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Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
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If I had to pick a favorite out of the first 3 Metal Gear games it would definitely be Metal Gear Solid. I love Metal Gear Solid 2 for its story and new mechanics. I love Metal Gear Solid 3 for it's setting and characters. Finally I love Metal Gear Solid for pretty much everything. The story is amazing, there are many characters with their own stories and motivations. The setting is amazing, Alaska was a great location due to it's beauty and it's culture. Then the pacing is pretty much perfect, there were no slow points or parts where I got stuck.

This game is fantastic. While the tank controls can take a little getting used to, once you get the hang of it the gameplay is the most fun and ridiculously fun combat in pretty much any videogame. The combat is tactile but also packs a punch. The ability to customize your moves allows for even more depth, with you being able to change out pretty much any move for another. The story, characters, and bosses are cool. I find myself coming back to this games just to experience the combat.

Really great game, sort of a 3D Metroidvania if you think about it. Has a lot of charm a personality, and the gameplay is fun as hell. This game is just sprawling with secrets that you will use in subsequent play throughs. The game is pretty short, but I'd rather have that than a game that just drags on for too long. Overall pretty solid