Reviews from

in the past

There is a question mark. It's very important.

A fine platformer on the DS with nice visuals and consistent difficulty about 3/4ths of the way through and then for some reason youll get thrown some curveball levels thatre MOTHERFUCKERS to get used to
But when you master the branchy vine things in this game you feel like a god
..unless theres a boulder
... or you miss a line
or Ivy just fucking phases through your shit-spackled tight rope weaving because sometimes its smooth coasting and then other times she'll suddenly be a pixel too high when climbing OR JUST-
Controlling something thats constantly moving is pretty much like taking lightning in a bottle and trying to get it to do tricks
Also why was there a sticker on the box that says "From the creator of sonic" like yeah its gonna get people to play it more if they immediately pair this in their heads with sonic but idk it feels unnecessary unlike how Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg was made by sonic team and wanted people to know it so that didnt bomb

Play the American release, it has some colors. For some reason the Japanese version is completely sepia, no color at all.

How is the audio bitrate is so low? If I heard someone playing this in the other room I'd genuinely think they were playing a Flash game. Were they aiming for a WiiWare release, and switched to disc too late in the development process to remaster the music? Is this just another case of Yuji Naka's Wii projects getting screwed over by publishers?

I didn't expect to fall in love with a physics-focused, Power-the-Animal-titled Yuji Naka platformer but here I am. This is an amazingly simple concept that is executed as well as it possibly can be. Well, outside of the incredibly bad audio quality and the very boring sepia blocks that make up all of every level.

You might play the first few chapters and see your extra life count hit double digits and think to yourself "man, this game has no teeth." Don't worry. Around chapter 8 or so it will bite your dick off.

Too bad Naka is a convicted felon, now. His best mascot platformer needs to be rereleased with a CD-Audio quality soundtrack. And maybe a few more tiles in the tileset.

Gradually engaging character guiding journey with a fantastic art-style and an incredible skill gap unlike any I’ve seen in this genre.

Perfectly cute game, a bit simple but I think that works to its strengths.

On the one hand, this is a highly underrated piece of Yuji Naka history that deserved a better fate than complete obscurity and I think Ivy the Kiwi is his most charming post-Sega creation.

On the other hand, this game goes from "fun" to "complete bullshit" pretty fuckin' fast and playing this game in its native DS resolution is A Nightmare. Thanks to this game, I now hate cartoon pterosaurs and the concept of pushing boulders.

The game looks amazing, like unironically, the artstyle is one of the best i ever saw...but, my god, the game is unplayable

the concept is super simple : you create vine platform in real time, while ivy walk non stop, and you have to navigate him with those platform, by bouncing him or just by allowing him to walk over obstacle. problem is: i found that the hitbox of the vine are too small, so you can create unecessary platform by accident, that might obstruate the path that you tryed to create, and mess your timing up

doesnt help that ivy walk quite fast, and the game is, to me at least, unplayable ( i played both the wii and mobile version, and both as the same problem)

definition of amazing concept, but poor execution...a shame, cause the game is ruined by a issue that can be so easely fix

so hard :')

cute cgs but the actual levels look ugly... doodlejump core.

Very VERY basic wii game. Honestly it feels like a mobile game that was brought over to the wii for some reason (which it honestly might be). It's probably more fun as a pick up and play sort of thing for mobile phones, but on console the experience is a lot more dull. It doesn't particularly do anything WRONG per se, its just that it's an extremely unremarkable game, all things considered. The concept of the game is just around guiding a bird that automatically moves forward by placing rope bridges around it to help it not die. The level designs are okay and do their job, but again the just level to level gameplay of this really just feels kinda cheap. Honestly I expected more from Yuji Naka, but I guess simplistic games is kinda what he strives for in design.

Hidden gem of my childhood. Short and sweet.