Reviews from

in the past

At its core, a straightforward STG brimming with variety. 16 ship all with different abilities, requiring you to approach the same situations in different ways, leading to more replayability than a lot of games can claim.

The Counter and Break mechanics aren't necessarily new to the genre but are well implemented and make taking risks feel very rewarding. Nothing quite like deleting all the bullets on the screen for a big score bonus.

Multiple difficulties and modes of play help to keep things fresh as you go through, Unlimited mode leading to absurd amounts of bullets on screen.

A very strong point is the mission mode doubling as a tutorial for several of the missions, helping you learn the mechanics and some tricks for survival.

1CC'd with all characters, all achievements obtained.

A generic anime-inspired bullet-hell shooter kind of thing. The 20 or so minutes it took me to finish it were ok.

Only recommended to those who really enjoy the sub-sub-niche mentioned above.

I enjoyed this ride quite a lot. Grinding up difficulties is fun. And we get more from GM from its initial release.
One thing I want to mention I kinda feel like the enemy variation is slightly weaker than in other shmups but I mean doesn’t change the fact that I enjoyed it and will return…..all few years maybe.

Like the first one except better

letting grazing account for something deeper than points feels like a missing link w these kinds of games. im sure this is already a mechanic in a dozen other danmaku joints but from the ones ive played this feels particularly fresh. great music and cute character designs, nonsense story, all im here for. good time.

Wonderfully beginner friendly, great gameplay-based incentive for playing dangerously, silly characters, and just generally cute all around.

As a casual player, pretty good! Very beginner friendly in a way where you're still learning a lot on easier difficulties. Lots of playable characters and playstyles which vary things up a lot. Sometimes you'll be playing a character that will wipe everything and other times you'll be getting surrounded waiting for the split second you can use your graze counter, it feels great! I'll probably return to get the Capitulation achievement when I've gotten my skills up a bit.

Wonderful STG with plenty of difficulty options for different skill levels. Good for teaching how to graze bullets in other STGs.