Reviews from

in the past

It's not surprising that the short-length escape from City 17 is less impressive in scope and novelty compared to its prequel, but it's slightly disappointing. Apart from some of the repetitive sequences (pushing cars over ant piles, escorting civilians) Episode One still has some truly great level design and encounters that carry over from the previous games.

Yo creo que tendría que ser ilegal jugar al half-life 2 y no jugar a los dos episodios también.

I've always considered episode 1 and 2 part of the Half Life 2 experience. Easily one of the best games ever made.

Primer juego que termino en 2021.

Esta bueno el primer episodio, no le llega al juego base, pero esta buenardo.

I think it's the lesser of the two episodes, but it does feel more in line with the content of the original game.

A great continuation to a great game.

Sin ideas originales con respecto al Half-Life 2 aparte de tener a una compañera invencible que te ayuda a matar a bichos, este episodio es poco memorable. Es de apreciar que al menos sea corto y vaya cambiando de ideas como hacia el original. Lo mejor, que esté diseñado para pasarte el juego sin disparar un arma (yo mismo lo pensaba mientras lo hacía, pero es que me gusta mucho la escopeta).

Pretty cool 2 and a half hour cutscene

Basicamente uma DLC do Half Life 2, que continua contando a história de HL2. Recomendo jogar para quem gostou do original

A fine follow up to the base game. Sadly some parts weren't as interesting, especially with the reuse of the power box puzzles throughout. And the new zombies introduced here are really annoying to take down, given they have tons of health, rush at you really fast, and use grenades. Kind of busted, I feel.

Still, a fun time as anything in this game would be.

While not as good as 2, it still introduces new mechanics and iterates upon what 2 setup. Good gaem

This is essentially Half-Life 2, but even better in my opinion! The game is divided into different distinct sections, and all of them have a different game feel to them. While there are no vehicle sections, that is more than made up for by the flow that this game had. I completed this game in one single sitting without taking any breaks. A game that lets you do that is incredible in my books. The final battle against a Strider is also one of the best fights in the Half-Life series. Simply amazing!

The shortest and the worst of the quadrilogy. It's poorly paced and most of the time is just playing around with the gravity gun which I've already done more than enough in the previous game. Also the weakest in level design and set pieces. Still good if you liked the first games but kinda more on the boring side.

Bah, nem sei oq dizer... não acontece muita coisa na real. Toma um 7 só pq eu gosto do jogo

Pretty good but weak at some parts

Great extension of the Half Life 2 story, nicely ties up some loose ends from the first one and sets up for the sequel.

definitely ranked at the lowest of the three (that being hl2, ep 1, ep 2). no part of this dlc reaches heights the base game does, and it doesn't have the impact epsiode 2 does. it's not bad, just ok. some gimmicks that are fun i guess, but nothing you'll really remember. also, the citizen escort is so easy now why did i struggle with it so hard as a kid? they give you infinite ammo for your most powerful weapon

A fun expansion to the base half-life 2, but as someone whos least favorite part was ravenholm, making a whole game based around headcrabs and zombies is not really my cup of tea.

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it starts with one thing i dont know why it doesnt even matter how hard you try

mfw all the hostages are dead

Just to be safe I'm going to give this a 4 and a half since I haven't played it in a bit. While this isnt a bad game, its great, its just not as good as the other two from the half life 2 trilogy. The thing that half life 2 and its episodes do incredibly well is atmosphere, this game has one hell of an atmosphere, especially in the enclosed areas. Its the worst out of all 3 half life 2 games, but is still incredibly good and a must play.