possui um combate baseado em stats e debuffs, não possui um enredo detalhado e não possui gráficos bonitos, só porque ele não precisa de nada disso. God Hand é, do começo ao fim, uma representação fiel de si mesmo, não tem nada de supérfluo, é um dos melhores exemplos do meu tipo favorito de jogo: aquele que pega uma quantidade pequena de mecânicas e as expande para atingir seu maior potencial. God Hand não é artístico, é apenas um video game. O Clover Studio criou um dos melhores jogos de todos os tempos, e é apenas sobre se divertir enquanto deita bandidos, dominatrixes, demônios e gorilas na porrada.

Good lord what a wild ride this game is. Shinji Mikami was off his rocker when he made this. Maybe one of the hardest games I have ever completed and definitely one of the most over the top. Sad to think we might not ever see a build-a-combo game like this ever again.

Um dos meus favoritos da vida, um jogo que foca 100% na gameplay, que não se leva a sério e só quer se divertir, com um dos combates mais únicos que nenhum outro jogo fez parecido mesmo 16 anos depois, trilha sonora muito memorável e fator replay absurdo, ainda te proporcionando um desafio e tanto nos inimigos e chefes

Tem seus defeitos e eu reconheço isso, mas no que God Hand foca ele manda bem pra caralho, o resto é só detalhe.

Clássico do Playstation 2

voce sabe que o mundo é um lugar injusto quando esse jogo nunca recebeu uma continuaçao

que obra prima pqp esse jogo é incrivel e eu recomendo a todo mundo que tenha a oportunidade de jogar, uma reliquia de sua epoca e um dos melhores jogos de açao de todos os tempos

mikami can't keep getting away with it

This game oozes so much pure virile red-blooded male energy that, after playing it, I can sell vials of my sweat to bodybuilders as a suitable substitute for steroids.

This game is fantastic. While the tank controls can take a little getting used to, once you get the hang of it the gameplay is the most fun and ridiculously fun combat in pretty much any videogame. The combat is tactile but also packs a punch. The ability to customize your moves allows for even more depth, with you being able to change out pretty much any move for another. The story, characters, and bosses are cool. I find myself coming back to this games just to experience the combat.

Cuando le digo a mi padre que no quedan cervezas

When you finish a game in a single sitting, you know it's good.

I haven't seen many games with as much depth as this. Peak gameplay

There's a legitimate argument that this is the best action game ever made. A ton of depth, dynamic difficulty system that gets harder as you get better, wacky ass context sensitive actions and so many different movesets to try and enemy encounters to test them out on. It's just straight peak.

Genuinely insane how this game has been passed over by so many people when it should be the blueprint.

tf goin on in chicago cuh 🤣🤣

One of my favourite character action games. I really want some God Hand inspired games...

If only this was a breakout hit and we had 100 "God Hand-Likes"

Shinji Mikami literally shows up and revolutionizes a genre every time he makes a new game.