Reviews from

in the past

This was lame quite frankly.

Gordon, Alyx and Barney escape City 17.

There, I said everything you need to know about the game.

But other than that, its just a somewhat functionnal map pack, minus an exceedingly shitty final segment that presents itself as a game and a narrative follow up to Half Life 2.

While the wait for Half Life 3 has been insane, I cant imagine waiting two years for this after HL2, being treated to this, and coming up satisfied.

It's cliffhanger ending really hasnt changed anything from the ending of HL2.

Quite frankly, the characters could have been teleported out and we'd be at the same result.

The worst part about hl2 except with no interesting gimmicks

The only part I can say I fully enjoyed was the start of the game where you go back to the citadel and mess around with the super fun powered gravity gun some more

There's nothing too impressive in Episode One, and there's also a slight lack of polish that made this game more annoying to deal with on occasion. It's a solid continuation of the previous game's events, but it's left me hoping that Episode 2 will deliver the awesome moments this game was lacking.

Não curti tanto o ep 1, achei só mais do mesmo com historinha nova, achei que foi colocado muita armadilha pra morrer.
Bem desnecessário jogar esse ep.

The weakest in the saga, but still pretty enjoyable.


when i was young i dropped it, i dunno why, i was 20 minutes away from finishing it, but this felt like the worst parts of half life 1 combined into a pseudo DLC type of separate game that you can finish in one sitting, thankfully alyx accompanies you throughout the game otherwise it would be really boring

my favorite of the half life 2s

It's a well made expansion to the HL2 world, following the events of the HL2 ending, but outside of that it's definitely not as memorable as HL2, and outside of achievements I probably won't come back to this game as much as HL2. Still fun though and worth playing as it's only 2 and a half - 3 hours long

Honestly, this didn't do much for me. There's a fairly strong middle section that utilises the flashlight for some fun and tense scenarios, but the opening and closing sections are quite dull. Alyx is a fun character, but her survivability feels a little ridiculous. Sure, Gordan shouldn't have got through the original Half-Life, but as the player I've seen that his success was only possible with the loading of MANY quicksaves, and thus the unlikeliness of his success is properly conveyed and justified. Alyx's invincibility renders her a non-factor, and as such it's hard to buy this as a joint adventure.

(+MMod) É curto, mas mostra o resultado da explosão e estabelece a base pra sua sequência. Tem ótimas ideias mas engaja de verdade na metade, com uma das melhores fases e músicas do jogo. Alyx tem expressões impressionam até hoje (assim como as de outros NPCs principais do jogo) e contrasta muito bem com o silêncio de Gordon. Ela é uma das melhores companions dos jogos.

Sobre o MMod: Além dos gráficos, ele melhora principalmente o gunplay e adicona mais armas. Balanceando as configurações entre fidelidade e novidade, é possível alcançar uma experiência fiel e modernizada ao mesmo tempo. Recomendo!

The dark sections go on a bit too long and the ending escort mission is pretty poorly designed but I love the aesthetic of this game so much.

Very good expansion to Half Life 2. It doesn't add much to the main lore other than Gordon and Alyx trying to get out of City 17 to then start Episode 2.

You're going to spend it in dark areas and the flashlight is still next to the running bar. It wears out pretty quickly in that regard.
The reactor area is a bit confusing, if you get lost there at least I consider it normal.

But it's a very good expansion just the same. It's more Half Life 2 more focused on narrow areas and it's more linear than the original Half Life 2, not to mention it's also shorter.

At least it advances the story substantially. Nonetheless, there's nothing new or noteworthy here.

O elevador 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

"Tell me, Dr. Freeman, if you can. You have destroyed so much. What is it, exactly, that you have created? Can you name even one thing? I thought not."

Short, but so sweet. I just wish I had played it sooner. Just like the initial game, this expansion keeps the atmosphere immersive, combat fantastic, and just being an amazing game. I did feel that this expansion had its slow parts however. I felt the game took a second to get going at the beginning, and I felt there was a little too many scenes of just standing around talking, for the mechanics of this game. But those are just minor complaints, as I had a ton of fun with this episode. Can't wait to start the second one.

I cannot tell a lie: this is not as good as HL2, but the blue gravity gun is one of the most gratifying experiences in gaming.

The first 2 chapters are just Portal with Combine soldiers, being more "puzzle"-focused and you fight using only the gravity gun. The setting reminded me heavily of Portal 2, which is certainly not a bad thing.

I also liked how we see more of Alyx and her relationship with Gordon. There was a certain moment at the end of chapter 2 where we really see how human and vulnerable she is and not just her heroic side we only see in HL2.

The third chapter was a straight up horror game. Most of the chapter you're in the dark with only your meager flashlight and a couple of flares scattered here and there, and you actually have to point your flashlight on the zombies so that Alyx can shoot them, which was a nice touch to be honest.

A side-note here; the addition of the Aux power in HL2 was somewhat weird, as it tied the flashlight, the sprint and the underwater breathing to the same power source. While it certainly gave the HEV suit a more organic and realistic feel, and I really didn't have a problem with it in HL2, the problem becomes more pronounced in the third chapter as you'll have to juggle your use of the flashlight and sprint, resulting sometimes in you having to stand still for a couple of seconds so you can continue your killing spree.

The other 2 chapters are just more of the same as HL2 with the same problems of repetition and reusing the same bosses. Although the last 20 minutes or so was maybe one of the best moments in HL2 as a whole.

Also, the zombine joke is pretty hilarious.

Not as good as the what came before, but not horrible either. From just reading reviews people seem to have a lot of distain for this episode but I though all together it was a fun little journey; while being, yes, more or a transitionary game to episode two, this still hold merit and is well put together.

Still need to finish this, I know it won't take a while. But is it even worthy? I know it's gonna end with a cliffhanger with Episode 2, and since I'm mentally preparated for the Golden Sun one, idk with Half-Life. Sure, there'll be Alyx. Y'know, a VR game.

everything was good except for the part where you escort citizens and have to run back and forth like 6 times

Yeah I mean...It's just more Half-Life 2 and nothing more I guess?

It's just a continuation of the story and yeah, it still is fun to play. I just don't understand why they needed to make this one so short, and why not just make a longer part 2 and call it Half-Life 2: Part Two or something...Because these Episode One and Two titles are so fucking confusing I swear to god.

It's cool! Short but sweet and still fun, wasn't a fan of the escorting dudes part but that's it really. Excited to see where alyx and gordon's adventure leads though..

Finishing the game with one bullet was pretty cool

It was alright, a quaint collection of set pieces- though I would've liked some amount of break in between. The relentless assault was a bit exhausting but overall short and sweet.