Reviews from

in the past

This felt like the first standalone DLC game released by Sony where they took it seriously and gave it a budget. Fun stuff.

Really awesome standalone title for inFamous 2 with a halloween-themed/horror-based narrative (similar to Red Dead Redemption's Undead Nightmare). Lots of cool new powers too.

I knew going into this that it was never gonna reach the height that inFAMOUS 2 gave me, and I was right.
It's not a bad game not by a long shot, but it is a very forgettable DLC.

In concept adding vampires to your game sounds really cool, and for inFAMOUS that sounds even cooler. Thinking about all the cool vampier powers you could have or hell maybe it could tie in with the karma system; well it doesn't. You're only vampier powers are flying for a short time and Arkham vision.

I mean it's still inFAMOUS 2 so the combat is still a whole lot of fun, but overall I beat it in like 1 hour and 30 minutes and I have no reason to come back to it.
So overall it's just a pretty forgettable DLC.

Divertidinho pra dar uma brincada, mas só.

this was actually pretty fun, and a super interesting take on the franchise. like infamous already has such a cool concept with its power system, so the staff of sucker punch must have been high as hell suggesting turning cole into a vampire!

isso deveria ter sido um jogo gigante, bom demais!

For a DLC, this offers a lot more inFAMOUS for those who're looking for it. The story and theme is kind of cool but I'll admit I lost interest after a little while. The new powers that were added were pretty neat. To be honest I put a lot of hours into this only because my inFAMOUS 2 disc broke and I just wanted to play some inFAMOUS

Short but sweet. Surprisingly feature rich.

Better than infamous 2, still not as good as infamous 1.

Dont remember much about this game, just know i played it.

final fight was lame, but other than that, a fun little experience

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If you like Infamous 2, you'll like this. It's a short yet entertaining "What if" chapter of Infamous 2. And it's the first Infamous game to date to feature flight as a superpower.

I don't remember anything about this game aside from turning into a vampire which I thought was fucking awesome.

I barely remember this, all I really remember is that it was decent enough just being more inFamous 2, but nothing really to write home about.

A super fun side experience, though annoying at points.

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It ends with a Thriller gag.

Genuinley a great story, as someone that was scared of Bloody Mary as a kid it was really theraputic to beat her ass.

Fun and enjoyable side story.

Infamous 2 is a fantastic game in itself. This is a stand alone thing but most people see it as a DLC and that’s what I saw it as at first as well.

Yes it does reuse part of the map and reuse some powers but it changes the whole atmosphere, adds a fun new power and new enemies to fight.

It being dark and gritty is a cool thing to see during the festival of blood and gives it a horror during mardi gras vibe which I like.

The new flight ability is cool and something we hadn’t been able to truly do in an infamous game. (I just wish in the online creator missions you could edit it where it lasts forever)

The vampires are fine to fight against. It’s something different from the regular enemies in the base game.

The story is fine because this is just a non canon piece of content. Not anything crazy. (Just a made up story Zeke is telling)

Although I wish the final battle was more thought out then what we got.

Overall I really liked this and was very memorable. Also the very last scene was pretty funny.

A very thoroughly enjoyable stand-alone DLC that felt intriguing and fun while not being too hard. The writing is humorous and has a few good chuckles. Overall for a 2011 DLC I’d say it still holds up pretty well. Once your eyes adjust to the 30fps a bit it’s a good experience.

It's hard to care about non-canon content. Why should I play this over infamous 2? It sounds like the gameplay here is nearly identical.

The graphics are somewhat underwhelming for PS3 standards.

Conteúdo perfeito pra fã, dlc divertida demais, história e todo o aspecto do jogo muito criativo. MUITO FODA!


A fun premise with some cool new powers like flying as a swarm of bats. It's in the same spirit as Undead Nightmare but is held back a little by its short length and mundane plot. Still, it's a fun experience at a little over 2 or 3 hours.

Crazy concept but lots and lots of fun. Could've been a bit longer though.

This game is underrated, let me explain why.
First there's the little extras you get, fifteen year old me was so happy spending 7.99, getting a little open world vampire game (about 4 hours long + infinite user-generated missions), system themes and PlayStation Home content, that's just a good deal.
But moreover, we just don't get things like this anymore. Compare this to inFamous: First Light, a game that locks you into only one of the four ability types from the base game (Second Son), and only a chunk of the map, with a campaign that's about the same length as this game, and it costs almost double the price that this does (14.99). This game, on the other hand, not only adds a really unique twist to the style and genre of the series, but also adds legitimately interesting and different gameplay mechanics (finding hidden vampires, hidden text, the ability of powered flight), as well as interesting new enemies and combat mechanics (some enemies only dying when being staked, shadow swarm etc). It also gets rid of the Karma system which always felt a bit like baggage on the series anyway so take from that what you will.
This isn't just a good DLC this is a good standalone product by itself, unlike things like First Light.